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Newfoundlands => Newfoundland Pictures => : Fumble May 27, 2007, 02:56:32 AM

: fumble 3 weeks in recovery!
: Fumble May 27, 2007, 02:56:32 AM
hey all!!! here are some pictures of fumble outside today!  his fun only extends to the deck right now! lol!!  i got those doggy beers a fwe weeks ago but it's much easier and cleaner outside! lol!!  here are some pictures i took this afternoon with the big guy.  stacy's at her new job right now, so it's just fumble and i on the weekends!  i'm sure the pictures would be much more fun if stacy was around, cause one of us can usually distract fumble from jumping on us with the camera! hehe!!

I also just want to thank everyone again for just being so great and supportivE! we'd all be LOST without you! 

sleeping with my monkey

the icky smelly cone! (baby wipes on hand at ALL times!)

so nice to smell fresh air!

my leg

kinda feels breezy...

looks so silly with such a skinny leg!

drinking my beer for memorial day!

mmm... tastes beeefffyyy


based on the drool, i think he liked it!

there's my goofy newfie!

signature head tilt!

i may be bald and look like an ugly poodle, but damn i can stand tall!

: Re: fumble 3 weeks in recovery!
: People Whisperer May 27, 2007, 03:40:29 AM
Oooh! He looks like he will feel even better if you give him one more beer! LOL Get better Fumble!!!
: Re: fumble 3 weeks in recovery!
: Tspanos May 27, 2007, 04:58:44 AM
So she got the job or is it a different one, good for anyways! Tell her congrats. Its great to see the big guy, he looks like he's forgiven you for his imprisonment.
: Re: fumble 3 weeks in recovery!
: Cazzie May 27, 2007, 05:41:13 AM
Awww fumble sooo good to see you big fella!!! Love the beer shots lol big hugs Fumble!!!
: Re: fumble 3 weeks in recovery!
: bigdogs@5501 May 27, 2007, 05:48:03 AM
WOW it is sooo good to see the big guy doing so much better!! Yea Fumbs and the hairless leg will help keep ya cool this summer!!! Great Pics!
: Re: fumble 3 weeks in recovery!
: GoldenPyrs May 27, 2007, 06:42:31 AM
Ahhh, he's so cute showing a bit 'o leg.  I love the pics of him with his Doggy Beer, especially the one of him licking the bottle.  LOL  I'm so glad that the big, sweet guy is feeling better!  :-*
: Re: fumble 3 weeks in recovery!
: Duramax May 27, 2007, 09:59:19 AM
he is still very majestic..... even with one birdie leg lol
: Re: fumble 3 weeks in recovery!
: happiday May 27, 2007, 11:05:02 AM
Aw, Fumble, SO glad you're feeling better!
: Re: fumble 3 weeks in recovery!
: Fumble May 28, 2007, 02:48:58 AM
thanks guys!!!  i'm sending fumble all your gracious compliments!  i think the poor guy feels like a bad looking poodle (no offense to poodles out there!) heeheh
: Re: fumble 3 weeks in recovery!
: Anakalia May 28, 2007, 03:39:57 AM
HAHAHAHAA!! The beer/drool pics are hilarious!  I'm so glad he's getting better, his fur will grow back quickly I'm sure and it'll look like nothing happened!  Take it easy big guy, and enjoy your beers!  ;D
: Re: fumble 3 weeks in recovery!
: Butts Mom May 28, 2007, 05:09:34 AM
What a handsome fella!!!! I love the aww mom head tilt :)Glad he is feeling better.
: Re: fumble 3 weeks in recovery!
: Icerotti May 28, 2007, 07:45:51 AM
Glad Fumble's recovery is going well...he looks as handsome as ever.

I love the beer
: Re: fumble 3 weeks in recovery!
: 2Criminals May 28, 2007, 11:12:48 AM
Fumble could never be as ugly as a poodle (Hey, she started it ;D ) but his leg definately had me thinking of the Sesame street song-one of these things is not like the other- i need to find some of that Doggie beer for Phelan's upcoming birthday!!
: Re: fumble 3 weeks in recovery!
: lins_saving_grace May 31, 2007, 01:32:27 AM
Cheers to you Fumble!!!!!  Have another on me! :)  what a trooper!  We knew you could do it.  We're not so sure your mom and dad will make it ... but you're doing just fine!  What a sweety.

