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BPO General Forum => General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws => : Saint Butterfly June 21, 2007, 12:19:31 PM

: Be careful It is a Trick!! W/ Picture
: Saint Butterfly June 21, 2007, 12:19:31 PM

Sorry about the subject Title, But I have come to notice that I like to read the post with a catchy title, So I figured I would make mine kinda catchy to!

Well, this Post may not be interesting to everyone, And if at any time you find it to be boring feel free to click off of it and go Check out some of the other ones.

 My favorite subject this week has been the Dog in the Backyard post... Wow! Hot topic!... Honestly it did sound like some of you were being kinda Harsh... I know I know... It is all in the writing, But I must say there were some really good post in there also, and it is very much worth reading if you have not checked it out yet...OK, So I guess I should Mention what this is about..... It is about Turtles, well and a Few other Things too.

Yesterday it rained here most of the day. I spent most of my day out in it being that I have to take The Pup out so much for Bathroom breaks... Well, While I was standing out in the rain I saw a Turtle underneath my Tree. A tree right outside my front Window. ( Cute Little Tree). No worries I will attach a picture of the tree so that you all can get a clear image of it...[ Man i wish i could get my Smileys to work, because i would have used a bunch of them]

OK Seriously though I want to share with you an Amazing experience, Something very simple in a sense, But could be once in a lifetime, So i am going to make it mean something,
And type it down.

Yesterday my Son and I watched this Turtle all day, I had told my Son that she was a Mama Turtle, and she was checking our yard out to see if it was a good place to make a Nest.

Well, Sure enough Later that day she Dug a hole in my Yard, and laid her Eggs... My Son was the first one to see it. He came to me and Said "Mama I see the turtle, She put her butt to the ground, and eggs are coming out." At first I thought he was trying to trick me, But then I realized he would not have been able to make that up. I followed him to the Turtle and was amazed to see her burying eggs... Very cool!... I have never seen that before. After she was done laying her eggs she went and Hid under a Bush nearby and was watching her nest... She sat there for about three hours. This morning when we woke up she was gone, But I did see her nest was still intact and untouched by a Predator.

Yesterday Butterfly walked right up on the Turtle, She bent down to check her out smelled her and walked right past her, And then when Butterfly walked back past her again she made it a point to walk around her completely ignoring her... Kinda Cool, Almost like womanly respect thing... All Women are Mothers in some form, And we respect Women for that, Neat how Animals can be like that too.

Well, So today my kids and I went to a little park near a Pond where we live, And soon as we got out of our car a Man walked up to us, and said "Hey do you wanna see something cool? " he said there was a turtle laying eggs in the grass. We walked over and sure enough there was a huge Turtle laying eggs. The Kids and I stood there and watched her for a few minutes, And then we walked over to the Park. It was a Womanly respect thing!

 Well, Before we left we walked back to see if she was done yet, And to our surprise we saw a Crow picking at her nest and flying off with Eggs. The Turtle had just walked off and was still close by walking very fast towards the Water. I ran over to scare the crows, but I could still hear quite a bit of other Crows in the trees waiting for their turn. I knew her nest was not going to make it.

The Kids and I followed the Turtle and watched her Walk to the Water. My Son walked right beside her at the same pace. She did not seem frightened of us at all. She was on a mission to get back to that Water. You know I felt Sad for her. I know they say that is Nature and Turtles don't care because they leave their nest, But she seemed like she cared to me.

The Turtle in my yard sat for hours and quietly watched her nest. The Turtle today Ran Fast away seeming Frantic, and Hopeless.

I will never see that again in my Lifetime, And I was lucky enough to see it Twice... It was a Beautiful experience to see nature work that close, and to see how animals react to each other during such an important time in a Women's life. Animals respect each other, Turtles lay extra eggs for other animals to have a few to eat. So sad to see, but that is the law of Nature.

Well, as the Kids and I walked back to the car we saw there were 2 eggs left in the grass, Our presence kept the last few remaining Crows from swooping down and getting them. My Son Ran over and Picked them up, we put them in a Little container, and covered it with dirt.

 I know we should have left Nature to do it's thing, But try telling 3 children that. That is my excuse anyway... We dug a little hole in my yard near the other Turtles nest... We put little white rocks around both nest, so that we know where they are. They will hatch in September if they make it... I hope they will!

Native Americans Believe a Turtle is a strong Totem. Meaning Wisdom and Fertility. Turtles are said to be Wise teachers. I do feel like there was a lesson to be learned there. I have No idea what.

I believe that every experience we encounter is meant to teach us something, And if we are able to learn from it we will be rewarded.

OK, Well Sorry this is so long, But by sharing this simple experience I may have helped someone else learn Something from it, Because after all everything happens for a reason, And if you were able to read this long Post all the way to the Bottom then maybe you were meant to hear it as well.... ( Smiley Face With a wink)

Goodnight friends,

Don't forget to check out the picture of the tree. This is what my tree looks like early spring... ( Big Smiley )
: Re: Be careful It is a Trick!! W/ Picture
: AltDeutsche June 21, 2007, 04:32:48 PM
What a sweet story! I am gunning for the baby turtles to hatch! September is so far away...
: Re: Be careful It is a Trick!! W/ Picture
: zchic June 21, 2007, 08:52:34 PM
Very cool. I love turtles. What a great expierience for you and the kids. :)
: Re: Be careful It is a Trick!! W/ Picture
: Duramax June 22, 2007, 06:46:44 AM
that's so neat im glad you posted, dont forget to let us know what happens when september rolls around!
: Re: Be careful It is a Trick!! W/ Picture
: Butts Mom June 22, 2007, 08:23:17 AM
That's a real cool story Shell,thank you so much for sharing it.Please do keep us posted if the eggs hatch is Sept and then I want to see pics of the baby turtles :)