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Rottweilers => Rottweiler Discussions => : Chase August 04, 2005, 02:49:48 PM

: New Guy here with new Rott puppy
: Chase August 04, 2005, 02:49:48 PM
Hello All,

I just got a male rottweiler puppy. His name is Chase.  I have a question:  He gets so excited when he sees me (in the mornings or when I come from work) that he pee's (little bit).  Is that normal  and how can I stop it.   Also this might be a coincidence, but he just got spayed.  Any ideas?   Thanks in advance for responding.   
: Re: New Guy here with new Rott puppy
: Nina August 04, 2005, 02:52:56 PM
My Pyr mix used to do that it's excited pee, as I call it.  He should grow out of it. I asked my vet and se said it is unlikely a urinary infection but to be on the safe side you can get him checked out byt the vet. Has he always been doing that or just after the neuter?

: Re: New Guy here with new Rott puppy
: lins_saving_grace August 04, 2005, 02:53:59 PM
First Puppy?  or just first Rott puppy?

Gracey still pees a little if she gets too excited. 

Rotts can be terribly excitable.  I'd suggest first to contain that energy because when he's 150 pounds with the head the size of'll regreat not doing that.

Lady and Grace are in the process of learning to settle in the mornings and evenings since I don't want people to get mulled when they walk in the door...and I don't want to get knocked over either.  It's all training.

The tinkle issue...if it doesn't go away he might have an infection.  Grace had a tinknle issue too and I got some antibotics to fix that. 
: Re: New Guy here with new Rott puppy
: lins_saving_grace August 04, 2005, 02:54:25 PM
And we must see pictures.
: Re: New Guy here with new Rott puppy
: Chase August 04, 2005, 03:17:08 PM
Thank you for the advice.  He just got neutered about 10 days ago, maybe it is related.  I will have him checked out by the vet. 

And yes, it is my first puppy.  I realize getting a rottweiler may not be the best choice for a first puppy, but I consider myself responsible and patient. 

One other question:  My wife complains about how he smells.  I tell her it's a dog, so any advice with this situation?  I have bathe twice in a month already.

I will take some digital pictures soon.  :-)
: Re: New Guy here with new Rott puppy
: mastiffmommy August 04, 2005, 03:24:05 PM
Hi Chase, and welcome im sure youll love it here.

my bullmastiff Hera who is a little over one and a half can still do that when she gets too excited. she was way worse when she was younger though. one thing you can do, is to not speak in a too "happy" voice. talk calmly show him no attention, keep that "low profile" and take him out for his morning pee, or after work pee or whatever it might be. the happier you sound and act the more excited puppy will be. Even the worst twinklers usually grow out of it though.

the smell, hmmm do you mean the whole dog or his breath or what? if it is the whole dog well you can give baths as you do, they also have real good products that you can spray on, it is like a coat and skin conditioner with a nice smell to it. or use a doggy wipe to wipe him off. But it would help if you dont mind telling a little more detiled what exactly smells and how hmmm did that sound sick hehe

: Re: New Guy here with new Rott puppy
: Icerotti August 04, 2005, 03:27:34 PM will love your new loyal companion. 
Lins had a good point of using a command for him to settle down when you first see him. I use the word "settle" Puck knows that he won't be getting petted until he sits still. Farley is just starting to learn.
The smell well after awhile you don't notice it any more .LOL ;) I think it is a puppy thing. Last resort pet stores carry doggie cologne.he..he
Good Luck and please post some pictures ;)
: Re: New Guy here with new Rott puppy
: Nina August 04, 2005, 03:30:00 PM
I am not familliar with rotti's and there coats, the smell could be a puppy thing. When we got Harley out Lab she did not smell at all but she was 9 mo. Dilbert, we got at 4 wks and he smelled even though he had just been groomed, now he doesn't smell at all, so I think it was a puppy thing. What I did was get puppy bath wipes and I would wipe his body down, and it helped get rid of the odor. The ones that I find work the best are Natures Miracle.

