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BPO Food Forum => Food Discussion & Information => : Bordeaux November 10, 2007, 11:24:19 PM

: please help....
: Bordeaux November 10, 2007, 11:24:19 PM
Hello everyone, maybe it will sound stupid question for some of you, but I just dont really know what to do..
The thing is, that i dont want to give my DDB home food, but always when im eating he's just stuck his sad eyes on me, and I cant stand it.... I really dont want to close him in another room when im eating, but i just feel so bad about him staring at me like that...

What do you do at those situations...?
: Re: please help....
: mountaindogmom November 10, 2007, 11:34:17 PM
Our dogs are trained to lay in the dining room, but not right by the table while we eat.  If they keep this distance and don't watch us or beg during our meals then they get a piece of chicken or beef or whatever we were eating after we're done.  At first we had to put them in "downs" when we ate but now they know that when we go to the table and sit down it's time for them to take their positions and wait quietly.  If they whine or stare at us or exhibit any signs of begging then they don't get anything.  It's a great way to reinforce the behavior you want and to ignore the behavior you don't like.  If you don't want  to give any "people food" then keep a few of your pups favorite treats on the table and toss one his way when he's ignoring you while you eat.
: Re: please help....
: VdogLover November 11, 2007, 12:11:33 AM
We do very similar to the above except mine get flying human food while we eat if they stay away from us and never if they "beg".
: Re: please help....
: pyr4me November 11, 2007, 12:34:52 AM
When Tipper was younger we would give him a chew toy or something similiar that we only brought out when we ate, so that it would be special, and we gave it to him away from the table while we ate. He never associated the table with getting food from it, and eventually we phased out the chew toy and he now lays down away from the table and does not beg.  I think that if you don't want your dog to associate the table with food, then you shouldn't give him any food from it.