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Great Pyrenees => Great Pyrenees Pictures => : bigdogs@5501 December 06, 2007, 06:13:53 AM

: Puppy Pyrenees Christmas
: bigdogs@5501 December 06, 2007, 06:13:53 AM
Well here are a few of the pics. Six puppies tend to go in 6 different directions when you only want them to look forward. Piglet finally crashed and went to sleep so we are going to try it again tomorrow.
: Re: Puppy Pyrenees Christmas
: People Whisperer December 06, 2007, 06:18:34 AM
Awwwe Paige, you are breaking my heart in here!!! Those babies are so adorable...too bad people shouldn't think about it around Christmas  :-X
: Re: Puppy Pyrenees Christmas
: bigdogs@5501 December 06, 2007, 06:24:31 AM
These guys are just wonderful. They sat and barked at us for the first 2-3 minutes.
Thankfully we have the parents to these guys and we know that neither one of the parents have any hip problems.
If anyone on BPO is interested in one of these babies, let me know. They are not going to be ready for at least another 6 weeks, then they are going to need wonderful families to adopt them.
: Re: Puppy Pyrenees Christmas
: bigdogs@5501 December 06, 2007, 06:31:31 AM
and a few  more individual picks. I am afraid we are going to have to pry Piglet out of my daughters hands when she is ready to be adopted. Piglet even answers to Piglet now- and she goes right to my daughter the minute she goes into the bathroom (this is where the babies are residing at this time, tile floor - easy to clean)
: Re: Puppy Pyrenees Christmas
: Ouch December 06, 2007, 06:45:54 AM
Oh Man .. I was just showing my husband the 2 1/2 wk pics earlier this evening, he was so full of questions about Pyrs that I couldn't even begin to answer but I was already thinking about another giant breed when the time is right .. I'm just now adjusting to this wonderful monster (aka Newf) that runs around and bounces off the furniture here since July.  Just this morning it took me about 3 min. to get Sadie to move from where she'd plopped down in front of the shower door so I could get out !!  I was laughing so hard - I couldn't believe the predicament I was in and who'd ever believe me but someone with one of these giant nuts on 4 legs.  ;D
: Re: Puppy Pyrenees Christmas
: lorim2 December 06, 2007, 08:27:50 AM
OMG Paige..They are soooo cute!  I dont think I could pick a favorite!  They are so fuzzy and fat!  Man I was thinking out loud tonight wondering how mad my family would be if I brought one home...Well you can guess Sarah is the one to hear me...Shes like MAD???  Of course shes the only one that wouldnt be mad..haha..The y are precious!
: Re: Puppy Pyrenees Christmas
: London_Pyr_Lover December 06, 2007, 08:29:08 AM
I'm already harrassing my family to let me get another puppy.  They may just concede by the time these pups are ready.   ;D

Any creative suggestions to get my family to want another?  :D
: Re: Puppy Pyrenees Christmas
: lorim2 December 06, 2007, 08:34:01 AM
I'm already harrassing my family to let me get another puppy.  They may just concede by the time these pups are ready.   ;D

Any creative suggestions to get my family to want another?  :D
Haha...Good Luck!  I think we have so much that my family might throw me out if I continue to bring things home! But they are so adorable, its hard not to want at least one!
: Re: Puppy Pyrenees Christmas
: Butts Mom December 06, 2007, 08:45:17 AM
Oh they are just adorable!!! How many of them are going to be under my tree Christmas morning????
: Re: Puppy Pyrenees Christmas
: maxsmom December 06, 2007, 04:16:46 PM
You are doing a wonderful job with them.  You are right.  They are going to need wonderful homes just to try and keep up with the fantastic start you are giving them.  You are sure feeding the puppy fever around here with the too cute pictures.  If I didn't think they would get lost under the big paws already here, I would be seriously considering it.  Thanks for the pics.
: Re: Puppy Pyrenees Christmas
: jennifer December 06, 2007, 06:46:42 PM
I'm not on here every day, but I missed something. Had no idea you were having puppies at your house Paige! 

