Big Paws Only Dog Forums

Great Pyrenees => Great Pyrenees Pictures => : mama23+pyrs2 April 09, 2007, 12:40:38 PM

: It's been raining all day..
: mama23+pyrs2 April 09, 2007, 12:40:38 PM
and now we look like this, and won't be running around the house for awhile Mom says. :-X

: Re: It's been raining all day..
: bigdogs@5501 April 09, 2007, 01:56:24 PM
Once those pups dry off- the mud just falls off of them- right onto your floor.
: Re: It's been raining all day..
: mama23+pyrs2 April 09, 2007, 01:58:33 PM
Haha, yeah I know, so cool right? But instead of the floor, it will fall off in the crate tray so I can vacuum it out. ;D They are majorly in need of baths again anyway though. Fun, fun. >:(
: Re: It's been raining all day..
: bigdogs@5501 April 09, 2007, 02:00:06 PM
But they are sooo cute- Your pups look like they are growing faster than the Tugster. But it may be because he looks so little here compared to everyone else.
: Re: It's been raining all day..
: mama23+pyrs2 April 09, 2007, 02:03:10 PM
Yeah, I'm sure that's it. Nobody big here to compare to haha..they just shrink the cats. Did you get to weigh Tug yet? I think Yiska is catching up in growth finally..or at least having a spurt. She was one of the large females of the litter.
: Re: It's been raining all day..
: Anakalia April 09, 2007, 02:20:54 PM
Awwww cute pics, looks like they're saying "PLEEEEAASE let us out!" hahahaa
: Re: It's been raining all day..
: mama23+pyrs2 April 09, 2007, 02:27:33 PM
Awwww cute pics, looks like they're saying "PLEEEEAASE let us out!" hahahaa

Haha, well I know Yukon more like 'let me out of here NOW' in his demanding gruff barks. ::)
: Re: It's been raining all day..
: GoldenPyrs April 09, 2007, 06:09:27 PM
Ahhh, they're too cute not to spring from the puppy-pokey. ;D  We call our Pyrs "The Amazing Self-Cleaning Dogs" b/c of how the dirt drys & brushes out.  People always say things like "Wow, they must be hard to keep clean".  Ha ha & of course, they loooove to dig or roll in the dirt and it shows up sooo nicely on their coats, too!  ::) 

I'm loving the puppy pictures of Yukon, Yiska & Tug.  Our first 2 pyrs came to us as fluffy little girl pups from breeders, but after losing our so beloved 3 y/o pyr girl to bone cancer last year, this felt like the right time to rescue adults and all of the happy BPO stories encouraged us.  Still, I know that we'll have a pup in the family again someday, they're so precious.  Meanwhile I love pics of yours.  More please, they make me smile!!   :)
: Re: It's been raining all day..
: mama23+pyrs2 April 10, 2007, 01:47:23 AM
I know that the dirt falls off.  But how do you guys not have little caniptions when they come in looking like that?  Is that just me cause I'm looney or do you get used to it?

Well if you're looney, I'm looney too. :P It very much gets me going but not much I can do. The hole they left for me under the stepping stones is a nice one too. :o They go straight into the crate if they get messy like that, today I get to vacuum it all up and they'll have a lot of playtime outside if it's drier out there today, yuck. But I told hubby how are we gonna manage this when they are too heavy to carry, like sometime soon? Now we can let them in the side door and carry them to the crate, since they have to cross the kitchen. More mopping in the future I guess. And baths for them soon to come, which is like washing a wild beast...ugh.