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BPO General Forum => General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws => : Sinjin March 06, 2008, 06:08:18 PM

: Turning 1 years old.--HELP
: Sinjin March 06, 2008, 06:08:18 PM
I'm new to the forum, but definitely have questions.  I have a wonderful energetic Akita who is turning 1 year this month. HE IS NOT FIXED.
 I've been told to (and have done) socialize him as much as possible.  I've been taking him to dog parks and walks and meeting other dogs.  For the most part he's been really good and plays with most dogs.  However, lately he's been getting into scuffels with dogs.  I let him meet them and then the other dog starts to growl / bark.  I wanted to take him to the dog park the other day, but opted not to when he met a dog on the way and they got into a little tussle.  Might anyone have any suggestions as to what I can do to mitigate this?  Is this only going to be a short while? or will I have to keep him away from dogs going forward? He still likes the female dog at the corner and doesn't have problems with here except he may play too rough with her.
: Re: Turning 1 years old.--HELP
: ZooCrew March 06, 2008, 06:57:09 PM
Neutering him could possibly help.

But being an akita, and since he is coming into maturity I'm guessing he's now starting to show the akita's tendency to not always get along with other dogs.  Some dogs, even if properly socialized when puppies will, once they hit maturity, not be able to be trusted around strage dogs anymore.  It is a commen occurence with breeds that have strong personalities and tend to be dominant.

If your dog gets along with most dogs, you can always watch to see what dogs may be a problem and remove him if necessary if those types of dogs are around.  Another dominant dog would be someone he would be most likely to get into a tussle with.  Any dog that comes up to him stiff legged and gets right up in his face trying to stare him down would be a big clue.  Raised hair on the haunches and down the back after greeting could be an indicator as well, depending on the dog.

I hope you can still take him around other dogs.  You may just have to be more cautious as to what types of dogs he will be able to be around.  Alot of akitas are same sex aggressive so maybe meeting with female dogs may be an option for you. 

Good luck, and welcome to the board.
: Re: Turning 1 years old.--HELP
: Sinjin March 06, 2008, 06:59:42 PM
Lets say that isn't an option.  Was hoping to read other than that.
: Re: Turning 1 years old.--HELP
: Sinjin March 06, 2008, 07:08:32 PM
Thx. Zoo.
Yes.. I'm keeping him on the leash longer as i enter an area to see if /how other dogs react to him.  He doesn't bark at them.. until the tussle begins then I hear the growl.  I also notice the hair now. Its also frustrating when the other owner says their dog is "friendly" they're off leash then they have to run over and get their dog.
My dog doesn't always start it either. But it "appears"  he does.  I've also heard that some dogs are aggressive to NON-Fixed dogs.    I guess I have to be more aware as I've been.
: Re: Turning 1 years old.--HELP
: Sinjin March 06, 2008, 07:10:42 PM
Thank you for the welcome.