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BPO General Forum => General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws => : Lyn January 11, 2007, 07:58:10 AM

: Injuries caused by our big paws..
: Lyn January 11, 2007, 07:58:10 AM
Lola thumped me this morning with her tail and I am now left with a large lump on my outer thigh that's bruising more and more by the second. LOL But that got me thinking about all the other injuries Bubba and Lola have so lovingly given me. hahaha

Here's my list..
-Split lip.. (from Lola.. she has a thing for head butting)
-Bloody nose.. (from Lola head butting again.. )
-Broken little toe.. (from Bubba, he loves to stomp on feet)
-Cracked tooth (molar).. (from Bubba smashing his head into the bottom of my jaw smashing my teeth together)
-Broken tailbone.. (that was combination of me stepping over the cat and Bubba pushing his way through as we were going down the rec-room stairs. I ended up falling down 8 or so steps on my butt. By far the most painful and took the longest to heal) Forgot to mention I also had a full cup of hot coffee in my hand that spilled all over me on my way down. Luckily no burns since I take tons of cream in my coffee.. :D
-Black eye.. (from Bubba while he was trying to lay down beside me, I got an elbow in the eye)
-Plus the numerous bruises, scrapes and cuts from them getting the zoomies and crashing into me. :D I always have at least one bruise somewhere. :D

: Re: Injuries caused by our big paws..
: Leah... January 11, 2007, 08:36:36 AM
LOLOLOLOL!!! i am very sorry all that happened to you! BAAAAD saint babies! i have not recieved quite the list of boo-boos as you, but i have had my share of blonde monents! (one of which include me proclaiming my love of under garments right in front of the guy i really like...) but nothing extensive envolving dogs. except getting bit by a Bichon tuesday...

: Re: Injuries caused by our big paws..
: Anakalia January 11, 2007, 08:46:31 AM
OH MY Lyn, you've had some painful injuries from your pups! I have a few scars of my own but ya gotta laugh at it all, it's a part of owning big paws.  The first night we brought Koby home he almost broke Tony's nose, it was bleeding REALLY bad and we thought for sure it was broken! lol  My most painful injuries are from cable burns.  When he was a 120 lbs puppy we would put him outside on a cable so he could do his business, and I'd stay out there to make sure he didn't get hurt.  Well a couple times he got the zoomies, the cable wrapped around my ankles and I went flying!  So I have two cable burn scars on each ankle. Other than that I just have the usual bumps, bruises and scrapes, I also get a lot of welts on my body from tail whippage.  Ahh the joys of owning a big paw! hahahahaa
: Re: Injuries caused by our big paws..
: BarkleysMum January 11, 2007, 08:52:23 AM
Note to self:  stay away from Bubba hehehe

Barkley was a big head bonker, so I've also had fat and cracked lips, and have bitten my own tongue several times due to a head bonk.  He was also a 'pawer' - resulting in bruised eyes and scratched faces.

Anna recently dropped her very heavy bone directly on my toe and broke it.  That was fun!
: Re: Injuries caused by our big paws..
: Blair January 11, 2007, 09:08:39 AM
Ive been pretty lucky so far *knock on wood* but I have gotten a few injuries LOL The ones I get the most is when Grey decides to put his big head on my shoulders then all of a sufdden moves and his boney head smacks me right on the check bone!! Or when he is running around playing nad steps on my foot. The most recent one was when we took him to the park and I was playing with him in an open field, I got him all excited and he was bouncing up and down and jumped up and sctatch me right between the eyes. I had a nice long scratch between my eyes for a few days, it looks pretty darn funny :D
: Re: Injuries caused by our big paws..
: cosmosmama January 11, 2007, 09:54:18 AM
I loved your recount on injuries.  My oh my, you have suffered and Stella.....  a shoulder seperation!!  I couldn't possibly know my injuries since I seem to create my own havoc and then add twelve paws in to that.  All that says is keep 911 on voice dial!
: Re: Injuries caused by our big paws..
: chaos270 January 11, 2007, 10:02:58 AM
Well Kali bit me in the knee so I have a big bruise she hit the nerves so it reallly hurt.  Lacey's caught me a couple of time with teeth.  Kali's given me numerous fat lips.  Both have scratched me.  They've both taken me out by knocking my legs out from me/ jumping into my back.  Kali also gave me a minor concussion when she helped me land head first into frozen ground. Luckily thay haven't gotten me really bad yet.

