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Great Danes => Great Dane Discussions => : SPIKESMOMMY July 28, 2005, 07:09:59 AM

: Help something is wrong with Spike!!!!!
: SPIKESMOMMY July 28, 2005, 07:09:59 AM
Spike has been gagging since last night like he is trying to throw up and nothing comes out and he is laying around and is moving really slow and there is snot coming out his nose I do not think he ate anything strange last night but he did eat alot of his food last night. Everyone keeps telling me he just ate to much food last night. He is going to potty #1 and #2. I am going to take him to the vet when I get home from work today. But does anyone think it just might have been eating to much food? Please help I am very worried!
Rachael and Spike
: Re: Help something is wrong with Spike!!!!!
: Icerotti July 28, 2005, 07:16:31 AM
It sounds like he may have something lodged in his throat. I would take him to the vet as soon as you can. He is obviously getting air but if something is stuck , you would not want it to move and possible allowing less air supply.
Please let us know what happens. Good Luck
: Re: Help something is wrong with Spike!!!!!
: SPIKESMOMMY July 28, 2005, 07:19:14 AM
Thanks that is kind of what I was thinking to. I am going to take him as soon as I get home. I am going to try to leave early today.
I will let you know as soon as I can.
Thank you again!
Rachael and Spike
: Re: Help something is wrong with Spike!!!!!
: SPIKESMOMMY July 28, 2005, 07:23:29 AM
He  is a 61/2 mth great dane.
I will try to leave soon I hope I can. See I ride with someone else and  the commute is 1 1/2 hour long drive. Iknew I should have stayed home I am so STUPID. I am in tears I am so worried. Please send good thoughts to my baby!
Rachael and Spike
: Re: Help something is wrong with Spike!!!!!
: DixieSugarBear July 28, 2005, 07:28:12 AM
We are thinking of Spike, I hope he is ok now. Is there anyone close by that could take him to the vet for you?
Good Luck,
: Re: Help something is wrong with Spike!!!!!
: SPIKESMOMMY July 28, 2005, 07:29:41 AM
No everyone is at work. I feel like everyone here at work is looking at me like I am strange cause he is just a dog but noone understands.
: Re: Help something is wrong with Spike!!!!!
: Icerotti July 28, 2005, 07:50:20 AM
What if you called your vet and explained what is going on with Spike. They may be able to put your mind at ease or make a suggestion about what to do next.
: Re: Help something is wrong with Spike!!!!!
: SPIKESMOMMY July 28, 2005, 08:08:46 AM
I did call and they said bring him in did not sound urgent or anything. I can’t leave my ride wont leave and I called my boyfriend and he must have left his phone in the work van and I cannot get a hold of my sister. And my mom is who I ride to work with and my grandmom does not drive. I do not know what to do!
Do you think he would be okay at least till I get home? God I hope so.
I cannot wait till my car gets out of the shop cause this would not be a problem I would just leave and if I got fired so be it but I cannot force her to leave.
Rachael and Spike

: Re: Help something is wrong with Spike!!!!!
: Icerotti July 28, 2005, 08:14:54 AM
If the vet did not sound too concerned I would not worry. He should be fine.  Could your grandmom take a taxi to your house?
: Re: Help something is wrong with Spike!!!!!
: jabear July 28, 2005, 08:18:26 AM
Poor Spike. Please send him our prayers!
: Re: Help something is wrong with Spike!!!!!
: SPIKESMOMMY July 28, 2005, 08:22:15 AM
No She wouldn't cause she is terrified of Spike for one and she in all honesty could not handle him. I even tried my cousin that I cannot stand but she said she couldn't do it. So much for depending on your family huh!
So I guess I have to wait unless my mom changes her mind. God please let him be okay till then!!! I hope noone in this family ever needs my help for anything cause it will not be forthcoming. I know that might sound childish but that is how I feel right now. Spike might be just a dog to some people but he is my baby in all ways but that I did not give birth to him.
Rachael and Spike
: Re: Help something is wrong with Spike!!!!!
: Scootergirl July 28, 2005, 08:38:09 AM
This might sound like an oogy question, but do you have cats? Does spike like to "nose dive for the tootsie rolls?" My dog does this every time after I catch him sneaking mid-day snacks in the litter box. The clay litter clumps in there throat and they try to hack it up.

