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Newfoundlands => Newfoundland Discussions => : lookingfornewf July 02, 2008, 07:56:37 PM

: Clifford likes fireworks
: lookingfornewf July 02, 2008, 07:56:37 PM
Yesterday was Canada Day. We took Clifford to the big fireworks display we have in town. There are hundreds of people there that set up their lawn chairs and blankets on the grass. We got there early and I walked Clifford all around. He was so good, all the little kids came up to pet him and hug him, he even rolled over for a belly rub for one little girl. He still tries to jump up on adults that visit the house, but he is usually better in a crowd.
When fireworks started I figure he would have one of two reactions, either hate them like my Jack Russel does, or lay down and fall asleep. He certainly surprised me, the first one he startled just a little and we petted him and he settled right down and watched them all. It's a pretty long display and quite noisy, but he seemed to enjoy watching with the rest of us. It was too funny. ;D
: Re: Clifford likes fireworks
: marypyrs July 02, 2008, 09:06:47 PM
GOOD BOY CLIFFORD!!!!  :D Do you think your People would let me borrow you long enough to teach my big Scardycat not to panic?!?!  ;) This is going to be a LONG few day.  :(
: Re: Clifford likes fireworks
: shangrila July 02, 2008, 09:42:07 PM
Woah I've never heard of a dog who actually likes fireworks  :o
: Re: Clifford likes fireworks
: jabear July 02, 2008, 10:50:02 PM
That is awesome that he watched them! Next year you'll have to  tape his reaction so we can see how cute he is too. Bear is the ignorer, he could care less.  ::)
: Re: Clifford likes fireworks
: London_Pyr_Lover July 03, 2008, 09:41:15 PM
That's so funny!  I took Naja to the fireworks display here too, 'cause I want to socialize her to large crowds, and she also did very well.  She only barked at a loud drunk man when he was walking (drunkily, and loudly) towards us, luckily she scared him away before I had to bark at him.  ;)  Then when the fireworks stated she watched them for the first half, and rolled over for belly rubs/sleep for the last half.  lol

oh BTW a little off topic, but did you end up taking him to Port Dover?  We didn't get there till late, and I looked for you guys but didn't see you.  :)
: Re: Clifford likes fireworks
: lookingfornewf July 03, 2008, 09:46:21 PM
I'm glad Naja liked the fireworks too.
We did not end up going to Dover for the 13th. It was a series of events. I totalled my truck that day, we had plumbing problems and the plumber didn't leave until 7pm, were still thinking about it and then the big storm started. I was very disappointed we didn't get to go. I haven't checked the dates for next year. And of course this was the weekend after Woofstock which we didn't go to because of the heat. At least Clifford got to enjoy Canada day.