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BPO Medical Forum => Medical Conditions & Diseases => : Lyn December 29, 2006, 10:00:52 AM

: Sewer Breath *GAG*, Weird Tongue Problem. Update! Back From The Vet.
: Lyn December 29, 2006, 10:00:52 AM
I don't know what the heck is going on but Lola's breath is horrid.. it smells like sewage. Nasty! At first I assumed it was because she was teething. I looked in her mouth and her teeth all look fine. No plaque buildup, no retained baby teeth.. no nothing.  ???

What also worries me is that about the time that the sewer breath started she also started sticking her tongue out. It just hangs out of her mouth, whether she's sleeping or awake and it dries out like and feels like leather. If you lift her lips up she isn't closing her mouth completely. She can close her jaws tight.. but it's like her tongue is too long and it folds up behind her front teeth. It's just odd..

She also has a raised 'spot' in the roof of her mouth right behind her front teeth. Let's see if I can explain it. It's like thickened skin. I've pressed on it and it doesn't bother her. Maybe an old injury? Scar tissue? It's the same color as the rest of her mouth. I'll have to see if I can get a pic. I'm not sure if that has anything to do with this tongue thing or not. But her tongue would be pressing against that spot.

I know the sewer breath could be related to tummy issues.. poor digestion. Maybe digestive enzymes would help in the meantime? I give them to Bubba so I have some here already.

Has anyone encountered anything like this? We are taking her to the vet after New Years but I just thought I'd run it by you all and see what you think.  :)
: Re: Sewer Breath *GAG* And Weird Tongue Problem.
: Lyn December 29, 2006, 10:48:04 AM
Ok I did some searching and found this stuff so far..

'Drop jaw syndrome' Doubtful since her jaw is only open a crack. The pics I saw the jaw was hanging open and didn't seem to affect the tongue.
'Rabies'.. extremely doubtful.. thank god!
'Improper Tooth Alignment' Possible, since it seemed to co-inside with her teething but her teeth look straight to me. I guess even one slightly out could cause a problem.

I'm going to searching now because I'm freaking myself out. LOL
: Re: Sewer Breath *GAG* And Weird Tongue Problem.
: schelmischekitty December 29, 2006, 11:09:15 AM
sure hope you find out what's going on!  sheeba has horrible breath and butt stink, not gas, her butt just stinks, but her tongue is always wet.  let us know!
: Re: Sewer Breath *GAG* And Weird Tongue Problem.
: Lyn December 30, 2006, 09:47:14 AM
I never even thought of a deep abcess since it looks 'healed'. Makes since though.. the smell is horrible. My stomach litterally turns when she breaths on me. So I can just imagine how bad it tastes to her. Bleh!  :(

The vet is probably going to have to knock her out for this since she barely holds still long enough for me to look in her mouth. He's going to check her teeth too and possibly take an x-ray to check her jaw alignment. :(

Right now I'm waiting on for someone to cancel an appointment. :( He's completely booked up until the second week in January. No room to even squeeze me in like he usually does. Before and after christmas is just crazy there... go figure. ::)

As soon as I can get her in there, I'll let you all know what he says.  ;)
: Re: Sewer Breath *GAG* And Weird Tongue Problem.
: Lyn December 30, 2006, 07:08:35 PM
Woohoo! I think my vet got tired of me calling and pestering him. LOL :D I'm to call at 10am Tuesday and they will see about squeezing us in.

Also... I re-checked Lola's teeth (she was crashed out snoring.. lol) and I compared her teeth placement to Bubba's (I know, I know.. but I didn't have anything better to do and they were sleeping side by side so it was easy.. :D ) and her teeth 'fit' the same way Bubba's do. So I must be on glue. haha

Ohhh edit.. I found pics for the breed stardard.. Compared to those Bubba has a scissor bite.. Lola's is a even bite.

Still doesn't explain why her tongue hangs out all the time though. I don't think an infection would cause her to do that. ???
: Re: Sewer Breath *GAG* And Weird Tongue Problem.
: Krystal_00 December 31, 2006, 11:09:19 AM
im curious to where you found the breed standard to compare lola's teeth to? id love to take a look at it, since some of macks teeth are pretty out of whack.
: Re: Sewer Breath *GAG* And Weird Tongue Problem.
: shangrila December 31, 2006, 11:14:51 AM
Still doesn't explain why her tongue hangs out all the time though. I don't think an infection would cause her to do that. ???

Zoey's mouth hangs out all the time too - whether she's sleeping or awake, her tongue is always out
: Re: Sewer Breath *GAG* And Weird Tongue Problem.
: Lyn December 31, 2006, 02:28:00 PM
im curious to where you found the breed standard to compare lola's teeth to? id love to take a look at it, since some of macks teeth are pretty out of whack.