I love the cone pic!   Lady didn't like that thing either.
: Re: fumble 3 weeks in recovery!
: RacheH May 31, 2007, 02:40:36 AM
Gosh what happened to Fumbles that he had to have an op done on his leg?? Beau sits exactly the same way, he's also had 2 operations on the same leg (he's also a Newfie!) Beau will not have a full recovery because the second time the same leg had broken very badly in the same 3 places...but he'll recover up to 90% which is fine by me so long as he stays healthy! His mouth is a little different than Fumbles though, doesn't have the dangling lips (or do those come later... along with the much dreaded drool???  ;D), his mouth is longer... but same ears :) hehehehe

Anyhow sweety it's always a stressful time when our babies are not doing to well and it's always a great thing to have 'em back and swining in full action :) Glad to hear he's recovering well and great to meet you as well :)
: Re: fumble 3 weeks in recovery!
: EllieAndBlu May 31, 2007, 03:33:29 AM
The big guy looks GREAT!  So glad Fumbs recovery is moving along!

p.s. awesome pics!
: Re: fumble 3 weeks in recovery!
: MommaBear May 31, 2007, 08:27:17 AM
Good to see Fumbule enjoying himself and looking so handsome even with that skinny poodle leg! Looking forward to more updates of his progress.
: Re: fumble 3 weeks in recovery!
: sarnewfie May 31, 2007, 07:04:49 PM
did he have cruciate surgery? if so i would highly recommend anyone with a giant breed before and after a surgery like this, wether affected or not, to give 1700 mg gluc chond
studies have shown those with a partial tear, that were given this dose most times did NOT need the surgery, my tasha is one of them.
out of all the newfs i have owned, i have never (knock on wood) experienced a torn tendon, but, we figured she had a partial tear, in one week of this dose, she did not limp, she has been symptom free now for over a year and a half.
for those post surgery, this dose may help so the other leg does not need to be done, in many cases it does need it, in some it does not.
i give tasha the spring valley gluc chond from walmart.
Glad to see he is recovering well!
: Re: fumble 3 weeks in recovery!
: Fumble June 06, 2007, 11:31:08 PM
did he have cruciate surgery? if so i would highly recommend anyone with a giant breed before and after a surgery like this, wether affected or not, to give 1700 mg gluc chond
studies have shown those with a partial tear, that were given this dose most times did NOT need the surgery, my tasha is one of them.
out of all the newfs i have owned, i have never (knock on wood) experienced a torn tendon, but, we figured she had a partial tear, in one week of this dose, she did not limp, she has been symptom free now for over a year and a half.
for those post surgery, this dose may help so the other leg does not need to be done, in many cases it does need it, in some it does not.
i give tasha the spring valley gluc chond from walmart.
Glad to see he is recovering well!

fumble has been on 1500 gluc/chron for as long as i can remember, the breeders are HUGE on that and vitamin C.  but i have upped his dosage to 2000 of gluc/chron since, especially with being off the antibiotics, i wanted extra prevention.  thanks though, it's hopefull about the other knee for now.  i mean he definately will need surgery because it's about 75% if not more torn, but he's doing really well on it, no limping at all! so maybe the gluc/chron will help to prolong the surgery, give me time to save some more money!! :) hehe
: Re: fumble 3 weeks in recovery!
: Icerotti June 07, 2007, 09:26:58 AM
How is our big boy doing?  :)
: Re: fumble 3 weeks in recovery!
: CrazyLoveRosie June 07, 2007, 08:51:29 PM
Fumble is still majestic, with skinny leg and all. That picture of him sitting with his leg extended out looks like he's saying "Look at me and my sexy sexy leg. Don't be jealous."  :D
: Re: fumble 3 weeks in recovery!
: Fumble June 07, 2007, 09:26:25 PM
hehe! you all beat me to the punches!  fumble's doing good!  we went to the vet yesterday for our 1 month checkup and he said that he's doing 'VERY WELL' for only 4 weeks out, better than expected.  gotta love the goofy newf.  i will tell you though, he was such a pain in the butt at the vets because he hasn't really seen any other people or dogs in a while!!  he's like "that kid" that no one wants to hang out with, and laughs at! hehe!  the vet said we can do up to 3/4 mile walks now.  I'm not sure if i'm going to really push it though.  Only cause he's still limping in the house pretty bad!  so i think we'll stick with the short walks but bring them up to 3 times a day instead of just 1 or 2.  But other than that things are great! he's definately gotten back to himself and has really entered the terrible 2 stage!  he pretends some days like he doesn't even know his name!  the only thing he recognizes as a command on a consistent basis is stay! lol!  and that's the one he never listened to before!  hehE!!  i'll take some more pictures this weekend of him so you can all see the furry leg growing back! :) 
Thanks again for everyone's concern and well wishes! it really means A LOT!!
: Re: fumble 3 weeks in recovery!
: EllieAndBlu June 07, 2007, 09:34:53 PM
I am thrilled that big bundle of love is doing so well... and is back to his Fumbleness! Sending tons of happy hugs to y'all!
: Re: fumble 3 weeks in recovery!
: DenverFurKiddos June 07, 2007, 11:33:52 PM
Hip! Hip! Hooray!!! I'm so glad that the Fumbs is feeling better!!! 
: Re: fumble 3 weeks in recovery!
: pitas June 08, 2007, 02:02:41 AM
Hi Kids!

