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BPO Off Topic Forum => Anything Non-Dog Related => : Blair August 07, 2007, 05:36:29 AM

: An update on me...kinda long
: Blair August 07, 2007, 05:36:29 AM
Well for a few weeks things were going pretty good between me and Ben, we were actually being civil nad talking to each other with no fighting, it was kinda nice. But then WHAM!!!!!!!! it all came to an end this past weekend!!! Ben went out drinking with friends, 2 hours away or so he says, instea of spending Saturday with Skyla. Really no biggie I wasnt too upset. So I figured Sunday both of us could take Skyla to go see Underdog and he aggreed and bought the tickets while on the phone with me. I was so excited cause I knew how much Skyla wated to see that movie. Then trouble struck Sunday morning. Ben called me and told me he would be at my house at 12 to get Skyla, I nicely asked where he was, cause he went 2 hours away Saturday and stay the night or I thought, and he got all pissy with me and starting yelling at me that its his life and i have no right to know where he is at or what he did last night. That completely upset and before I hung up with him I told him I wasnt going to be home at 12 so call my cell and i would tell where i would be with Skyla. Well that got Ben even more mad and he kept calling and texting me but I wouldnt answer. Here is where I seriously doubt he went 2 hours away saturday but stayed home [I think he is already seeing some one] he called me from the house phone instead of his cell??? Whats odd about that? Well my house [Parent's house] are closer to where he would of been coming from, so why would he drive 2 hours home and then make an extra 1 hour drive, when he could of just picked up Skyla on his way home???? So he gets Skyla and we are both pissed at each other. I called him to talk to Skyla and he turned his ringer off, so I nicely texted him and told him I would make sure my lawyer knew he wouldnt let me talk to my daughter when he had her. Oh I got a phone call pretty fast after that!! Talked to Skyla and then Ben so nicely, not really just being funny, told me I wasnt going to go see the movie with him. That made me very mad cause it was my idea to take Skyla, so he put Skyla on the phone and she told me she just wanted it to be her and her daddy so I stopped fighting. I sat in my room crying the whole night cause I really wanted to see that movie with my daughter. Skyla gets home and tells me about her day and told me Daddy took a friend to the movie with them, a girl friend!!!!!!!!!!! I was hurt, mad, you name it I had every feeling in me!! He let some complete stranger enjoy this movie with Skyla and took it away from me >:(. So needless to say we werent on talking terms anymore. So monday night I tryed calling and texting him to let him know I was going to the house to get the boys ready for their new homes, well surprise surprise he didnt answer or reply. So I just showed up at 6:20 in the morning and he had no idea I was coming!!!! He was so upset at me, told me i didnt respect him for not telling him I was coming over and next time we go to court he will request Im not allowed in the house anymore only to get my things!!!! Then off to work he went. I walked around the house, now this makes me think he is seeing some one else...a single red rose on the kitchen table, but Ben bought that for his self, he started smoking and leaves them in a pile in the front yard, well 2 of them arent the kind he smokes, he rented movies but rented them Saturday, but why would he if he was out of town Saturday, and the last thing is he informed me he wanted me gone before he came home and I could never spend the night at the house again!!!! And also he is still threating me of taking Skyla from me. I am such a bad mother and blah blah blah but yet he has no problems leaving her with me 6 days a week and just getting her on Sundays? And rarely ever calls her. And this will be his first saturdy off since we split, do you think he is coming to get Skyla friday night and spend the whole weekend with her?????? Oh no he has to help a friend move Saturday morning. Funny how he had not a single friend for 7yrs and never went anywhere and was such a home body, all of a sudden has this huge group of friends and is never home!! Sorry for being so long but I had to vent, I am so hurt. I dont get how some one that told me they loved me every singl day for 7 yrs could hurt me as much as he is hurting me!!!!!
: Re: An update on me...kinda long
: dober_gurl August 07, 2007, 06:06:11 AM
Awww Blair you obviously deserve better, he'll get what's coming.. karma always bites back hard! Sorry about the boys as well. Hugs to you hun! :-*
: Re: An update on me...kinda long
: Ali August 07, 2007, 03:32:50 PM
Awww Blair you obviously deserve better, he'll get what's coming.. karma always bites back hard! Sorry about the boys as well. Hugs to you hun! :-*

Like I said in my other really long post - it's all about Karma. You may have to wait a while, but you'll see. His new little party world will crumble as you build your world back up.
: Re: An update on me...kinda long
: Sillygoose August 07, 2007, 03:49:40 PM
I understand how you're feeling. Been through it twice now, and I will not let it happen again. I am a true believer of what goes around comes around. He will get his and I can almost guarantee he will come crawling back to you and tell you how he's made such a big mistake bla bla bla, and that;s where you're going to tell him to take a walk of a short peer into shark infested waters. I'll be thinking of you and praying for ayou to have strengh.
: Re: An update on me...kinda long
: EllieAndBlu August 07, 2007, 03:52:17 PM
Oh Blair - I am so sorry you are having to go through this. Ben is really showing you his true character through all of this. What a bastard he is! You deserve so much better! In the long run you will be glad you and the girls got out when you did. Hang in there sweetie. 
: Re: An update on me...kinda long
: Winslow 151 August 07, 2007, 03:55:03 PM
Hi Blair,

I am truely sorry for what you are dealing with! I am concerned for YOU, have you tried to see a therapist, I know money is an issue for you, but you need to talk to a trained professional and deal with the issues you have.

You did nothing to deserve the way you are being treated, but you will not be able to "bring your family back" to what it was. You need help is seeing that, understanding it and putting it behind you. Then you need therapy to find your self worth again!!

Ben did not take you or your spirit!! He let that go so you can take that spirit on and grow into a better BLAIR!! He made the bad choice so stop punishing yourself, I strongly recomend some therapy and insurance will cover it or contact a shelter group who can guide you to treatment. (maybe a battered women's group) The feelings and actions you show (in your posts) are pretty similar to what a battered woman displys and there is free support to help you get back on track.

I know this is a message board and please know I really feel your pain and want you to see THIS IS NOT your fault.

: Re: An update on me...kinda long
: navarre1316 August 07, 2007, 05:41:15 PM
Good thought Winslow.  I know a lot of churches also have counselors of some type if you would feel more comfortable with that.  I know we will listen to you anytime you need us too, but sometimes it's nice to vent to an uninvolved person. 

If you don't want Skyla around his girlfriend, you can make that request I know of people who have.  Just take a deep breath everytime you talk to him and measure your words!!  I know that's hard to do most times, but you are the better person here and you will be a far better person at the end of all this.