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BPO Medical Forum => Medical Conditions & Diseases => : schelmischekitty March 26, 2007, 08:17:59 AM

: i need tooth advice for the puppy!
: schelmischekitty March 26, 2007, 08:17:59 AM
since we got peanut, he hasn't let us look at his teeth and i just marked it off as he wasn't used to it.  well, today i actually got a look.  i've noticed that peanut had an under bite, but not a bad one.  at least i thought not  ???  well, today i saw that his top k9 tooth is half way back on his top jaw, and his bottom ones are in the right place, in front of his top ones??  is this normal, should i wait until his adult teeth come in to see what happens?  has anyone else had this happen with a dog??  attached is a picture.  it's like this on both sides of his mouth.  he doesn't have any problems eating, he's actually kinda porky.
: Re: i need tooth advice for the puppy!
: Anakalia March 26, 2007, 08:57:14 AM
Hmmm it does look like that tooth is far back.  You might want to ask your vet to see if his teeth are going to be ok.  I'm thinking his adult teeth may be aligned different, but if you're worried, asking a vet would put your mind at ease.   :)