I don't know how you manage to get out of the bathroom - I would hate to leave those fat fluffy babies! Great pics!  Thanks for sharing. :)
: Re: Puppy Pyrenees Christmas
: bigdogs@5501 December 06, 2007, 07:40:49 PM
Jennifer- readers digest version- I was emailed a pic of mom and dad- they were at a kill shelter. I tried and tried to get a rescue to go and get them. No luck- Jane ( Marypyrs started working on it as well) No one knew the female was pregnant, she gave birth to 11 in the shelter. We had 24 hours to get them out. I took off a day from work and drove 6 hours round trip.I couldnt leave dad, he would have been euthd that day had I left him, so I brought him home too. I have lost 5 of the babies in the first 8 days to illness. The remaining 6 were on antibiotics and breathing treatments and they are doing well now. Can I interest you in a puppy now? Or a lovely male and female who are very bonded. It was thru Jane who is a part of the Minnesota Pyr rescue that I was able to get these guys out.
Oh as a side note- when one of the local Pyr Rescues discovered that they were full blooded Pyrs, they decided that they then wanted then and that it was my duty to give them to them. I have since started the paper work to become a non profit Pyr rescue.
: Re: Puppy Pyrenees Christmas
: kathryn December 06, 2007, 09:03:18 PM
I'm borrowing a friend's computer and saw these pics.  I'm so in love with the dark faced badger markings.  Remind me not to look at any more pics or I might try and get one of the boys. 

They are doing great and you are doing a wonderful job with them, Paige.
: Re: Puppy Pyrenees Christmas
: jennifer December 06, 2007, 09:12:38 PM
Jennifer- readers digest version- I was emailed a pic of mom and dad- they were at a kill shelter. I tried and tried to get a rescue to go and get them. No luck- Jane ( Marypyrs started working on it as well) No one knew the female was pregnant, she gave birth to 11 in the shelter. We had 24 hours to get them out. I took off a day from work and drove 6 hours round trip.I couldnt leave dad, he would have been euthd that day had I left him, so I brought him home too. I have lost 5 of the babies in the first 8 days to illness. The remaining 6 were on antibiotics and breathing treatments and they are doing well now. Can I interest you in a puppy now? Or a lovely male and female who are very bonded. It was thru Jane who is a part of the Minnesota Pyr rescue that I was able to get these guys out.
Oh as a side note- when one of the local Pyr Rescues discovered that they were full blooded Pyrs, they decided that they then wanted then and that it was my duty to give them to them. I have since started the paper work to become a non profit Pyr rescue.

Wow - you are such an inspiration!  I can only wish I could take them all, and aspire to be like you and actually do it.  Good work and god bless!  :-*
: Re: Puppy Pyrenees Christmas
: Pyr Heaven December 06, 2007, 10:16:38 PM
Ahhhh. These little guys are killing me!!! I need a little girl now. An all white little girl. Then I will have a badger boy and all white girl. Ah! That would be so wonderful!!! What would be the chances of my boyfriend agreeing to this? Slim to none but it's worth a try! Hey, I have 6 weeks to work on him! And I am oh so serious in this. Miles really needs a friend. He gets bored being the only dog!!! I can only play with him so much!

P.S. My mom has been interested in this breed ever since I got Miles. She has a GSD and did have a miniature schnauzer but she was 13 years old and we recently lost her. :( I might check to see if she is still interested in a pyr. :)
: Re: Puppy Pyrenees Christmas
: AnnaCrew December 07, 2007, 01:41:26 AM
How about sending, please, one may way? A boy.
They are such wonderful little dogs! I'm melting! You have done a really great job!
: Re: Puppy Pyrenees Christmas
: pitas December 07, 2007, 02:41:52 AM
I know what I want for Christams!  Holy cow are they adorable!    I am sure your daughter will be keeping Piglet too!

Anita & the 4 Newfies from NJ