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BPO General Forum => General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws => : MarleyPyr May 22, 2008, 06:50:23 PM

: Sense something outside...from inside?
: MarleyPyr May 22, 2008, 06:50:23 PM
Hey, I have a question...doe s anyone know if a dog can sense/smell/hear something outside while they are inside a house and not looking out a window?
I ask this as my pyr wakes up in the basement every night at around 3:30 or 4:00AM and starts to whine to go outside. He doesn't have to go to the bathroom...he darts outside with his tail up sniffing the air. I have tried letting him whine and ignore him but he can go for 2 hours! Since he doesn't have to go to the bathroom I am wondering if he can sense an animal or something coming around the house and that is what wakes him up and makes him want to get outside so badly?? Out of whack? or could that be it? I can't make any sense of his actions otherwise and i am at a loss of what to do ??? ???
: Re: Sense something outside...from inside?
: SadieA May 22, 2008, 06:55:20 PM
Oh, I'd be willing to bet he can hear something outside. My dog can tell when people walk by in front of our house, and he's not got a low enough window to see them... I think he can hear their footsteps or something, even when I'm sitting next to him and I can't. My guy (Sammy) has had similar problems sleeping through the night, and I posted about it recently and got some great advice (mostly about his crate likely being small for him) if you want to search that thread and read it. I have also seen Sammy be bothered in the house by wind he can hear outside- maybe wind at night is bothering your guy.

By the way, when is your little Berner coming????
: Re: Sense something outside...from inside?
: MarleyPyr May 22, 2008, 07:05:13 PM
Interesting. I will for sure look up your thread.
Thanks! Berner is coming June 1st - soo excited
: Re: Sense something outside...from inside?
: MagicM3 May 23, 2008, 01:41:08 AM
Most definetly they can smell and hear all sorts of things sometimes we can find out what it is and other times we will never know..but since it happens about the same time every nite it could be a person or animal on a routine..

but yes they do to answer your question..

Tricia and the fur kids
: Re: Sense something outside...from inside?
: amberdoggoneit May 23, 2008, 06:21:37 AM
O I definately think they can hear things without seeing them.
 Bell and Baxter sleep in the bedroom with us on their dog beds, and they will run to the front of the house looking and barking out the window because the nieghbor's cat will be in our flower bed.  They only do this though when hubby is out of town for work because I think they feel like they need to protect us!
: Re: Sense something outside...from inside?
: lins_saving_grace May 23, 2008, 07:06:39 AM
yes.  Grace has the best sence of smell and hearing.  She has certain noises she likes to investigate: Harley's (since she seems to be expecting her ex daddy to pull in at any minute).  that was my fault.  I always made a big deal to Lady and Grace when Darrell would be pulling in on his Harley.  Now she perks up when she hears a motorcycle. 

Most dogs seem to have stimulants that we or nature in general have been taught to them to want to investigate.