Here's the link.. It just shows the proper bite not each tooth though. It covers everything from head to tail with pictures. :D

I compared Lola's teeth to Bubba's since he has a proper scissior bite. After I posted lastnight I got hubby to look and he thinks Lola's bottom jaw is turned to the left a bit. ??? Definitely weird and hopefully it's nothing serious. The vet did say that even just one mis-aligned tooth can throw their jaw out of whack.

shangrila, Lola's tongue is droopy. Like it's numb. I don't know how else to explain it. :( It's not like that all the time though. I'd say about 85% of the time.
: Re: Sewer Breath *GAG* And Weird Tongue Problem.
: Lyn December 31, 2006, 02:51:53 PM
Here's a good shot of what I mean about Lola's tongue. In this pic she's actually biting it.  :(
: Re: Sewer Breath *GAG* And Weird Tongue Problem.
: Lyn December 31, 2006, 03:21:57 PM
I know!! My little puppy is gone!

The last vet visit she had was for her last needles. She's been healthy as a horse until this..

The tongue thing started during teething for sure. I'd say mid way through. I think I've posted about it before somewhere. lol. I'll look and see if I can find it. Her breath has also been bad since teething started but I know their breath can get a little funky during teething.. that and she was a poop eater. So I didn't think much of it then.

The lump in the roof of her mouth I just noticed recently when I fishing around in there for a piece of plastic that she took off with. Then I noticed the smell and I know she has not eaten any poop in the past couple weeks. Then I knew something for sure was going on.. So that's when I called my vet and posted here.  ;)

I'm a nervous wreck. :( I'll be glad once Tuesday finally arrives. *Crossing my fingers they can squeeze us in*
: Re: Sewer Breath *GAG* And Weird Tongue Problem.
: Lyn December 31, 2006, 03:25:34 PM
Ah ha! I found my old post. She was almost 5 months old when the tongue thing started.,12464.0.html
: Re: Sewer Breath *GAG*, Weird Tongue Problem. Update! Going To The Vet Today.
: Lyn January 08, 2007, 08:16:06 AM
Lola's vet appointment is today at 3pm. I'll let you all know how it's goes.  ;)
: Re: Sewer Breath *GAG*, Weird Tongue Problem. Update! Going To The Vet Today.
: PennyK January 08, 2007, 08:30:54 AM
Hoe all goes well!
: Re: Sewer Breath *GAG*, Weird Tongue Problem. Update! Going To The Vet Today.
: Anakalia January 08, 2007, 09:19:24 AM
Good luck today Lyn!   :)
: Re: Sewer Breath *GAG*, Weird Tongue Problem. Update! Going To The Vet Today.
: schelmischekitty January 08, 2007, 10:03:25 AM
good luck!  i hope all goes well, don't forget to update us!  just a thought, IF it is an abscess, she might keep her tongue out because the rubbing would irritate it?
: Re: Sewer Breath *GAG*, Weird Tongue Problem. Update! Going To The Vet Today.
: Lyn January 08, 2007, 10:18:31 AM
Thanks! I'm a tad worried. :( That's what I get for googling her symptoms. I didn't help when I ended up with such a wide range of possibilities.

schelmischekit ty, That's possible. Also her front teeth don't fit together tightly so there is a decent gap, enough for her tongue to fit through. I tried to get a pic but she won't let me. LOL I'm thinking there is a tooth in the back or near the back that's stopping her jaw from closing tight even though everything appears normal to me. I really don't know what I'm looking for.

I'm just hoping my hubby is home from work in time for her appointment. I need him to help me hold her still, I don't want to sedate her unless we absolutely have to.

Edit to add a pic... Here I am all worried.. and here's Lola's take on it on all this. haahah
: Re: Sewer Breath *GAG*, Weird Tongue Problem. Update! Going To The Vet Today.
: aggghgmom January 08, 2007, 10:35:47 AM
I'm sorry Lola is having yucky breath issues - but I must tell you she is the CUTEST baby!!

I hope the vet finds the problem and it is very simple to correct - please let us know how she makes out.

Randy & Harley
: Re: Sewer Breath *GAG*, Weird Tongue Problem. Update! Going To The Vet Today.
: Anakalia January 08, 2007, 10:40:05 AM
Awww Lola's such a cutie!!  I know it's so easy to worry, but hopefully it's nothing.  As for the bad breath, Koby's breath has been NASTY lately!  I've caught him eating rabbit and or squirrel poo out in the yard so I'm thinking that's what's causing it.  I'm going to be making him some homemade treats today for bad breath using fresh parsley and mint, I'll let you know if it helps his nasty smellin' mouth!  lol
: Re: Sewer Breath *GAG*, Weird Tongue Problem. Update! Going To The Vet Today.
: Krista I January 08, 2007, 10:52:28 AM
We had a black lab once, and all of a sudden her breath was rank!!  We wanted to puke everytime she breathed on us.  So this went on for about 3 days, so finally when she was sleeping, I took a look inside her mouth, covering my nose with my shirt lol, and discovered she had a piece of wood lodged on the roof of her mouth!  So I gently pulled it out, and her bad doggie breath went away.  Poor girl though, can you imagine how uncomfortable that must have been for her...  The bacteria on the piece of wood must have been what was making it stink so badly.  I hope you can find out what's causing Lola's bad breath.  Let us know asap...  :)
: Re: Sewer Breath *GAG*, Weird Tongue Problem. Update! Going To The Vet Today.
: aggghgmom January 08, 2007, 07:04:41 PM
Any news? I hope all went well!
: Re: Sewer Breath *GAG*, Weird Tongue Problem. Update! Going To The Vet Today.
: Lyn January 08, 2007, 09:10:18 PM
Sorry hubby took over the pc when we got home so I didn't get a chance to post an update.