: Re: New Guy here with new Rott puppy
: GrumpyBunny August 04, 2005, 03:31:55 PM
One other question:  My wife complains about how he smells.  I tell her it's a dog, so any advice with this situation?  I have bathe twice in a month already.

Heh heh, I know some people, including myself, who would kill for the smell of puppy! 

Tell her to get used to it. ;D  Soon not only will your dog smell like a dog, but your whole house will smell like a dog, your clothes will smell like a dog, and your car will smell like a dog.  Even worse, you will LIKE the smell of dog, and anything that doesn't smell like a dog will smell weird to you! 

In between baths you can keep him brushed and groomed, and that will help out.  This is also a great way to get him familiarized with having his body, paws, ears, mouth, etc. being handled by you.  I think you can also get baby-wipe type cloths to wipe him down with in-between baths that might help freshen him up a bit.   ;)

What is his name and how old is he?
: Re: New Guy here with new Rott puppy
: Chase August 04, 2005, 03:50:07 PM
Thank you- thank you for all the advice. 

Regarding the smell - It's not his breath, just his body.  He smells like a puppy would.  I too think my wife needs to get used to it!  But I will try the wipes.   

Regarding his excitement incidents, I like the idea of the 'settle' command.  I tried something similar and he just sits there until I pet him. But then he pee'd again. 

: Re: New Guy here with new Rott puppy
: Icerotti August 04, 2005, 04:06:57 PM
I found this online. Hope it helps
Submissive Urination, is a not a Potty training Problem. Your dog pees when Excited or when you or others Greet them

Here are some tips on it...

Things you can do to deter submissive urination:

1.       Kneel down and let the dog come to you. Dont bend over the top of the dog, especially when greeting. That is a dominant position.

2.      Sweet, happy talk tends to make dogs urinate - so happy greetings with a lot of conversation should be avoided.

3.      Crossing your arms across your chest rather than petting them can also assist in making this less of a problem.

4.      When visitors come over, have them greet your dog (on leash) outside on the porch or grass to avoid messes in the house.

5.      DO NOT yell at your dog for being "bad" - this isn't being "bad" at all! It is actually dog language affirming your leadership.

: Re: New Guy here with new Rott puppy
: lins_saving_grace August 05, 2005, 07:05:29 AM
Lady has dog stink too.  She gets a bath with puppy poo once a week.  that helps with the shedding too! 

Patient and responsible is good!  But be careful when he starts his "dominence" behavior.   It is a constant struggle at our house with 2.   They try to dominate me and my husband and each other.  Rotts are terribly dominant by nature.   "Control or be controlled" is our motto. 
They're great dogs...don't get me wrong.   We just have to keep them submissive-calm...not submissive-excited.  :) 
We bought this book "Rottweillers for dummies".  Great reference and advice.   
My breeder gave me a ton of pointers too. 
What are you feeding him?  Do you do the Vitmain C and Yogart with his food?   
: Re: New Guy here with new Rott puppy
: lins_saving_grace August 05, 2005, 07:16:18 AM
Good points Icerotti! 
I'm still working on that getting down to greet them...but they beat me to the punch.  Grace the other day socked me right in the eye.  Man that hurt!!!!!!!
Lady loves her hugs and kisses at night...and that's gotta stop soon...cuz that's, according to the book we have, a sign of domination.  Licking and holding their people is their way of being "pack leader" and dominant. 
She thinks "you can't scold me, Momma, if you can't get off the couch cuz I'm on top of you!" 
Lady is so all her bulk and strength.  We get ready for a walk and she knows now to sit and wait to get her leash on.  Well in a very edgy, spaztic sit she looks up at me and you'd swear she was going to spit green pea soup out of her mouth and her head was going to spin on her shoulders.  I can't get her submissive calm....she's submissive-possessed.   Maybe I'll try the crossing the arms trick.  She does ok if I don't give her attention till she's calm, but the arms might work better.
Luckily Grace is my patient little Rott and waits for hugs and kisses.  She's got the most Rottitude of both of them though.