I hope the big fella is feeling much better and getting around a bit more.  I got your e-mail reply awhile back & I just wanted to send all of you, humans too, more hugs & good wishes from Jersey. I thought of Fumbs yesterday bc our big Klondike had both knees done a few years back and now that he got his summer haircut, you can see his scars.  Other than that, Klondike is doing great after going through what Fumbles is dealing with. 

Hang in there!

Anita & the 4 Newfies from NJ
: Re: fumble 3 weeks in recovery!
: Duramax June 08, 2007, 02:26:31 AM
good deal, the big guy's got too much heart to be down and out for too long. i think the most important part of the healing process is the caregiver. good job u 2 it's good to know he's on the up n' up
: Re: fumble 3 weeks in recovery!
: Fumble June 08, 2007, 07:28:34 AM
Hi Kids!

I hope the big fella is feeling much better and getting around a bit more.  I got your e-mail reply awhile back & I just wanted to send all of you, humans too, more hugs & good wishes from Jersey. I thought of Fumbs yesterday bc our big Klondike had both knees done a few years back and now that he got his summer haircut, you can see his scars.  Other than that, Klondike is doing great after going through what Fumbles is dealing with. 

Hang in there!

Anita & the 4 Newfies from NJ

hehe!! Anita, i'll pass the message onto fumble that his new hero is Klondike! hehe!!  it's soooo reassuring to hear about the pups that have gone through it are now perfecT and good as new! :)
: Re: fumble 3 weeks in recovery!
: Fumble June 08, 2007, 07:29:48 AM
thanks everyone!! :)  You know he's doing okay cause right now he's laying on his back with all paws in the air running mid air! i think that's his new exercise! hehe!
: Re: fumble 3 weeks in recovery!
: amylynn June 08, 2007, 11:36:32 AM
thanks everyone!! :)  You know he's doing okay cause right now he's laying on his back with all paws in the air running mid air! i think that's his new exercise! hehe!

LOL!!!  :D I can just picture him doing that. I am so happy to hear that he is better.  ;D
: Re: fumble 3 weeks in recovery!
: GoldenPyrs June 08, 2007, 11:56:57 AM
thanks everyone!! :)  You know he's doing okay cause right now he's laying on his back with all paws in the air running mid air! i think that's his new exercise! hehe!

Awwww, that must have been so cute!  I'm thinkin' that maybe we neeeeed a little video of his physical therapy.....   ;)  :D
: Re: fumble 3 weeks in recovery!
: Leah... June 08, 2007, 03:03:43 PM
HaHa! sounds like he's relaxed...
: Re: fumble 3 weeks in recovery!
: seaherons June 08, 2007, 10:30:02 PM
Thanks for the update on Fumble.  Looking forward to seeing pictures of the leg.  Glad that his wonderful personality is showing through after the surgery.  We were curious about how long (minutes) is he walking at a time now.  Does he seem to limp a little less as he walks?  You said that he is limping in the house - maybe he is stiff when he first gets up?  Has the vet given any instructions regarding ROM (range of motion) and/or stretching exercises for the leg. How about strengthening or balance exercises?
Loves and kisses to Fumble.
: Re: fumble 3 weeks in recovery!
: Fumble June 09, 2007, 08:53:33 AM
Thanks for the update on Fumble.  Looking forward to seeing pictures of the leg.  Glad that his wonderful personality is showing through after the surgery.  We were curious about how long (minutes) is he walking at a time now.  Does he seem to limp a little less as he walks?  You said that he is limping in the house - maybe he is stiff when he first gets up?  Has the vet given any instructions regarding ROM (range of motion) and/or stretching exercises for the leg. How about strengthening or balance exercises?
Loves and kisses to Fumble.

no, nothing like that... I was thinking about buying a canine PT book.. but i'm not sure where i can get one around here.. do you have any techniques that might be effective??
: Re: fumble 3 weeks in recovery!
: seaherons June 10, 2007, 10:09:45 AM
We bought two canine PT textbooks for reference as they have a wealth of information in them.  I am a PT, so it is much easier for me to use the information.  A lot would not apply to Fumble's present situation, but you may find it interesting.  The books were, Canine Rehabilitation & Physical Therapy, 2004, ISBN 0-7216-9555-8 and Essential Facts of Physiotherapy In Dogs and Cats, Rehabilitation and Pain Management,2004, ISBN 3-938274-09-3.

