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BPO Off Topic Forum => Anything Non-Dog Related => : nickerbokker August 15, 2005, 10:14:28 PM

: new apartment pix.....
: nickerbokker August 15, 2005, 10:14:28 PM
soooooo.....he re is the new apartment.

it's not a mansion or anything...but i love it.

here are pics from about 5 minutes after i signed the papers.  between being sick, sleeping, going to the library, hanging out at jaimes house, walking bear (ONLY ONCE DARNIT), and pretending to job search....not to mention trying to keep angus from turning into a total devil, i haven't really put my apartment together's more like i've spent a week tearing it apart!!!!!  SOOO no pix of it all organized and day, it will happen. ya go

i know you all have just been dying to see my new place LOL  ;) ;) ;)
: Re: new apartment pix.....
: newflvr August 15, 2005, 10:17:28 PM
WHAT  AM I MISSING???  I don't see any pics!!!  Is this a trick?  That's mean to do to a middle aged woman!!!!  I'll start thinking I have a brain leak!
: Re: new apartment pix.....
: nickerbokker August 15, 2005, 10:36:43 PM
dont know whats going on.....but i have no color on my screen, my puter is really slow, and i can't post pix.  im gong to commit murder in about 10 minutes here.....

sorry newflvr...i know you wanted to see your sons new home!
: Re: new apartment pix.....
: GYPSY JAZMINE August 15, 2005, 11:35:00 PM
She has DIAL UP!...Give her a break damnit! am just imagining how it must! :D
: Re: new apartment pix.....
: shangrila August 16, 2005, 07:26:58 AM
What a pic-tease ;)
: Re: new apartment pix.....
: Tulsas' Dad August 16, 2005, 10:10:11 PM
Too Funny!
C'mon Nicker, get it together.
I sold the mobile home I lived in and moved into a dog friendly apartment complex in Clovis. The mobile home complex had too many "Rats on a Rope!" and Tulsa terrorized all, owners and "Rats", we're really happy here. Just across the street from Clark Intermediate. She's learned how to play soccer, is a GREAT outfielder in softball, and loves all the little kids that play there with their parents in the evenings.
Welcome back,
: Re: new apartment pix.....
: newflvr August 16, 2005, 10:30:12 PM
sorry newflvr...i know you wanted to see your sons new home!

Uh huh! I don't let him go just anywhere!  Where are the pics?  And when are you coming to get him?  I'm going up to the cabin on e you bringing the babies????
: Re: new apartment pix.....
: PupDaddy August 16, 2005, 11:41:40 PM
She has DIAL UP!...Give her a break damnit! am just imagining how it must! :D
Kinda like we all imaging what Pippin looks like!  ;D
: Re: new apartment pix.....
: GYPSY JAZMINE August 17, 2005, 12:07:40 AM
She has DIAL UP!...Give her a break damnit! am just imagining how it must! :D
Kinda like we all imaging what Pippin looks like!  ;D
LMAO!!!...You have such a quick wit!...I love it!!...Don't hurt much that you love Pyrs! :D The cord didn't come again today & I couldn't find one in the small town I live in...I SWEAR it will be here soon & damnit I have pics!! ;D :D
: Re: new apartment pix.....
: nickerbokker August 17, 2005, 12:20:19 AM
sorry newflvr...i know you wanted to see your sons new home!

Uh huh! I don't let him go just anywhere!  Where are the pics?  And when are you coming to get him?  I'm going up to the cabin on e you bringing the babies????

ABSOLUTELY!  you can babysit while me and the HTB exchange birthdays and middle names!
: Re: new apartment pix.....
: newflvr August 17, 2005, 09:29:55 AM
That's so sweet!  He'll be so surprised to find out his WTB is going to be there with the babies!  I think I much prefer grand-dogs to grand-babies....what do you think????
: Re: new apartment pix.....
: nickerbokker August 17, 2005, 11:52:56 AM
i agree 300%.  no kiddos for me!  just lotsa yard, with lotsa big newfies and danes and REAL saints! 
: Re: new apartment pix.....
: newflvr August 17, 2005, 01:13:48 PM
Well, THAT was easy!!  Let's sign the papers, 'k???

and WHERE are the pics!!
: Re: new apartment pix.....
: nickerbokker August 17, 2005, 02:51:16 PM
IF, AND REPEAT IF, the dsl gets hooked up today, they will be here later tonight!  i am at jaime's right now, shhhh lol, cuz i even unplugged the AOL at home so i have nothing again. 

oh im so excited to have a HTB, AND HE COMES WITH A CABIN!!!  I COULD NOT BE HAPPIER!
: Re: new apartment pix.....
: newflvr August 17, 2005, 05:00:23 PM
I just have to break it to him.  THAT should be easy! 

