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BPO Growl & Howl Forum => Groans, Gripes, Brags & Boasts => : Gevaudan_Jo September 27, 2007, 01:33:35 PM

: I Met Them!!!!
: Gevaudan_Jo September 27, 2007, 01:33:35 PM
Ok, this isnt dog related at all. but totally worth the brag section!!
we went to see them last night in concert. their opening band was "We Are The Take" who was pretty good. than when "MT" came out, they were absolutely amazing! after the concert, they did a meet n greet and autograph session!! OMG. i was so excited. i met three of the four guys (the drummer was swormed by people by the time we got around to him, and i really had to pee, and we had a 2hr drive a head of us to get back home, so we left). here are some pix

We Are The Take

Me & My friend Kayla waiting for the band to start.

Marianas Trench
Meeting the band
Michael- can anyone guess what he's thinking?! LOL What did i ask him? ;);)
The hottie lead singer, Josh- who was very sick...
the guitarist Matt- who is also very cute!
I got their siggies on my Jack purse LOL
: Re: I Met Them!!!!
: London_Pyr_Lover September 27, 2007, 01:53:12 PM
That's awesome. :D
It sounds like it was a great show and you had alot of fun!  I like Marianas Trench too, so I'm super jealous!  Way to go on the autographed purse too!
: Re: I Met Them!!!!
: Gevaudan_Jo September 27, 2007, 03:34:13 PM
bahahahah Tina, you are too funny!!!
But, they are all on my 'to do' list rofl