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BPO Off Topic Forum => Anything Non-Dog Related => : lins_saving_grace February 22, 2008, 04:54:35 AM

: I have another BIG interview
: lins_saving_grace February 22, 2008, 04:54:35 AM
there are interviews for jobs that you take to get you by.  and there are interviews for jobs that get to you. 
This one i came across with my ex husband's mother called and told me to email about and when i hadn't heard back from him, she told me to call him.  so i did and he wants to meet me. 
It's a title agency that handles a lot of commercial business and the guy wants someone with commercial and escrow experience, but may have to settle for someone who he can train.  I May have a good shot at this job.  MAYBE. 
it's in Portage, MI, about 60 miles south of GR around Kalamazoo.  It's a hike, but i would of course be moving if i got the job.  I really would love to do that.   all i really have to offer this guy is ground work for him to mold and the huge desire to learn something new. 
I'm nervous, i'm not too optimistic since none of the interviews i've had have turned into anything and i have 30 days to get a job before the apt manager won't renew my lease and me and Grace have to live in the Jeep (at least when i'm alone and feeling down that's what i dream up).  something has got to break.

Wish me luck...i can't let my pupper down.  it's today at 2 and i'm leaving here at noon.
: Re: I have another BIG interview
: GoldenPyrs February 22, 2008, 06:54:53 AM
Hey, that sounds exciting.  We'll be crossing all fingers & paws here that it works out for you.  Let us know how it goes, ok?
: Re: I have another BIG interview
: London_Pyr_Lover February 22, 2008, 07:37:40 AM
Ohhhhhh!!!  Good luck Lin!  I've got a good feeling about this one!!  I know you'll do great!   ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Sending you great BIG happy Employed vibes!!
: Re: I have another BIG interview
: lins_saving_grace February 22, 2008, 12:55:30 PM
Ohhhhhh!!!  Good luck Lin!  I've got a good feeling about this one!!  I know you'll do great!   ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Sending you great BIG happy Employed vibes!!
after an hour and 15 minutes on the road and an hour in his office, he said he's going to keep looking for someone with more experience. 
so i'm going to make curtains for the Jeep so me and grace can be nice and comfy in the back when we move in there.
: Re: I have another BIG interview
: Ali February 22, 2008, 01:10:56 PM
Awwww. That stinks. Try not to let it get you down. "Your" job is out there and will come along soon. In the mean time, I've seen your sewing and I know that your jeep curtains will knock socks off of every other curtain around...

Seriously, hang in there. Snuggle Grace and let her give you wet puppy smooches.
: Re: I have another BIG interview
: GoldenPyrs February 22, 2008, 02:31:30 PM
Darn!  I'm sorry, Lin.  I know that you are disappointed, but hang in there!  I know that you've mentioned that you'd be interested in moving.  Have you tried job hunting specifically in the areas that you might like to live?  Maybe some where that you already have friends or family?   Or just somewhere completely new for an adventure.  Also, you really are very artistic, so maybe a job working with photography or sewing?  You've probably already thought of all of this, but I just thought that I'd just throw out a few ideas.  In the meantime, Ali's right!  Snuggle up with Grace and maybe a funny movie w/popcorn and keep the faith.  I'll be thinking of you. ((hugs))
: Re: I have another BIG interview
: London_Pyr_Lover February 22, 2008, 04:28:58 PM
Aww.  I'm really sorry Lin.  You'll find something out there though, just keep looking, and hey, you can always come crash up here in the Great White North with us!  Jeep Curtins not required.   ;)

I think a good snuggle with Grace and a good movie will help too.  Keep yer chin up, it's gonna get better.

: Re: I have another BIG interview
: Pyr Heaven February 22, 2008, 07:16:10 PM
I'm sorry to hear it didn't work out, Lin. I'm with everyone else though. Your job...and not just any job....your perfect job, will come. Hang in there. :-* :-* :-* And I'm with Alex. I think i'd offer you to live with me before you start making curtains for you jeep :D
: Re: I have another BIG interview
: ratdog February 22, 2008, 10:02:46 PM
I'm so sorry it didn't work out. I know this sounds lame at a time like this but I will pray for you.
: Re: I have another BIG interview
: mynameislola February 23, 2008, 02:32:48 AM
If you do make curtains for your Jeep, please let me know how you attach them to the vehicle.  Hubby and I have had trucks we camped in and I was never happy with the curtains I made.

Elastic through a casing in the curtain didn't work for me because the elastic was not strong enough to keep the center of the curtain from drooping.  Velcro was a bit better but the Velcro pieces were difficult to keep attached to the truck.

Have you tried sites like Monster?  I have looked at that one a few times but nobody local is ever looking for a Zookeeper.

Best of luck on the job search. 
: Re: I have another BIG interview
: lins_saving_grace March 01, 2008, 10:20:36 AM
That's a no brainer.  i'd be a photographer. 
funny you mention it.  a guy from awebsite i am on for photography contests suggested i sign up for a place where he submits his pics for sale.  recently he sold a picture that made a few car payments for him.
it's a long wait to get approved for this site, but mayber there's a possibility there. 
there was a photographer looking for an assistant last week too. but it pays so little, is part time and i need to buy an expensive camera to get in with him.  plus with considering moving an hour away, i couldn't make it back to GR in a flash for night jobs. if he advertises again i'm going to break the bank and do it.
thanks for the spitir booster though.  i've needed it lately.  i've been out with the camera a lot this week and weekend and it helps to get out and get fresh air.
AND next week friday, Grace is allowed to go for her first walk in a month.   we are so geeked.
: Re: I have another BIG interview
: mynameislola March 01, 2008, 02:05:27 PM
Please excuse the duplication if I have already suggested this, but how about printing up a few of your photos, framing some of them, and hanging them at someplace like a swap meet?  You could print out some onto perforated magnetic paper for a lower price item.

For a lower start-up cost, if you had the ability to burn CDs, could you put some images together in wallpaper size on a CD and sell them as a screensaver?  We recently paid ten bucks for 350 images of Las Vegas that can be used as a screensaver and about 100 of them were tilted, poorly lighted, or out of focus.