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Many Breeds Together => Group Discussions & Photos => : Gevaudan_Jo April 18, 2007, 09:24:03 PM

: I'm Home... with PICS *and more pix*
: Gevaudan_Jo April 18, 2007, 09:24:03 PM
well, the drive to toronto was great. Very little traffic, got to the cargo building just as she was being unloaded. she was sitting in her kennel with a cute little HOODIE. omg, it was too cute. we took her for a pee, then went to find a hotel, or, motel6 i should say. she tried to potty ON THE BED, but darcy caught her and held her over the toilet as she pooped. haha  the next day we went to the breeders moms grooming shop, to sign my co-own papers. there we met up with a lady who owns  a powder puff named Snooker, he is half brother to my girl.  i got mauled by two other CC's, Malibu and Itty Bitty, a bunch of toy poodles, mini schnauzers and yorkies. Darcy  bought her this gorgeous "bling" necklace, and we left. found a petstore, where i bought a show lead, and a bull terrier key chain woohoo! then we left, went to Petsmart, bought her some cute leopard printed bowls, a little collar and an awesome pet barrier to seperate the bts from memphis.then we went to  Big Als, where i bought a fishie for my salt water tank... then we drove home.
Anyways, we got home, and mem was sooo happy, and he was first to meet the little one.  then i let zero sniff her over the gate, she got nervous and peed... then we introduced her to Jigsaw. who didnt care much... because we brought her home some rawhide lol.  so, now she is tuckered out... and sooooooo cute. here are her pics....

PS - we're still tryin to think of a good name ;)
: Re: I'm Home... with PICS
: Brownis15 April 18, 2007, 09:30:16 PM
she is SOOOOO CUTE!! kiss her little face for me, merlin says I'm in LOOOVE!!! :) :-*
: Re: I'm Home... with PICS
: Gracie Belle April 18, 2007, 09:38:30 PM
Welcome back Jo, and welcome home pretty girl...  She is so cute.  Glad she made it in safe and sound.
: Re: I'm Home... with PICS
: EllieAndBlu April 19, 2007, 06:43:57 AM
So glad y'all had a safe trip - your little girl is adorable!
: Re: I'm Home... with PICS
: Stacey April 19, 2007, 06:47:11 AM
AWWW!!  She is so cute!!  I want one sooo bad!  My husband thinks I am nuts.
: Re: I'm Home... with PICS
: Gevaudan_Jo April 19, 2007, 07:01:12 AM
well, u know, my hubby hates little dogs... and he LOVES this breed.  ;)maybe a wee bit more convincing will do the trick. ha ha ha.
so zero kept me up ALL night, and all morning (after darcy left for work) Crying, because he wanted to either a) play with the crested, or b) come sleep in the bed. Zero normally sleeps in the bed, but there are sometimes we dont let him... and lastnight was one of them. the little crested's kennel is set up in the bedroom for now (Its the warmest room in the house). and, i do believe (by zeros actions) she is comin into heat. shes pretty garsh darn swollen too ::) NOT HAPPY. oh well

: Re: I'm Home... with PICS
: Anakalia April 19, 2007, 08:15:09 AM
Congrats on the new baby! hahahaa She's so adorable!  ;D
: Re: I'm Home... with PICS
: aggghgmom April 19, 2007, 09:37:16 AM
Well it sounds like you had a pretty perfect day.

Picking up a new pup; shopping for pups in petstore 1 - then shopping for pups in petstore 2 - getting a new fishy and heading home where everyone missed you and didn't mind the new addition!!

Best of luck with your little fluffy (well sort of) friend!! who remains nameless??

Randy & Harley
: Re: I'm Home... with PICS
: Gevaudan_Jo April 19, 2007, 07:56:02 PM
new pics,  in her hoodie...
i gave her a bath and brushed her all out, aww shes so pretty! Also pics of her and Mem (and zero)
and two of zero (and one with jigs)cuz i cant leave them out
: Re: I'm Home... with PICS *and more pix*
: Brownis15 April 19, 2007, 08:00:52 PM
awwwwwwwwwwwww wwww so so so cute!!! LOL like the one in the tub, she looks like shes saying "who are you people??" lol
keep em coming! :)
: Re: I'm Home... with PICS *and more pix*
: Moni April 19, 2007, 09:51:16 PM
Ok, Jo... when is she moving in with me again?   ;D
: Re: I'm Home... with PICS *and more pix*
: GoldenPyrs April 20, 2007, 12:11:51 AM
Ahhh, congratulation s.  She's a cutie and I love her hoodie! ;D
: Re: I'm Home... with PICS *and more pix*
: Anakalia April 20, 2007, 08:20:23 AM
OMG!  She's so flippin' cute with her hoodie on! hahaha 
: Re: I'm Home... with PICS *and more pix*
: schelmischekitty April 20, 2007, 08:36:13 AM
i LOVE her!!