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Great Pyrenees => Great Pyrenees Pictures => : mama23+pyrs2 September 09, 2007, 05:01:16 AM

: Do I look comfortable?
: mama23+pyrs2 September 09, 2007, 05:01:16 AM
Mom thinks I do, this is my favorite position lol
: Re: Do I look comfortable?
: London_Pyr_Lover September 09, 2007, 05:04:34 AM
Ha Ha  ;D
Naja sleeps like that too!  I think it's adorable, especially when her big ole' floppy lips droop towards the floor.  :D
Our other one does that too, 'cept he'll stick all four paws towards the ceiling!  lol
: Re: Do I look comfortable?
: People Whisperer September 09, 2007, 05:15:06 AM
Very cute! Lily sleeps like that all the time as well  ;D

Kristina, I was wondering why you don't use crate pads or something soft for pups in their crates? I would thing that the crate tray is too hard on their joints :-\

Lily doesn't even lay down on the tile or wooden floor. She is weird though, LOL
: Re: Do I look comfortable?
: mama23+pyrs2 September 09, 2007, 05:20:19 AM
Very cute! Lily sleeps like that all the time as well  ;D

Kristina, I was wondering why you don't use crate pads or something soft for pups in their crates? I would thing that the crate tray is too hard on their joints :-\

Lily doesn't even lay down on the tile or wooden floor. She is weird though, LOL

Because THEY are weird! Everything I've given them a rug, or sheet or blanket, towel, anything they both freak out and do this whole digging ritual until it's in a ball at the front of their crate and away from them. I don't understand it. It's quite amusing to watch the freak out though. When I gave Yukon the comforter to make his arm more comfy, he did seem to enjoy laying on it, even crumpled up so that his body was on the tray and his front legs and head on the blanket.. until he and his sister de-stuffed and destroyed it. They generally freak out, then chew up and destroy whatever is in there crate except their food and water bowls lol. They will NEVER lay on the carpet, unless it is to chew a bone. They will only relax or sleep on the tile. We keep it cool in here (and they sleep under a fan)but they still pant most the time, so it seems they are too hot to lay anywhere else.

Least I don't have to worry about them taking over the furniture haha.

: Re: Do I look comfortable?
: People Whisperer September 09, 2007, 05:25:46 AM
They sell these vinyl covered pads or you can bye a vinyl cover for a chip pad. It is cool and sturdy  :)

Here is an example
: Re: Do I look comfortable?
: mama23+pyrs2 September 09, 2007, 05:29:33 AM
Oh and when they were younger they HAD to pee on anything I put in there too. They could hold it forever and be fine if it was just the tray, but give them something soft and it's pee that is initially why I couldn't keep things in there. But they still have always passed on out on the hard floors, since we brought them home.

Thanks for the link! I will look now
: Re: Do I look comfortable?
: mama23+pyrs2 September 09, 2007, 05:32:39 AM
Hey those are cool! I've never seen anything like that and didn't know they made them. Hmm, that seems it wouldn't be easily balled up, and if it fit the cage, maybe they'd just lay on it without complaining. ::)

Thanks for telling me about those!
: Re: Do I look comfortable?
: GoldenPyrs September 09, 2007, 07:05:14 AM
LOL, I love that picture!!!  What a cutie!   ;D  ;D  I know exactly what you mean Kristina.  None of my Pyrs have slept on a soft surface.  Well, Halley would mostly sleep on her soft bed after her diagnosis, but while she was well?  Heck no!  Cara, Halley & Sammy all dig/dug on the carpet and tore up their beds like crazy.  I guess it must go with the dig in the dirt like mad thing.  I had a nice big bed waiting for Cara when we got her (she was 15 weeks old at the time) and the first night the silly ol' bed just ummmmm *exploded*.  :o  She said that she had noooo idea what happened to it, ha ha!  ;D 

Cassie though is probably 3/4 Pyr and she's the only one that doesn't dig at all!  Well, so far anyway, knock wood!  It's really quite cool, especially since she regularly sleeps on sofas.   ;D  ::)  If she ever takes up digging, we're in deep trouble.