Our old setter once wrapped the cable from her line around one of my ankles and dragged me fifty ft giving me a nice cut from the cable burn.
: Re: Injuries caused by our big paws..
: Lyn January 11, 2007, 10:14:12 AM
Ouch! Shoulder separation!  :o

Bubba is such a savage. He doesn't know his own strength. He's just finally realizing that he can step over you instead of on you. hahah. Lola is just sneaky. She pretends that she wants to cuddle and then WAM! :D

BarkleysMum, Be prepared now that your toe is broken that Anna will probably seek it out on purpose to step on it. At least that's what Bubba did to me. LOL

Anakalia, Cable burns... Ouch! I feel for Tony too.. I also thought my nose was broken. It bled for quite awhile, I thought the blood was never going to stop flowing. :(

My hubby has got some good ones too, nothing broken though. Quite a few paws to the face. Bubba got him in the eye with a toenail, and so has Lola. The worse one was Bubba with the paw to the family jewels. Buckled him right over.  :D
: Re: Injuries caused by our big paws..
: Anakalia January 11, 2007, 11:54:54 AM
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA A!!  I forgot all about the family jewels until you brought it up!  Now, whenever Tony come home he automatically blocks that area from Koby tail.  Poor Tony's been brought to his knees a few times by Kobys evil tail whip action. hahahaha  And we also warn any male visitors that decide to come over to protect that sensitive area from Koby nose and tail!

More injuries:  Koby tried jumping up on me once and slid his claws down the front of me.  Even through my clothes I had scratches from my chest to lower stomach, that was very painful!  Whenever Tony lays on the floor Koby likes to step on his head and claw at it!  :o  I'm sure there have been many more injuries but my brain is blocking them out at the moment, hmmm... maybe Koby's knocked me in the head too many times, resulting in long and short term memory loss! hahahaa  ;D
: Re: Injuries caused by our big paws..
: EllieAndBlu January 11, 2007, 12:17:32 PM
hahahahahaha - these are cracking me up... cause I am so so feel the pain!

Aside from the usual bumps and bruises... and head-butts... my finger is permanently disfigured from Blu... yep, I have a beautiful pea-sized, hard lump protruding from the side of my ring finger... it appeared 4-years ago. When I first got Blu (my very first dog), I took him for a walk in the park. I had him for just a couple of days at this point...  well I had no idea, his reaction to other dogs would be to take off at full speed in their directions. I guess I should count my blessings he didn't pull my arm out of the socket and that I was able to hold on with all my might... now i find my lumpy finger endearing...lo l

Other than the lumpy finger incident... I broke my arm/spained ankle while walking Blu at my friend's in SC.... however that wasn't his fault... it was all his crazy, clumsy mama's!  ;D
: Re: Injuries caused by our big paws..
: Gracie Belle January 11, 2007, 12:35:44 PM
I'm both laughing and TERRIFIED!!! Also I am really sorry for all the injuries.  OUCH!!!! So far I have not had any injuries (beside a scratch or two) from Gracie.  We have stairs and I actually saw how that could potentially be a problem so the very first thing I taught her and have been 100% consistent about is Gracie must wait at the top of the stairs when someone is walking down them.  Going up is not as big of a deal as she's so slow anyway.  But I just totally could see myself tumbling down when she gets those zoomies and bolts down the stairs. I feel for all of you gals and I'm sure I'll eventually be able to contribute here thought I'm not anxious to.   :-\ 
: Re: Injuries caused by our big paws..
: mynameislola January 12, 2007, 08:06:26 AM
My list:  ankle scars from getting sideswiped by a chained dog, bloody nose from a friend's big paw trying to jump on me as I was bent over to pet, too many tail bruises to count, and a wrenched back from dogs trying to run while attached to me by a short leash.  Only the tail bruises were from my own dog.

Little paw Stella is more dangerous.  Once she gets settled under the covers, I hate to disturb her so I don't move enough at night and wake up sore.  Sometimes.  But she isn't spoiled, oh no.  It's just that 70 degrees is bitterly cold for her.
: Re: Injuries caused by our big paws..
: morph's mom January 12, 2007, 03:02:56 PM
OH wow  where to start...  First off I soooo feel all of your pain.  So far Morph has dropped Smitty to his knees and made him cry (dont tell him that I told you that he will kill me) more than once with his tail.  Morph has taken Mason out at the dog park.  Mase was running across the park and Morph took off after him and jumped and hit him right in the middle of the shoulders with both paws.  Mase wasnt hurt but he sure thought he was dying cause it knocked the wind out of him.  Numerous rope burns and teeth bruises on the hands and arms from Morph acting a fool while he is on the leash. Numerous bloody noses and busted lips from paws to the face.

