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BPO General Forum => General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws => : Anky July 08, 2005, 08:33:26 AM

: Evil Foster puppy is gone, and so is the kitty :(
: Anky July 08, 2005, 08:33:26 AM
Well my little visitors are gone.  I'm pretty relieved on all fronts.  First off, the easy one.  The kitten has gone to my mother as a birthday present (And I bought her all new kitty stuff.  I'm not THAT cheap).  She went shopping with my grandmother yesterday and when they went back to the house my mother fell head over heels.  So I'm ecstatic because my mom will take awesome care of her and I'll still get to see her all the time.  I was worried about my dad because he's not really a cat person, but she LOVES him.  When I went to bring the cat stuff she was sleeping on his belly (My dad has a lot of belly to sleep on).  Sanity's pretty upset about losing his kitty.  I guess he walked backwards in front of my mom the whole way to her car fussing and whining.  When I got home he was sniffing where her crate used to be and sighing.  Then he was moping around the house.  It was so sad I wanted to cry.

However when the puppy left no one cried.  It was hard enough to get rid of her.  I was supposed to take her back to the rescue last night.  I was driving to get Matt so he could go with me because I have to drive through some sketchy areas and it was late at night.  I was bringing Sanity with me too so I had a pretty full/protected car.  I was about 5 minutes from the house when the rescue lady informs me she has no room tonight.  Can I bring the puppy tomorrow morning?  I have to be at work at 8:30, I say, and she says "I can meet you in Nashua". 

So we plan on a meeting place and I decide I'll just spend the night at the Nashua house, and meet her at 7:30, which should give me time to get something at Dunkin Donuts for breakfast and get to work (Which is 30 minutes from Nashua).  Well Matt wakes me up at 7:19, the alarm didn't go off.  I throw on my clothes, put Sanity outside (He's the only one that doesn't bark when he's out and therefore doesn't wake the neighbors at ungodly hours), grab the puppy and run out to my car.  And I get there at 7:30 on the dot.  She isn't there.  So I wait.  I call work and tell them I'm gonna be late.  They're awesome and tell me to get there when I can get there, don't worry about it. (Then my boss yells in the background "Not like you do anything anyways!"). She finally shows up at 8:16.  Says puppy looks great, and very happy.  Yay I'm an awesome foster mommy!  Even to demon spawn puppies.

So my saga is over.  Sanity is probably going to go find something to mommy, so I'm sure I'll have something to tell you guys about soon.

: Re: Evil Foster puppy is gone, and so is the kitty :(
: GYPSY JAZMINE July 08, 2005, 10:49:28 AM
Yay!...Your life is back to normal!...Or as I always say what "passes for normal around here"!!
: Re: Evil Foster puppy is gone, and so is the kitty :(
: Gevaudan_Jo July 08, 2005, 12:50:32 PM
LoL hey ang, i think I already read this post on the GDR  :D ;) But anyways, im glad to hear the kitty got a great home and the puppy is outta your hair... Sanity must be so happy the pups not buggin no more..  hehe anyways take it easy