It could also be a hair ball - yes, dog's get them sometimes - especially now when they are shedding so much from the heat. (there is a similar post on here somewhere with a very graphic picture!).

If he has water to help wash things down, he should be fine 'til you get home. It freaked me out the first time my dog did this, too and I rushed him to the vet only to pay about $60.00 for her to tell me there is nothing wrong with him.

I think allergies might cause them to do this, too - like getting a tickle in your throat when your sinuses are draining (would explain the snotty nose, too). When my husband took our australian shepherd to Michigan on a business trip, Rocko was doing the same hacking thing the whole time he was there, but as soon as he got home he was fine. I figured he was allergic to Michigan.

Sending good vibes your way,
: Re: Help something is wrong with Spike!!!!!
: Saintgirl July 28, 2005, 08:43:03 AM
I could be kennel cough. When my boy had it he would gag and he had LOTS of snot coming out of his nose. Even if your pup has been vaccinated against KC he could still have it, vaccines aren't much good for that! If it is KC then you don't have too much to worry about, it is like the common cold in humans. I hope that your boy is okay, and that you find someway to get him to the vet soon!! Good luck!
: Re: Help something is wrong with Spike!!!!!
: SPIKESMOMMY July 28, 2005, 08:49:10 AM
I do have a cat but I don’t think he got in the litter box last night it is in the bathroom and I keep a baby gate at the bottom of the stairs to keep him from wandering. And I did not leave any water in his cage this morning cause my mom said she thought that might make him worse while I was not home to watch him I had a feeling I should have left him some in his cage. He has been biting on his tail a lot last night it was constantly wet he has nto broken skin or anything though. I hope it is nothing too and I am overreacting. But the gagging is not all the time it seems to be only when he gets up from laying down I forgot to add that in the first messege. 
Rachael and Spike
: Re: Help something is wrong with Spike!!!!!
: Scootergirl July 28, 2005, 08:51:58 AM
Yup! sounds like allergies - biting the tail, gagging when getting up from lying down. That's what my dogs do when the allergies crop up - either that or it's the litter box. The snotty nose sounds like allergies, though. I think he'll be fine 'til you get home - a little miserable, maybe, but not life-threatening.

Take a deep breath, wipe your eyes, get a Coke and some M&Ms. That's what always helps me calm down, anyway!

: Re: Help something is wrong with Spike!!!!!
: brigid67 July 28, 2005, 08:52:13 AM
Hope all is well with Spike....let us know what the vet said....
: Re: Help something is wrong with Spike!!!!!
: DixieSugarBear July 28, 2005, 08:59:03 AM
I am so sorry that your family is not helping you out.  Some times they just do not understand that they are our babies.  The might have four legs but they are loved just and much as the ones that have two.  That is the great thing about this group everyone understands just how much we love our fur-babies.  He is very lucky to have a Mom that loves him. Don't worry about overreacting we all do it all the time.  My vets know that if I am worried about any little thing Sugar Bear or Dixie will be in for them to take a look.  I keep two different vets so that if one is out of town I have another one that knows my dogs.