: Re: New Guy here with new Rott puppy
: lins_saving_grace August 05, 2005, 07:53:07 AM
What does Kizmit smell like?  or does he yet?
: Re: New Guy here with new Rott puppy
: moonlitcroatia August 05, 2005, 08:21:33 AM
About the smell...

Have you asked Chase what your wife smells like to him?


If it is a really bad could be an anal gland infection, but it doesn't sound like that's the case.

: Re: New Guy here with new Rott puppy
: lins_saving_grace August 05, 2005, 08:24:32 AM
I bet we do smell bad to them! :) 

You said Anal Gland!   :-\  Where's our anal gland queen? 

Where you been Moon?  Glad to see ya again!
: Re: New Guy here with new Rott puppy
: lins_saving_grace August 05, 2005, 09:06:16 AM
just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water...anal glands will come up.  :) 
: Re: New Guy here with new Rott puppy
: moonlitcroatia August 05, 2005, 09:50:08 AM
I said anal gland!  huh-huh, huh, huh-huh, huh-huh-huh.

: Re: New Guy here with new Rott puppy
: lins_saving_grace August 05, 2005, 09:52:35 AM
: Re: New Guy here with new Rott puppy
: slickerk August 06, 2005, 09:28:04 AM
Congrats on the puppy! I have no advice for you on the smell issue. Except it may just be your wife. :) I don't notice any unusual smell about my pup, but my husband went out and bought all kinds of air fresheners and stuff the other night.
: Re: New Guy here with new Rott puppy
: dgodden5459 September 07, 2005, 05:33:32 PM
Don't know what to say about the smell. Gretchen doesn't smell. However she can pass the silent but deadly every once in awhile, and she usually does it laying by my feet while I am on the computer..
: Re: New Guy here with new Rott puppy
: Tulsas' Dad September 11, 2005, 12:45:59 AM
The Silent But Deadly!
Then they look at you and think, 'What have YOU been eating?
And skulk away, like it's your problem!
Reverse guilt trips, I fall for them everytime!
: Re: New Guy here with new Rott puppy
: tigerpaw03 September 11, 2005, 01:08:04 AM
hi  there:

I wasn't really for the idea of a male Rotty too when we first had Rum. But he has turned out to be such a charmer, loyal and very affectionate friend...u just can't do without them for any single day!

now that he's >18mths, he's still tearing my solid wooden door apart!! but hey...a dog IS a dog! they just wana have fun! HAHA:)


: Re: New Guy here with new Rott puppy
: RedyreRottweilers September 11, 2005, 07:32:27 AM

A normal dog who is fed a proper diet should not smell, even if not bathed frequently.

I would be interested in what the dog is eating. Diet can have a huge effect on the odor level in dogs, both the body and the mouth.
: Re: New Guy here with new Rott puppy
: rottiesNpugs September 12, 2005, 08:24:40 AM
I remember the puppy smell lol but I just loved it lol we were a big user of the doggie wipies... still do for those in between bathtime refreshers. our big guy is now 20 mths old & about 120 lbs sometimes he's a 2 wipie guy lol I dont remember him ever getting so excited that he'd pee we've been lucky with that. PLEASE post a pic lol we love seeing those babies!!! lol  :D
: Re: New Guy here with new Rott puppy
: Jen and Rick September 15, 2005, 12:14:25 PM
Whoops! That was a mispost which I actually meant to be for another thread. Silly me.  ::)

: Re: New Guy here with new Rott puppy
: Jen and Rick September 15, 2005, 08:01:20 PM
I'm afriad I don't have any advice on the odor, as I've not had that happen before except for the normal cute puppy smell.

You mentioned that this is your first dog, and I wanted to say that my first dog was also a Rottie.  We learned together, though, and my sweet dog lived to be 14 and was a  gentleman to all he met...human, canine, feline.

Be prepared for some people to be a bit weird about your dog.  My dog went everywhere with me, and I just learned to deal with it and tried to educate folks as best I could.  The most important thing is love, discipline, and consistency  with a dog...especial ly one as powerful as a Rottie. Have fun, and enjoy your new baby.  :)  I can hardly wait to see the pics!