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BPO Rescue Forum => Helpful Groups & Dogs in Need => : marypyrs June 13, 2008, 03:59:36 PM

: More Pups in dire need:-(
: marypyrs June 13, 2008, 03:59:36 PM
Just got this via Pyrnet. Pyr in need but a whole bunch others as well. Anyone out there who might be able to help? It's the Little Rock area. Have some "feelers" out there but time is short. Hope this comes across ok.
: Re: More Pups in dire need:-(
: marypyrs June 13, 2008, 04:39:42 PM
I'm waiting to hear back. Left a phone message & also 'E'd'. I'll call again tomorrow morning.

I don't even want to send this to Paige. She's done SO MUCH for pups in AR. Unbelievable! And I know she's already taken in more babes this week.

It just crushed me to see that 4 of the Lab pups had already been pts.

I get so angry with people sometimes. I was just reading adds today with BYB's wanting to "stud" out their dogs. Yea Right! Just what the Canine Community needs. More in Rescue. Or more to die.  :'(

Thank "DOG" for BPO! Or I'd probably loose it.  :-\
: Re: More Pups in dire need:-(
: dober_gurl June 13, 2008, 06:00:24 PM
Sigh my heart totally reaches out to Chance and Lil Muttonhead. I already have fosters right now or I'd help. :(
: Re: More Pups in dire need:-(
: GoldenPyrs June 13, 2008, 11:45:58 PM
Ohhhhhh dear!  :'(  Look at those sweet faces!  Jane, what can we do to help?  I only had one contact near there (and she was in MO) but the last time I asked her to help, I was disappointed in her response.  That was for the pyr that the med student fostered until he/she could get to Paige.  You know where I am, but I want to help, what can we do?  Just let me know, and I'll do whatever I can.
: Re: More Pups in dire need:-(
: marypyrs June 14, 2008, 06:26:22 AM
I just got an e back from Joy. Well, she'd sent it late last evening & I just opened it up. The Rescue for the Pyr fell through. I'm trying to reach Marnie now and get something going. They can transport to Mpls 'if' Foster is available. Also the Chow/Pyr cross. I'll see about the stats or the rest when I talk to AR.