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Newfoundlands => Newfoundland Discussions => : Aeronewf February 27, 2008, 08:27:35 AM

: Are newfs big Face lickers or kissers.
: Aeronewf February 27, 2008, 08:27:35 AM
I posted this a while ago but it dissapeared for some reason. So anyways are they. Describe yours.I personally enjoy a big sloppy one every now and then. ;D
: Re: Are newfs big Face lickers or kissers.
: CrazyLoveRosie February 27, 2008, 10:22:23 AM
Rosie doesn't tend to lick our faces or give us kisses, unless we're chewing on something good and she wants a piece of it. She's more of a 'head sniffer', where every now and then she'll sniff our heads, faces, and ears. It's weird.
: Re: Are newfs big Face lickers or kissers.
: Ouch February 28, 2008, 08:42:25 AM
Sadie isn't a big kisser either.  She'll lick SteveO's foot (that he keeps out from the covers when he sleeps) to wake him to go outside but as far as coming up to us and kissing,  no.  She does love a good nose to nose if you fall asleep on the couch and I have learned to sleep in the middle of the bed if I want to sleep in.
: Re: Are newfs big Face lickers or kissers.
: Newly Newfed February 28, 2008, 09:34:04 AM
Sierra isn't a big kisser unless it's Jeff.  She'll drown him in kisses if he let her.  The rest of us on the other hand, she'll really only gives us kisses when she hasn't seen us in a while.
: Re: Are newfs big Face lickers or kissers.
: pitas February 28, 2008, 03:07:49 PM
Kelso is our big licker, whoa, he hands out kisses very frequently!  He is so happy to see everyone, that's just how he greets you, a big ole' kiss.  The other 3 give kisses when you ask for them or if they haven't seen you in awhile, they might come up and sneak a kiss on you. 

Anita & the 4 Newfies from NJ
: Re: Are newfs big Face lickers or kissers.
: zeus1 March 04, 2008, 07:25:13 PM
Zeus is a huge kisser an licker to the point of enough already.!!! lol I have a shaved head which he seems to love to lick along with hands an feet an mouth i dont mind it for a bit but then if you let him continue your soaking wet and in the winter its a pain cause then your cold lol
: Re: Are newfs big Face lickers or kissers.
: Fumble March 10, 2008, 05:34:08 PM
the fumbs isn't much of a kisser, unless he's really excited to see you.  most of the time he will nibble on your ear lobes or just come up real close to your face and nose you... we call that his lazy man's kiss!
: Re: Are newfs big Face lickers or kissers.
: jesday June 04, 2008, 01:12:12 PM
Neither Sophie or Syrus are huge kissers. Syrus will give me a kiss if I've spent too long trying to brush out some matting in the same place. Kind of like, "Okay, you're irritating me. How about a big kiss instead?" or "please stop doing that. See I'm being good."

Sophie goes nuts over my husband bare feet. He is extremely ticklish and it's so funny to watch him scramble for his slippers while Sophie just has to kiss those little piggies. ;D