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Saint Bernards => Saint Bernard Pictures => : Lyn March 05, 2007, 06:52:29 PM

: New Pics of Bubba and Lola..
: Lyn March 05, 2007, 06:52:29 PM
I haven't posted pics in awhile, and since Bubba and Lola both had baths yesterday I thought I'd take some new pics while they are still clean. :D

: Re: New Pics of Bubba and Lola..
: lulu March 05, 2007, 07:16:49 PM
 Wow, those sure are two beautiful puppers you have! and so clean, too!
: Re: New Pics of Bubba and Lola..
: Anakalia March 05, 2007, 08:14:27 PM
OMG!!! Sooo adorable, fresh and clean!  Their faces are soooooo smoochabley cute!  ;D
: Re: New Pics of Bubba and Lola..
: LibbyP March 05, 2007, 08:33:43 PM
HAHAHA she has slingers!!!!! Look at how pretty they are all white and bright ~ they look awesome !!
: Re: New Pics of Bubba and Lola..
: PennyK March 06, 2007, 07:35:01 AM
They look awesome Lyn!  Bubba is really getting a wide head now!  Great looking dogs!
: Re: New Pics of Bubba and Lola..
: ptkennel March 06, 2007, 07:40:30 AM
Beautiful dogs.  I love the slinger pic.
: Re: New Pics of Bubba and Lola..
: Butts Mom March 06, 2007, 07:50:23 AM
They both look great!!! I have been ready to give bathes here,but I figure I better wait until the mud dries up a little more.
: Re: New Pics of Bubba and Lola..
: lorim2 March 06, 2007, 07:56:32 AM
Awesome pics!  They are so d having Marley around I do so appreciate the slingers too!!  I can just see her shaking her head now!!
: Re: New Pics of Bubba and Lola..
: EllieAndBlu March 06, 2007, 07:58:50 AM
They both are so gorgeous!
: Re: New Pics of Bubba and Lola..
: bluskygirl March 06, 2007, 10:06:17 AM
They look great! I just bathed Bella yesterday too. I didn't realize how dirty she really was until she was clean! Your Saints are gorgeous. Have they adjusted back to the way things were before now that its just the two of them? (I've been gone for a while, so you may have posted this already)
: Re: New Pics of Bubba and Lola..
: Rachel March 06, 2007, 10:47:33 AM
Great pictures! They look fabulous and are sooo clean and cute!
: Re: New Pics of Bubba and Lola..
: Lyn March 07, 2007, 07:25:09 AM
They look great! I just bathed Bella yesterday too. I didn't realize how dirty she really was until she was clean! Your Saints are gorgeous. Have they adjusted back to the way things were before now that its just the two of them? (I've been gone for a while, so you may have posted this already)

Things are somewhat back to normal. She is still a bit snarly at times, but just before she lunges she will stare Bubba down. So I've been able to intervein before it gets to that point.

Food is one of her major triggers and I used a handfull of their Innova kibble in order to get them sitting together in the picture. She was a bit snarly at first, but I managed to get her to settle down and focus on me. So she's definitely improving! But that's why she has slingers.. mmmmm Innova. LOL

Thanks all! They may look clean, but they don't smell clean anymore. :( I need to buy a smellier shampoo so they smell clean for more than a day. lol
: Re: New Pics of Bubba and Lola..
: Lyn March 07, 2007, 08:12:29 AM
Bubba is still seperating himself from Lola, I just went looking for him and found him sleeping in our bedroom with the kitty..

The bedroom floor is covered in dog beds, but Bubba prefers to sleep in the corner on a blanket and give the dog bed to the cat. :D And after looking at this pic.. OMG I think my cat is getting fatter. LOL
: Re: New Pics of Bubba and Lola..
: EllieAndBlu March 07, 2007, 08:41:39 AM
I am so glad to hear things are settling down with the pups. It takes awhile for them to fully re-adjust.

The pic of Bubba and kitty is just soooo cute!  I love how he gives up the dog beds to the cat.
: Re: New Pics of Bubba and Lola..
: pitas March 08, 2007, 08:27:26 AM
Gorgeous pics of your puppers!  So clean looking too, I am jealous!  Our 4 desperately need a trip to the groomer.  Glad they seem to be settling in nicely for you.  Keep on posting those adorable pics when you get time.

Anita & the 4 Newfies from NJ
: Re: New Pics of Bubba and Lola..
: jeniferrochelle March 08, 2007, 08:47:43 AM
I love Saint Bernards and I have only had long haired. Do your guys shed as much as mine? I have to vaccum everyday. It's worth it though.

P.s They are beautiful!!
: Re: New Pics of Bubba and Lola..
: Lyn March 09, 2007, 09:35:17 AM
Bubba sheds reallly bad. We got a shopping bag and a half of hair off of him before his bath. We used the shed-ender and a slicker brush. Took almost an hour.. good thing he likes to be brushed. :D Bubba is odd though, he has what I call combination fur, longer around his neck, on his butt and on his tail, short everywhere else. He also has these weird tuff of long fur that sticks out on his shoulder blades. LOL I think alot of it has to do with the fact that his mom is a rough coat and his dad is a smooth coat.

Lola on the other hand is from a smooth x smooth breeding and she doesn't shed that much at all, yet.. by summer I might be saying otherwise. :D
: Re: New Pics of Bubba and Lola..
: bluskygirl March 09, 2007, 09:50:52 AM
Bella's papa was a rough coat and her Mom was a smoothie, so she has "combination hair" too. :D It's mostly mid length (like 1" or less) all around I would say, but longest on her neck.  She definitely sheds. I should probably be more proactive in brushing, but usually I just tend to vacuum often, and of course I wear a lot of it to work and everywhere else!

I'm glad to hear that things are beginning to settle down a bit with Lola. Bella has similar food issues, and it worries me a bit only in that if I were to ever bring another dog into the family I don't know how she would react.  I know how frustrating it is to deal with that issue. Best of luck with the puppers. I'm sure in time, things will get completely back to normal. :D