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Great Pyrenees => Great Pyrenees Discussions => : GreatPyr January 30, 2008, 12:53:59 PM

: Keeping two male pyrs together question?
: GreatPyr January 30, 2008, 12:53:59 PM
I have read numerous times that there may be problems keeping two male pyrs together in the same area,the article said you normally do not see problems until the pyr reaches adolescent or adulthood.

Does anyone have 2 full grown male Pyrs together?

Just curious being I may like another  male in a  few years :P
: Re: Keeping two male pyrs together question?
: Amy (guffer) January 30, 2008, 01:12:44 PM
My boys are both about 1 1/2 years old.  The ended up in the shelter together as strays and were obiously bonded to each other.  That's why hubby and I decided to adopt both.  Just couldn't imagine splitting them up.  Anyway, 99% of the time they get along beautifully (both are neutered BTW), but we had a few occasions when they went berzerk and Zeus attacked Apollo.  Hubby has a nice big scar on his forearm as a reminder (He got bit trying to pull them apart).  Anyway, with the advise of other BPOers, we figured out how to stop the odd scuffle before it gets out of hand.  We reinforce obedience like sit, stay, etc.  Since Zeus seems dominant, he gets fed first, loved on first, etc.  Also, we don't keep chew toys in the house anymore, because we've caught them growling at each other over them.  And finally we keep squirt bottles nearby at all times and use them at the first sign of trouble, like a look from Zeus, or bad body language, or a growl.  This all has seemed to work well for us.  We haven't had a major fight in months.  And like I said, 99% of the time they're best friends.  They sleep together, lick each other, chase each other and wrestle in the yard with no problems.  So it's not impossible to keep two male pys.  You'll just have to see how they behave and make adjustments as necessary.  Or you could just get a pretty little girl!  ;D
: Re: Keeping two male pyrs together question?
: GreatPyr January 30, 2008, 01:22:50 PM
Well my pup is only 12 weeks ;D I am getting ahead of myself..ha..ha ..But I love the bred so good already that I would like in a couple of years add another.I have all male dogs..just prefer males...I actually have never owned a female dog..ha..ha..
: Re: Keeping two male pyrs together question?
: maxsmom January 30, 2008, 01:26:58 PM
I don't have 2 male pyrs, but I do have all male dogs.  Max, my IW is not neutered, but my pyr and TM are.  The TM is my dominant dog and doesn't allow any escalation of play into fights between Max and Jake.  If their play turns serious, he walks up to them and they stop.  Lots of people who use pyrs as LGD have numerous dogs together, with no problems, so I don't see why it would be a problem, as long as you are able to handle it, if it happens.  Fighting between most dogs within a given pack, is all about dominance anyway.  Just my 2 cents worth.
: Re: Keeping two male pyrs together question?
: BigSoftandFluffyLover January 30, 2008, 10:42:17 PM
When i first got Rasputin he was all by himself.  When i brought him home his tail was always down, he had no energy and barely ate.  The breeder had one puppy left and couldnt sell him (no health problems, Daisy, Rasputins mother had 11 puppies and thats a lot to sell!!!)  So she gave me Valcore.  The second that i brought Vacore into the house Rasputins tail went up and they starting setting up a perrimeter along the fence together.  He was happier being with another dog but hes not too dominant.  They would have scuffles every now and again but he fought more with my 28 lbs cat, Mr Boogers  ;)
: Re: Keeping two male pyrs together question?
: Saint and Mal mom January 31, 2008, 05:17:43 PM
I have a very good friend who used to be a member here who raised her 2 male Pyrs together and they were fine for 2 years. One day, that all changed. That was over a year ago and they cannot even see each other through a window to this day without trying to get at each other. My friend knows that if she doesn't keep them completely separated, they will kill each other.

Keeping same sexes of Pyrs together is definitely a balancing act. Some Pyr's will tolerate it. Others won't. That's just the way it is. I don't think their minds can be changed about it either really. I think the key is socialize, socialize, SOCIALIZE your dog as much as possible now with female dogs and male dogs, to see his response. Start early, and you will benefit, as will your dog. Remember, same-sex aggression is the exception rather than the rule USUALLY, but Pyrs are an exceptional breed.
: Re: Keeping two male pyrs together question?
: GreatPyr January 31, 2008, 11:36:54 PM
What you have just said is what i have read numerous places about the breed,that two male pyrs arent usually able to be kept together once they reach adulthood UNLESS they are in a huge livestock setting to where there is enough charges for both of them to stay busy and look after,they are so territorial is what makes them great LGD and watch dogs so two males would be competing for territory,thats what i read anyway so was wondering if anyone did keep two adults together in harmony.I also read that if you have a grown Pyr and want to bring in another dog it would need to be a puppy and not a grown dog,they would see the grown dog as invading there territory but would accept a pup as part of something else to watch over.
: Re: Keeping two male pyrs together question?
: Saint and Mal mom February 01, 2008, 12:27:24 AM
Again, it's an individual dog thing. My dogs are not Pyrs, but are both supposed to be same-sex aggressive. I have never seen any signs of this whatsoever. Socialize, sovialize, SOCIALIZE. Have you done this with your pup? With other dogs? Other dogs of the same gender? If you hope to overcome same sex aggression, it will take effort on the owner's part. It's not just something the dog overcomes on it's own, especially when the breed has such a propensity toward being dog aggressive in any way. Even breeds that are supposedly "good with other dogs" will be testy and ill-equipped to be around other dogs if they've never been around other dogs. They won't know their manners. It's like a child. You have to teach a child manners, they don't just come built-in.  :D (even if we all wish they did!)