And the worst one to me was NOT from Morph.  It was from AJ my little 30 lbs Keeshound.  He and I were playing in the house and he was doing zoomies.  He kept running right at me and I kept pushing him back and he would do another lap.  Well since he is soooo fluffy and long haired the last time all I got was hair.  His head slammed right into my bottom jaw and he knocked out my 4 bottom front teeth.  That is all that I can think of right now.  But as far as I am concerned the little paws can be just as dangerous as the big paws.
: Re: Injuries caused by our big paws..
: Gracie Belle January 22, 2007, 02:36:23 PM
I felt so lucky to not have a story for this thread.  Not so much today....  I took a dewclaw to the eye (between my lash and brow) last night.  The boyfriend and me were wrestling around and Gracie wanted to play too.  Well she got me before we could calm her down.  It literally happened the second I started laughing really hard from being tickled.  And go figure it would be on my face too.  I bled like crazy and thank goodness for my boyfriend because I think if I was alone and this had happened I would have fainted from the amount of blood.  Okay so maybe it wasn't as bad as I'm making it sound but I've only experienced one other emergency (broken pinky) in my life.  Of course I know that you bleed a lot when you have a scrape or cut on your head or face but my gosh, knowing that and experiencing it are two totally different things for me. Not to mention I thought I lost an eye and was even acting like it in my boyfriends point of view I’m sure.  So, I'm not sure what is worse.  This horrible cartoon band-aid on my eye or the cut itself....  I only looked at it once (my boyfriend is the one taking care of the bandage for me) and that was enough to make my feel faint.  Oh and Aeryk feels really bad this happened.  I may just milk it a bit….  Or maybe get an eye patch and start talking like a pirate.  ::)   
: Re: Injuries caused by our big paws..
: CalistogaPyr January 22, 2007, 03:08:25 PM
When Bo was about 1 1/2 (and weighing in at over 100 lbs), she jumped up on my mom as she was coming into our house.  Keep in mind, my mom is 5'4" and tiny (and 65).  Bo was so excited to see her grandma, that she jumped up on my mom, knocking her into our (lit) woodstove.  My mom bounced off the woodstove, cracking her rib, and landed @ss-first in the ash bucket, where she got stuck!  She ended up with a huge, circular bruise on her butt along with the cracked rib!  Whoops!! 
: Re: Injuries caused by our big paws..
: schelmischekitty January 22, 2007, 03:35:27 PM
i definately know how the short mom thing goes.  my mom is the same height as me (5'2) and EVERY time she walks into our house the first time, she is bombarded by ALL our dogs, and always ends up knocked against the wall.  not sure what we'll do when she gets too old to handle it (she's 53) and thankfully, she doesn't get too upset over it, i think everybody comes to expect it now.  it's really weird, they only do it to her!  i guess it's the "LOOK it's MEEMEE!" reaction?   ???
: Re: Injuries caused by our big paws..
: Beaux January 22, 2007, 04:11:02 PM

Go with the eye patch! I am totally cracking up now. Sorry! :) heee heee
Beaux sends get well wishes to his mommy. (& kisses)
Kimberly & Beaux
: Re: Injuries caused by our big paws..
: horsepoor21 January 22, 2007, 04:57:16 PM
My three year old son was playing outside the other day and Moose ( who , BTW , is a chronic licker .... lick lick lick)  :P ) was all in poor Rowdy's face trying to kiss him and bumped his face against Rowdy's , leaving a gash next to Rowdy's eye  :-\ Rowdy cried but never got mad , he just tells everyone " Yeahhh ..... Moose was kissin' me and I got hurt " LOL Big Paws make kids tough !  ;D
: Re: Injuries caused by our big paws..
: Kermit January 22, 2007, 07:33:13 PM
Sorry about everybody's injuries, but I must say I'm glad I'm not alone!! ;) At this very moment I have a black eye... thanks to Connor greeting me yesterday morning with a punch in the face.
Also, my front tooth is chipped thanks to Turkey jumping up at me while I was bending down to pet her. ::)

(My other friends don't understand! What's wrong with them?? ;))
: Re: Injuries caused by our big paws..
: Gevaudan_Jo January 23, 2007, 09:27:51 AM
i havent had anything broken,yet (ever in my life to be honest). But i have had my fair share of bruises, black eyes and bloody noses from Zero's big nose hitting me in the face... or, when he jumps up his little fat muscular legs have alot of pressure when u least expect it  ha haa