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Newfoundlands => Newfoundland Discussions => : shelebo January 21, 2008, 06:03:45 PM

: Should I get another newfie?
: shelebo January 21, 2008, 06:03:45 PM
Hi everyone!  I'm not so good at posting on these things but I know that this is the place to come for good info on big dogs:)  I have a 3 year old landseer newfoundland who LOVES other dogs.  I am really thinking about getting another dog for him (and me:)  I have just become such a sucker for the newfies that I can't even think about getting another breed (except for maybe a newfie mix).  I was just wondering if the people that had 2 large, slobbery, hairy teddy bears would encourage or discourage this.  Any advice would be great.

: Re: Should I get another newfie?
: Saint and Mal mom January 21, 2008, 06:15:12 PM
If you think you can financially handle another dog and have the time and energy to train it, play with it, and care for it, I say go for it! We got our Saint Bernard as a playmate and companion for our Alaskan Malamute, and they love having each other around! Two dogs are a lot more responsibility than one, but there's nothing better than having 2! (except maybe having 3...or 4...or more!  :D)
: Re: Should I get another newfie?
: London_Pyr_Lover January 21, 2008, 06:19:12 PM
I agree,  I think that as long as you can afford the time and money that another large dog, or any dog really would take up then I say go for it!  There's nothing better then watching your dogs play together, or snuggle together, or whatever.  ;) ;D
: Re: Should I get another newfie?
: People Whisperer January 21, 2008, 07:29:09 PM
I can't do the drool...from one and especially from two  :P
But besides that I think two newfies could be great together. From what I have heard "dogs are like children. If you have one, you might as well have two so they play with each other"  ;D
: Re: Should I get another newfie?
: sarnewfie January 22, 2008, 04:03:26 AM
i have six of them, if you need any advice contact me.
i got involved in the breed in my early twenties!
: Re: Should I get another newfie?
: Mojo1269 January 22, 2008, 02:59:48 PM
I had three until recently and I live by myself.  Three has its moments but two is very do-able and in many ways easier.  As alluded to by others before me, if you can pull it off financially it is worth looking into.  You may also want to anticipate if you need to change anything to accomodate two e.g.  Is your vaccume up to the task of two or should you suck it up (pun intended) and buy a Dyson if you do not have one already, can your vehcile handle two etc...
: Re: Should I get another newfie?
: shelebo January 22, 2008, 03:07:29 PM
Thanks to everyone for responding!  I'm still hoping to get another puppy within a year or year-and-a-half.  Bentley will be around 4 then.  Do you think that is too old? 

I was wondering if it would be easier in some ways (which someone just mentioned)...because he really seems to be craving a dog playmate. 

And yes...I do own a Dyson:)

Thanks again to everyone!
: Re: Should I get another newfie?
: ptkennel January 22, 2008, 03:21:07 PM
Get another one, you will wonder why you didn't do it sooner when you do!!!  Yes, there are more costs involved, but if you can afford it, do it.  Two newfs, would be heaven, I will find that out in a few weeks.  I have four dogs right now, but only one newf.
Good luck!
: Re: Should I get another newfie?
: CrazyLoveRosie January 22, 2008, 11:29:55 PM
If one Newf could provide so much love, can you just imagine how much love you'll get from two?!? I'm truly in love with the breed and cannot imagine now what life was like before we had a Newf.

We only have Rosie right now too, and have also considered getting a puppy to keep her company. I would agree with the others that it's a huge financial responsibility, we already had a taste of that with one Newf, when Rosie tore her ACL and needed TPLO surgery. If we got a second dog, I would hate to be unable to provide the same high level of care for one or both dogs just because I couldn't afford it. It of course also takes more time to provide all that Newf attention (Rosie expects at least 30 minutes of petting in the morning). I think a second Newf is definitely a big decision, but if you can weigh your pros and cons, you might find it's well worth it!
: Re: Should I get another newfie?
: Newly Newfed January 23, 2008, 01:59:09 AM
Me and my hubby Jeff tend to collect animals.  All kinds of animals.  We have fawns living indoors every May for Pete's sake.  I am SO not the one to ask.  LOL!!  A neighbor found a male peacock in his back yard and his first thought was to call Jeff and yup, we took it.  The Newfs are my "thing" though.  Jeff loves our girl, Sierra, but he could happily live without the slobber and hair.  We would never have her if not for my begging for a year and a half.  I am planning on getting another Newf in the next year or so also.  Jeff hasn't exactly agreed to this yet, but whenever I talk about it, I say "WHEN we get our next Newf..." not "IF we get one...".  He hasn't said no, but he hasn't said yes either.

Welcome to BPO and thank you for posting more pics of your beautiful boy!  We want more!!!

~ Stephanie
: Re: Should I get another newfie?
: bigfeet January 24, 2008, 12:44:58 PM
We own a GSD and we're getting a newf puppy this summer.i can't wait.I would get 2 newf puppies if hubby would let me,lol.I would say go for it! :D