The passive motion of the stifle would sometimes be a part of the post-operative protocol for TPLO.  Depends on the surgeon, though, and yours might be worried about tendonitis, bone healing, etc.  I would ask.  The goal typically mentioned in protocols is to achieve the same knee range of motion as the normal knee, but remember-
they altered the joint! 
I found online, this summary of a TPLO protocol from the first book mentioned above:

A protocol merely gives guidelines for proceeding.  The University of Tennesse has an outstanding canine rehabilitation certificate program that I have been considering, but don't have time yet.  Check the website links for the closest certified provider if you have time.  There are some in Mass, but don't know if close to you.  They would likely be a source of info in the future as well. Surgeon's approval is required generally. 

Hope this helps some.  Just am not clear if the surgeon uses rehab or not.  If not, is he/she opposed at this point?
Should never be overdone but the Fumbs is a big boy and will not benefit from weakness.  Best wishes to all!

Denise, Robyn, Cirra

: Re: fumble 3 weeks in recovery!
: Fumble June 10, 2007, 06:04:45 PM
We bought two canine PT textbooks for reference as they have a wealth of information in them.  I am a PT, so it is much easier for me to use the information.  A lot would not apply to Fumble's present situation, but you may find it interesting.  The books were, Canine Rehabilitation & Physical Therapy, 2004, ISBN 0-7216-9555-8 and Essential Facts of Physiotherapy In Dogs and Cats, Rehabilitation and Pain Management,2004, ISBN 3-938274-09-3.

oh thanks guys!!! the vet did say when i asked about some types of physical therapy that he had seen tendonitis set in... so we'll see... i'll take a look at the PT list in MA!  thanks! :)
: Re: fumble 3 weeks in recovery!
: jabear June 16, 2007, 09:14:05 AM
How is the Fumbster doing these days?
: Re: fumble 3 weeks in recovery!
: Fumble June 16, 2007, 08:51:14 PM
How is the Fumbster doing these days?

Hey!! sorry we've been MIA this week, my grandma ended up haivng a mild stroke on saturday night, and we live the cloests to her so we've been helping as caregivers!  i've got two of my favorite things in rehab! hehe!!
but fumble is doing great! he's actually almost stopped limping in t he house all together!  and his fur is growing back! yah!!  Tim, Kali's dad told me that I should make sure to brush it a lot so it doesn't get all matted as it's growing back.  I do think i'm going to give him a bath today though! he's getting kinda dirty!
Here are some pictures of him from last weekend pre nanny's stroke

fumble's glamour celeb over the shoulder shot

catching some water from the hose!

ouu that feels nnniiiiccceee

i can catch it!

waiting for the hose to go!

at little bit later, he got cold and pulled the blanket off the fouton and rolled oveR! lol!
: Re: fumble 3 weeks in recovery!
: Tspanos June 17, 2007, 03:35:44 AM
The crazy bear and his doting Momma. Good to see you guys! Where are the pics of Fumbs with his proud Grandpa? I kniow you have to have some. Hopeful your Gram is doing better, we can see that Fumble is! I'll try to call you later this week.
: Re: fumble 3 weeks in recovery!
: k2campbell June 17, 2007, 04:29:57 AM
Glad to hear (and see) that Fumble is recovering well  ;) :-*
: Re: fumble 3 weeks in recovery!
: Cazzie June 17, 2007, 05:36:03 AM
Awww Fumble so good to see that your recovering so well!!! big ((hugs))
: Re: fumble 3 weeks in recovery!
: GoldenPyrs June 17, 2007, 05:50:52 AM
He's such a cutie!  ;D  The pics of him playing in the water are too cute, but I really love the one of him snuggled up in his blankey.  :-*  I'm glad that he's doing so well!
: Re: fumble 3 weeks in recovery!
: Gevaudan_Jo June 17, 2007, 06:33:33 AM
Great news. im so glad Fumble is doing great. and he looks great. WOOOOOO YAY. smooch that nose for me :)
: Re: fumble 3 weeks in recovery!
: Duramax June 18, 2007, 12:53:26 AM
great pics of fumble in the water, glad to hear he's doing so well, hope your grandma is the same
: Re: fumble 3 weeks in recovery!
: Fumble June 18, 2007, 08:46:00 PM
thanks everyone! :)
: Re: fumble 3 weeks in recovery!
: Moore1125 June 19, 2007, 01:06:07 AM
Glad to see that Fumble is doing awesome!! Rudder sends BIG WET SLOBBERY KISSES:)
: Re: fumble 3 weeks in recovery!
: Fumble June 19, 2007, 03:41:02 AM
Fumble looks great. 

But that flower pot behind him in one of those pics, them thar flowers be dead.  hehehe

hahahahaha!!!! those are stacy's tomatoes!  she just transplanted them from inside to a pot outsidE!  she also just put them through stilts to hold them up!  LOL!!!  they came a long way though, she grew all her veggies from seedS! hehe!