: Re: Help something is wrong with Spike!!!!!
: SPIKESMOMMY July 28, 2005, 09:17:11 AM
Thank you all of you ! You have put my mind a little at ease . I hate feeling helpess it drives me crazy I am a very independent person and I hate feeling powerless and stuck.
I will take him to the vet as soon as I get home and I will stay with him tomorrow if he needs me my job be darned. I love Spike he is so sweet he does not have a mean bone in his body when he gets yelled at it hurts his feelings, if the cat takes a swipe at him it hurts his feelings he is a very sensitive boy and very much a love bug.
Rachael and Spike
: Re: Help something is wrong with Spike!!!!!
: GYPSY JAZMINE July 28, 2005, 09:47:29 AM
I feel so bad for you!...It sucks big time to feel helpless!...I wish I could help you! :( Try not to worry too much though I know it is very dificult right now!...Worry will just drain you & nothing good comes of it....I will certainly be sending prayers that he is o.k. but I bet he just has something stuck in his throat..Please let us know that he is o.k. as soon as you are able to!
: Re: Help something is wrong with Spike!!!!!
: SPIKESMOMMY July 28, 2005, 12:35:11 PM
It is firm when he goes. I was really looking for that. And as far as I can tell no gas and believe me the whole house can tell when he has gas. I am defiantly going to take him when I get home from work weather he looks or feels better or not. I am going to make my vet a very rich man I should by stock now. A couple weeks ago Spike drank out of my boyfriends in ground pool that is covered with the pool tarp cause the filter needs to be replaced and he is going to wait to get it done after the summer cause it will be a lot cheaper then his pool is a Olympic size pool a low diving board and a curly slide and all.  Any way Spike got the poos from it so off to the vet I went. The vet said I probably did not need to bring him in but he gave him so antibiotics and another prescription to stop the poos. I am such a worry wart that I kind of overreact sometimes. But Spike is the only person in my life I do that with usually I am the one people can count on in a pressure situation but when it comes to Spike I am just a puddle who runs for the vet at the slightest thing that makes me nervous. Oh and by the way what is Kennel cough again I have never had a dog that had it? I thought it was something a dog got from being in the pound with lots of sick dogs.
Rachael and Spike
: Re: Help something is wrong with Spike!!!!!
: mastiffmommy July 28, 2005, 01:01:07 PM
Well I am glad to hear that he doesnt have gas or the runs, that probably rules out a couple of things.

Kennel cough, is a bacterial infection caused by the organism Bordetella Bronchiseptica, well 80-90 % are caused by that organism, the other 10% are viral. In general the incubation is 3-5 days. And yes mostly you hear about it in dogs that has been in the shelter or most bording places require vaccination. But since the kennel cough comes in both bacterial and viral forms, it can be picked up basically anywhere, where there is a group of dogs. So if you are out of luck and go to the dog park you meet a dog that is infected but yet not show signs well voila.

The vaccines are either an internasal or injectable. The internasal is working much faster and give protection in as little as 5 or so days. While the injectable provide a longer immunity.

Okay that was a very "dry" post lol....

I hope he is feeling much better by the time you get home from work, and please let us know how he is as soon as you can.


: Re: Help something is wrong with Spike!!!!!
: SPIKESMOMMY July 28, 2005, 01:36:19 PM
I am getting  ready to leave in 20 min. As soon as I get home we are going. It will probably be a wait but I would rather have him there in the office just in case then sitting at home waiting to make an appointment.
Thank you all again for your help. I will post what happens first thing in the morning to let everyone know how it went. If I end up staying home I will try to use my boyfriends computer mine has been kaputz for months and I still have not got a new one I use my work computer.
Well talk to all of you tomorrow hopefully all good news and I am just overreacting to a minor problem.

Rachael and Spike
: Re: Help something is wrong with Spike!!!!!
: mastiffmommy July 28, 2005, 01:38:15 PM
Good Luck Spike, you might have to give your mommy a little support so she can make it to the vet  ;)

I will be keeping my fingers crossed and several paws are crossed too

: Re: Help something is wrong with Spike!!!!!
: GrumpyBunny July 28, 2005, 01:39:24 PM
Good luck Rachael - I hope Spike is ok...
: Re: Help something is wrong with Spike!!!!!
: Icerotti July 29, 2005, 08:26:30 AM
Any word on Spike today???
: Re: Help something is wrong with Spike!!!!!
: mastiffmommy July 29, 2005, 07:43:52 PM
I hope Spike is fine. his mom said that if she has to stay home today, she might have a hard time  to get to a puter. I really really hope the reason she had to stay home isnt because Spike is feeling real bad though.

: Re: Help something is wrong with Spike!!!!!
: Icerotti July 31, 2005, 11:27:51 AM
Hope to hear word about Spike soon. I hope everything is ok. :D
: Re: Help something is wrong with Spike!!!!!
: jens2danes August 01, 2005, 07:17:11 AM
Rachel How is Spike doing?Hope everything is ok.Jen and danes