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Great Danes => Great Dane Pictures => : mastiffmommy July 21, 2005, 04:43:18 PM

: Malin and Zorro
: mastiffmommy July 21, 2005, 04:43:18 PM
Well on my hunt for pics of Buffy, I found so many old dog, cat and horse pics. I may go a little pic crazy here for awile lol.....

This is my dane boy Zorro and Malin when she was about 1 year old, poor Zorro has his ears all "curled" up on the pic, so he looks a bit like a big dork, he was a sweetheart though, especially when he snuggled with the christmas tree in the couch lol....

: Re: Malin and Zorro
: nickerbokker July 21, 2005, 04:55:09 PM
oh what a little peanut!  i love that pic.  man you have had some good lookin pooches!
: Re: Malin and Zorro
: Phillips July 21, 2005, 04:55:47 PM
Wow now i know how big a dane is. I want one lol
: Re: Malin and Zorro
: mastiffmommy July 21, 2005, 04:59:08 PM
Phillips..... They are big, and lovable. Even though I love my mastiffs I still miss having a dane or four lol....

Nickers..... When you get to be my age (28 hehe) you will have had a bunch of puppies too, trust me. I might find pics of more of my old dogs now when I am digging deeeeeeep into my old pics.

: Re: Malin and Zorro
: nickerbokker July 21, 2005, 05:33:47 PM
i thoguht you were 27?
: Re: Malin and Zorro
: jabear July 21, 2005, 05:51:00 PM
Adorable photo!
: Re: Malin and Zorro
: Phillips July 21, 2005, 05:52:27 PM
Twenty-six Years old been married 7 years.  (
: Re: Malin and Zorro
: mastiffmommy July 21, 2005, 07:54:42 PM
i thoguht you were 27?

Yeah thats it........  ;D

: Re: Malin and Zorro
: GYPSY JAZMINE July 21, 2005, 10:36:34 PM
Oh how darling!...I LOVE pics with babies & dogs!
: Re: Malin and Zorro
: ZooCrew August 14, 2005, 10:08:18 PM
Awwwe, what a cute pic.  So far I love my dane, and he has turned out (so far) just as I had hoped, personality wise.  He has his issues, as does any dog, and he's a bit of a momma's boy (okay, he's a HUGE momma's boy), but he has won over all who meet him.  He's a great ambassador for the breed.  I would love to have one at all times, but we'll have to see on that matter, as there are sooooo many breeds I would like to get.
: Re: Malin and Zorro
: mastiffmommy August 14, 2005, 11:02:41 PM
ZooCrew.... I think all danes are big momas boys lol..... the way they back up and want to sit in your lap is sooooo adorable. The OEM's are actually very similar to the danes in disposition, they are also little mojos at heart and think they can fit in a lap  ;D

: Re: Malin and Zorro
: ZooCrew August 15, 2005, 01:38:55 PM
When I said momma's boy, I meant MOMMA'S boy.  He won't listen to anyone but me, and if I get out of his line of sight, he starts to panic.  I don't know how he would react if he didn't have Keiko to keep him company when I actually do need to leave the house *gasp* without them.

He does love everyone and has his favorites at the park, but he is never more than 10 ft from me at all times, and usually closer.