Big Paws Only Dog Forums

BPO General Forum => General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws => : KiraNGunnersmom September 15, 2008, 02:25:57 AM

: Update on Gunner.
: KiraNGunnersmom September 15, 2008, 02:25:57 AM
Well, my boy is doing better.  Last night was his first day back on wolfking and his poops are about 90% normal again.  Let's hope they stay that way too. 
He did a counter surfing and bread recon for Kira last night.
I baked 6 loves of bread for us and a friend and the little monster took the only Pina colada bread that I made and ate more than half of it and when I caught him he dropped what he had in his mouth infront of Kira and she scarffed  it up(she is on a diet, cant have the junk food treats and she was not waiting to see if it was ok that she eat, like she usually does).

I took him to the vet on friday for his monthly weigh in for his heartworm meds and he weighs 85 lbs. I asked if his weight was a little on the low side and the vet reminded me that he is half bullmastiff and that they dont weigh as much or get as tall as the OE's.
 He is 7 mos old and full of spit and vinegar lately.  He has gotten a little bossy and pushy so I think it may be time for neutering. He isnt aggressive with other dogs,doesnt growl or bark,  just a bit assertive. Except with kira of course,  she would whoop his boo-tay if he tried.  He bulldozes everything in his way too.  Has destroyed every toy I have bought him and some that didnt belong to him.  He is still a big lovebug when he isnt into mischief.  He was bugging the birds the other day and Peanut Butter, the devil cockateil, bit him on the nose!  He hasnt been back to thier cage!
: Re: Update on Gunner.
: pyr4me September 15, 2008, 02:28:08 AM
Glad to hear that his digestive issues are getting back to normal! He sounds like he's full of personality and a lovebug to boot! What a fun combination! :)