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BPO Medical Forum => Medical Conditions & Diseases => : pyr4me February 27, 2008, 10:32:38 PM

: diarrhea!
: pyr4me February 27, 2008, 10:32:38 PM
Hi everyone,

Jenny has had diarrhea for the last couple of days and I'm not sure why...I have made some changes in her diet, but those changes have been for about a month...I added salmon oil to her food and changed her food. She seemed to adapt to those changes fine, but now she has this nasty diarrhea. Could it be those changes or was it too long ago and is something else? She still has an appetite and is acting like her normal self, not sick.  ???
: Re: diarrhea!
: People Whisperer February 27, 2008, 11:07:09 PM
I don't think it's from food since she has been eating it for a month.
Is it diarrhea or very loose stools?
: Re: diarrhea!
: pyr4me February 27, 2008, 11:12:29 PM
I don't think it's from food since she has been eating it for a month.
Is it diarrhea or very loose stools?

It's practically liquid. She woke me up to go out twice last night and on our walk yesterday she went 3 times.
: Re: diarrhea!
: pyr4me February 27, 2008, 11:13:54 PM
Could be she picked up worms from somewhere.  I would recommend a fecal test with the vet, just to make sure there is nothing health wise happening.

Nope, it's not worms. She was treated for worms within the last 2 months and had a clear fecal test at the vet.
: Re: diarrhea!
: Lyn February 27, 2008, 11:16:45 PM
What about the salmon oil.. Have you increased the amount at all? I know I read somewhere that too much salmon oil can cause loose stool/diarrhea. I can't give any to Bubba at all without him getting booty blowout.
: Re: diarrhea!
: People Whisperer February 27, 2008, 11:38:22 PM
I was thinking the same thing  :)

When Lily gets "loose"  :D I use HomeoPet "digestive upset" or "sleppery elm", they both work great...Lily doesn't do the pumpkin  :(
: Re: diarrhea!
: pyr4me February 27, 2008, 11:43:54 PM
I've kept the salmon oil the same. She does try to sneak stuff off the ground outside on our walks. I had to pull a duck wing out of her mouth two weeks ago! Eww! But I haven't noticed her getting anything more recently than that. But it's possible she could have without my realizing it, a lot of our walks happen at night in the dark.

Where do you get the homeopet digestive upset or slippery elm?
: Re: diarrhea!
: People Whisperer February 27, 2008, 11:49:59 PM

Where do you get the homeopet digestive upset or slippery elm?

I usually buy it online. It's pretty cheap $8-9 for HP and  $20 for Slippery Elm. One bottle of HP lasts forever  ;)

I have never seen it at the stores
: Re: diarrhea!
: Pyr Heaven February 27, 2008, 11:58:24 PM
Slippery elm bark you can also find as most health food stores.  ;) That's what I give to Miles when the pumpkin doesn't do anything for him. :)

Hope it goes away soon! Make sure she's drinking lots of water so she doesn't get dehydrated (which I'm sure you already knew that. haha ;))
: Re: diarrhea!
: GreatPyr February 28, 2008, 01:00:41 AM
I second the pumpkin.

Bear ate a dead bird that the cat had left and he had terrible stools for a day or so and when he ate a dead mouse the cat left! the cat keeps leaving dead carcasses in the yard >:( Bear cant go out of his fence now unless on the leash because of that,he use to mill around with me at the barn when I feed the horses but he would find dead things to eat that the cat tucked away so now he has to be on a leash...hes mad at the cat because of it :D
: Re: diarrhea!
: GoldenPyrs February 28, 2008, 01:12:57 AM
That sounds like it's quite frequent, so personally I'd probably take her in to be checked over.  In the meantime though, I think that I'd stop everything "extra" right now and only give her the dog food to see if her system calms back down.  Our kids have food allergies, and a typical approach when you don't know what's causing a new problem is to eliminate everything that is new to their diet and see if the problem goes away.  BTW, Daisy had been on gluc/chond/MSM for a couple of years with no problems and then broke out in a nasty, itchy rash from head to toe last year.  Vet couldn't figure it out & benedryl barely helped.  I took her off of the g/c/MSM & it went away.  Vet's guess is that she'd developed an allergy to it, though it had been fine before.  Just a thought...  Also, if nothing else helps, you could try switching her to a single protein food like duck & potato or fish & sweet potato to see if it helps.  Daisy eats only d & p and it works for her.
: Re: diarrhea!
: Guardian Angel's White lightning February 28, 2008, 05:40:29 AM
pumpkin works for us too!!! the first meal for canned pumpkin does the trick for us... although he wont eat it anymore!!! So we need to find another way of getting it into him when needed! ::)
: Re: diarrhea!
: marypyrs February 28, 2008, 06:26:22 AM
I think I'd do the Vet visit too. Espcially with the week end coming up.

Potato has worked very well for me. One medium boiled or baked with skin on & then smushed up. Add chicken broth if needed for more flavor. Mine love just the plain potato.

Hope she's feeling better soon.  :-*