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BPO General Forum => General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws => : jesday December 09, 2008, 07:10:38 AM

: Uugggh-Why do they do this!!!
: jesday December 09, 2008, 07:10:38 AM
I'm sorry I couldn't find a link to post the video but our local news had a 'teaser' for upcoming news at 11:00pm about a dog hero. Big smiles on the newscasters. I stayed up to watch it.

It was the last blurb of the night and a highway traffic camera caught a shepherd-type dog in the middle of 3 lanes of traffic trying to pull another dog lying limp off to the side of the road. He managed to do so. Great story right?

No! The limp dog was dead and the hero dog was last seen running down the meridian! Local ASPA was called but they never found the bub.

This was no hero happy story. It was the saddest thing I ever saw and had to go to bed thinking and dreaming about that poor baby. My heart is still breaking :'( It's probably a good thing I couldn't find the video clip. For you too would have to have the image of the sweet bub trying to save his companion seared into your brain. :-\ :-\

Sorry, I had to vent a little.
: Re: Uugggh-Why do they do this!!!
: vmimom2006 December 09, 2008, 08:18:19 AM
OMG! How awful. I can't watch it. Just reading the words are upsetting me.  :'( :'(
: Re: Uugggh-Why do they do this!!!
: jesday December 09, 2008, 08:20:08 AM
But for a happy dog hero story, check out this one (

Thanks, I needed that. :)
: Re: Uugggh-Why do they do this!!!
: ZooCrew December 09, 2008, 11:50:52 AM
Awwwe, that first story is so sad.  :'(
that second story sure is heartwarming though.
: Re: Uugggh-Why do they do this!!!
: macybean December 09, 2008, 03:21:42 PM
The first story reminds me of this story:
