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BPO General Forum => General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws => : Anky August 02, 2005, 08:02:00 PM

: Little dogs beating on big dogs.
: Anky August 02, 2005, 08:02:00 PM
Personally I hate it when it happens.  But when you look back on it later, the pics are pretty funny.

Sanity trying to rip Hobo's face off his first day home.

Tenchi getting beat on by a Boston Terrier and a Shiba Inu at the dog park.

(Yes he is attached to his head)

"No, really what are you?"

: Re: Little dogs beating on big dogs.
: Anky August 02, 2005, 09:51:08 PM
Oh Tenchi's awesome, don't get me wrong.  It's just funny because his best friend is Moni's tiny Mini Aussie, and so he's used to playing with little dogs, and he gets confused when they don't want to play.  He's like "Whats da matter wit you?"  Seriously, I love Tench.  You can't ever meet him and not love him.  It's impossible.
: Re: Little dogs beating on big dogs.
: jabear August 02, 2005, 10:07:34 PM
OMG! The one with the little dog attached to the face is so crazy. Poor doggy! I hope that the little one got disciplined.
: Re: Little dogs beating on big dogs.
: Joji August 04, 2005, 01:00:46 PM
Do my eyes deceive me but is one of those "little dogs" a shiba??
: Re: Little dogs beating on big dogs.
: brigid67 August 04, 2005, 01:34:22 PM
My little dogs have not been to ni e to Willow....  Wish they could all just get along...  I feel sorry for Willow cayse she just wants to play...
: Re: Little dogs beating on big dogs.
: Anky August 04, 2005, 04:21:30 PM
They took the Shiba out of the park.  It's not what it looks like, I wasn't taking pics of the little thing trying to swallow Tenchi's head, it was boxing at him, (Hence the first pic) then he lunged, and my shutter has a wicked delay so that's how I got the pic.  *Gets mental pic of "Ang snaps pictures at local bloodlust fest"*


: Re: Little dogs beating on big dogs.
: Joji August 05, 2005, 09:12:58 AM
I'm a shiba lover ... our other dog is a shiba. ;-)  I'm not at all surprised that little shiba thought he could hang with the big dawgs. ;-) 

Your photo is great ... reminds me of when our shiba plays with our akita. Even though there's a 70-pound weight difference, the shiba bowls over the big girl!

: Re: Little dogs beating on big dogs.
: Blair August 05, 2005, 09:27:44 AM
Oh Tenchi's awesome, don't get me wrong.  It's just funny because his best friend is Moni's tiny Mini Aussie, and so he's used to playing with little dogs, and he gets confused when they don't want to play.  He's like "Whats da matter wit you?"  Seriously, I love Tench.  You can't ever meet him and not love him.  It's impossible.

I met Tenchi and totally feel in love with that big guy. He is just a big sweetheart. I miss him already LOL.

I am lucky that Diesel gets a long so well with my 2 big guys. Only problem I have is Diesel is Jealous and when I am holding him he doesnt want me petting any other dog.