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Many Breeds Together => Group Discussions & Photos => : arkydo April 11, 2008, 10:10:21 AM

: Spring time woo whoo ???? (picers)
: arkydo April 11, 2008, 10:10:21 AM
Well here in northern MI we're celebrating spring with more snow.
Just got half a foot started real early this morning after yesterdays lovely mixture of wind,ice rain, rain and hail

the boys don't mind tho
: Re: Spring time woo whoo ???? (picers)
: London_Pyr_Lover April 11, 2008, 10:21:03 AM
Uhng!  :P :(
Snow in the middle of April?!  YUCK!  But at least your boys are enjoying it.  ;)  Lets hope it clears up really, really soon. ;)

BTW you've got some really beautiful property.  :)
: Re: Spring time woo whoo ???? (picers)
: NarniaMals April 11, 2008, 12:10:31 PM
We are right there with you!  We had 6 inches throughout this week - right after a 2 month break and temperatures in the 50s.  We are back to the freezing mark (which is fine with me) but the snow melts, makes lovely mud baths in the yard parts that aren't graveled, and then re-freezes. We are still hearing the "snow" word for this week - just a few inches - as well.  I personally love the snow - its the muddy melt that follows with out LONG spring days.

Good Luck to you - based on our weather pattern that seems to cross the lower 48 - you may be in for one more shot of cold.  I loive 40 miles North Of Anchorage, AK and we saw single digits last night.  It seems to travel down from us - across Canada and eventually back east.  Hope this one falls apart first!
: Re: Spring time woo whoo ???? (picers)
: GrumpyBunny April 11, 2008, 12:44:28 PM
Ugh, somebody trade with me.  I would love some snow right about now.  It's 83 degrees today in San Diego and I am NOT a hot weather gal...
: Re: Spring time woo whoo ???? (picers)
: arkydo April 11, 2008, 12:57:28 PM
yeah we just had a  2 week thaw temps around 45 then back to the snow,
i think the snow caught some people here off guard cuz there was a nasty accident just up the road ambulances, cops and two mangles cars taken away on flatbeds
Just hope the ambulances were just precaution
: Re: Spring time woo whoo ???? (picers)
: Thelma April 11, 2008, 09:42:12 AM
oh yuck!  please keep that snow to
great pics though.
: Re: Spring time woo whoo ???? (picers)
: lins_saving_grace April 11, 2008, 10:09:07 AM guys up north have it bad still.  I hear you're gonna get more tonight too.

Where in Northern MI are you?   I'm in Grand Rapids.
: Re: Spring time woo whoo ???? (picers)
: arkydo April 11, 2008, 10:14:35 AM
in a town called Levering 40 mins north of Petoskey bout 10 mins south of the bridge
yup more tonight and maybe through tomorrow
it sucked the other day watching tv said we were at 35 and Detroit was at 70
35 right now
: Re: Spring time woo whoo ???? (picers)
: lins_saving_grace April 11, 2008, 10:16:06 AM
If it makes you feel better, it's cold and drizzley here. 
I love quaint.    Been to the bridge a few times.  that's a gorgeous part of the state and so close to all the hot spots like St. Ignace and Traverse City.  I'm almost jealous.
: Re: Spring time woo whoo ???? (picers)
: arkydo April 11, 2008, 10:23:45 AM
its alright up here but there loads of cops with nothing to do
cop mentality:
if you're young you're a drug addict
old an alcoholic
black then your screwed.
it sucks big time.
but it looks cool in the fall and the lake is clean up this end so we can swim
i was just down in grand rapids a 2 months ago on a business trip going back for another in a month or so
: Re: Spring time woo whoo ???? (picers)
: lins_saving_grace April 11, 2008, 10:27:01 AM
well if you see a rott with a person attached...tha t's me. :)
: Re: Spring time woo whoo ???? (picers)
: Binky April 11, 2008, 10:35:16 AM
Nice pictures and not to be mean but you made me feel a whole lot better about our Maine "spring." :)  It's cold and gray and foggy and drizzly but no snow today so I guess we can't complain!