While we were waiting I thought I'd weigh her.. At 9 months old she weighs 102.8 pounds. So my scale is off by 2-3 pounds.

Well....Appare ntly her breath is not that bad.. to my vet. haha. He checked her lymph nodes (sp), her teeth and looked down her throat. Nothing abnormal. So either it went away on it's own or what smells bad to me is normal to him. LOL He said that we could sedate her and check farther down her esophagus with a scope but he didn't think it was necessary. He also mentioned kidney disease could cause bad breath too. But she didn't have any of the other major symptoms.

The raised spot in the roof of her mouth isn't an abcess. He said she was probably born with it and it's nothing to worry about. He also manipulated her jaw and he's said it feels normal and moves normally. She just has a bad bite. Her adult teeth came in slightly offset. No fixing that unless we pull out all her teeth. haha

And the tongue issue I was freaking out over is nothing more than her tongue is too long! What's even funnier is that hubby had mentioned that to me and I thought he was on dope. LOL But when the vet pushed her tongue back in her mouth it folded behind her front teeth and she pushed it right back out. :D He's said it's actually quite common.. that's a new one to me. The times where she seems to lack control of her tongue he said is probably from her biting it. But he made note of it her file so we are going to keep an eye on it.

So needless to say I feel like a tool. Talk about a paranoid mom. haha. 

He mentioned also as we were getting ready to leave that he's seen some really bad tempered Saints lately. :( It's sad what byb's are doing to the breed. But he did comment on how sweet Lola was, so I was happy. She's came a long way since we brought her home.
: Re: Sewer Breath *GAG*, Weird Tongue Problem. Update! Going To The Vet Today.
: LibbyP January 08, 2007, 09:38:14 PM
Glad you waited to see your 'good' vet. Very glad to hear Lola is is perfect put your mind at ease alittle for now  :)
: Re: Sewer Breath *GAG*, Weird Tongue Problem. Update! Back From The Vet.
: Lyn January 09, 2007, 08:00:46 AM
I'm really glad I waited, even though I was stressing out. :D

But I'm still laughing about her tongue being too long. My son said 'Maybe she will grow into it' hahaha I told him I didn't know. So he said to ask you all. :D

Her new nickname is going to be Lola Gene.. as in Gene Simmons from Kiss. LOL Remember this pic... The long tongue makes much more sense now. hhahaaha

: Re: Sewer Breath *GAG*, Weird Tongue Problem. Update! Back From The Vet.
: Anakalia January 09, 2007, 08:44:23 AM
HAHAHAHAHAA!!  OMG I love Lola's tongue, great pic Lyn!  I'm so glad everything went great at the vet.  I'm a lot like you if I think something's wrong with my furbabies I can't stop worrying about it until I've had the vet visit, it's always nice to know for sure what the heck's going on! lol 
: Re: Sewer Breath *GAG*, Weird Tongue Problem. Update! Back From The Vet.
: EllieAndBlu January 09, 2007, 10:24:30 AM
The tongue shot is AWESOME....LOL

What a relief all is well with your girl!  That is the best news of the day!
: Re: Sewer Breath *GAG*, Weird Tongue Problem. Update! Back From The Vet.
: mynameislola January 09, 2007, 12:18:15 PM
Ever seen Mr. Winkle's tongue?  Turn the speakers up and prepare to say AWWWWW.
: Re: Sewer Breath *GAG*, Weird Tongue Problem. Update! Back From The Vet.
: Lyn January 10, 2007, 07:51:14 AM
Haha, My vet says I'm too informed sometimes. He was joking. But I usually go in there with a list of tests or possible causes and he will go through them with me and decide what's a possibility, explain procedures.. etc. :D I probably do drive him nuts at times. Like the too long of a tongue thing. The first words out of my mouth were.. "What?! Are you serious?" I thought he was joking. But when he started to show me how her tongue lays when it's completely in her mouth, I knew he was serious. :D So not only does Lola have big ears.. she has a mile long tongue. hahahaha

LOL Bubba's tongue is like Rucky's but he manages to fit it in too. Lola is just odd.. :-\