The cabin is an old log cabin...funky but fun.  The dogs can run down and jump in the Lake every morning before breakfast and I can sit on the beach and watch them romp.  It more than makes up for it not be grand and fashionablel!!
: Re: new apartment pix.....
: nickerbokker August 17, 2005, 05:44:29 PM
i LOVE old cabins!!!  and, i love to renovate!!!  and i love water!!!!  it's perfect!
: Re: new apartment pix.....
: newflvr August 17, 2005, 05:55:24 PM
Where are your pics???  Have you found a job yet?  Do you love your new life???
: Re: new apartment pix.....
: nickerbokker August 17, 2005, 06:04:21 PM
well.  i was told my internet would work on the 13th....then the today, i call and they say the 24th.....SO IM READY TO BUST A CAP IN SOMEONES $^%!  I AM SO PISSED I CANT TELL for now, i still have dial-up.  i am mad mad mad, but will have to work through it.    i will try the pix again today, but if it doesn't work, i will have to wait until next wednesday. 

do i have a job....have i looked?  lol.  no

do i love my new life.  YES YES YES..  LA is where i consider home.  it is where a lot of stuff happened for me, and where i found happiness for the first time in a long time.  my friends, and some that i consider family, are still there...and it will always be my first love.  BUT MAN DO I LOVE FRESNO.  it's so different here.  there are streets with homes and yards and the apartments are even spread out here.  its hot yes, but there is grass all over...there is freee parking!, and lots of it.  the blockbusters here are even bigger.  i was actually driving last night with amos lee in the background and my windows down and sunroof open....and i was like "damn, this was THE move i needed to make....i love it here."

leaving everything i built back home was VERY hard, ask marit, i wrote her and called her every day when i first got here because i was so sad and lost and all of that.....and i still miss everyone....bu t at the same time, i NEEDED a fresh start again.  i was getting into that rutt in my life that i needed to jump out of right away....and i think this was the place to do it.  jaime and michael treat me like family..i get to play with BEAR every day, my dogs have hella space to play, and they get to walk and play in grass every day....

its different here, much different....b ut a different i very much needed.  best part is, i am only 2 1/2 hours away from hollywood and my old life there.  i can visit whenever i want, and i am here very soon. 

i am soo happy here, thanks!  lol

i think the HTB will like it here too for a while...i guess then we can move to the cabin, or the the hollywood hills? 
: Re: new apartment pix.....
: nickerbokker August 17, 2005, 07:04:07 PM
there...pix are up...on first page
: Re: new apartment pix.....
: jabear August 17, 2005, 07:10:07 PM
The pics look good and I think your HTB will like it very much. Question tho- why did u have to include me in the pics?
: Re: new apartment pix.....
: Kermit August 17, 2005, 07:10:54 PM
Wow that is one nice apartment!!!!
: Re: new apartment pix.....
: nickerbokker August 17, 2005, 07:13:55 PM
The pics look good and I think your HTB will like it very much. Question tho- why did u have to include me in the pics?

lol...i only took 15 pix....and so i had to post what i had.   people like seeing you anyway dont worry  ;)  ;D  :D  :o  ::)  :P  :)  ;D  :D  ;)  8)
: Re: new apartment pix.....
: newflvr August 17, 2005, 07:23:09 PM
Oh, Nikkers, it's PERFECT!  It looks brand new!  And I loved your description of your new life!  Yeah, sometimes you have to "pull a geographical" to get your self ready for the next thing:  whatever it is!  Space, greentrees and grass, happy dogs, good friends right near by:  it sounds like you've got it all!!!  AND you are HOURS closer to the cabin!!!

I'm sure HTB will like it...but he just bought a condo in Redondo Beach with the younger brother.  The younger one still has another year of college but at least he won't have to live at home for almost two years to save money like your HTB did.

I'm glad you have jabear in your pics...makes it look like it's going to be lived in SOON!!
: Re: new apartment pix.....
: Anakalia August 17, 2005, 07:23:30 PM
Very cool apartment!!  I'm so jealous, here I am stuck in Iowa! lol  Congrats on the new place you sound so happy to be there!  It looks like your furbaby is happy too! ;D
: Re: new apartment pix.....
: newflvr August 17, 2005, 07:32:56 PM
....and Angus is really getting bigger!  and looking more and more like a REAL St. Bernard.  Maybe it's the Fresno air???  FRESH!!!!
: Re: new apartment pix.....
: K9ldy00 August 17, 2005, 07:37:17 PM
Nice apartment, lots of room for the  fur babies to romp around :)
: Re: new apartment pix.....
: GYPSY JAZMINE August 17, 2005, 09:36:26 PM
The apt. looks great!...How does it feel being there Nick?...Is it feeling like home yet?....I wish you all the best at your new place my friend! :)
: Re: new apartment pix.....
: brigid67 August 18, 2005, 02:23:59 AM
cute apt....  where are you going to put the xxl crate - it really is huge...can you tell I am still in
: Re: new apartment pix.....
: Nicole August 18, 2005, 07:17:47 AM
Lookin' good, Nik! I can tell that Wang-a-Roonie loves it, too. What did Codina think?
: Re: new apartment pix.....
: dohertyswissy August 19, 2005, 08:31:46 AM
I've been trying to reply to this post for DAYS!  My freaking internet connection has been on the fritz since Wednesday and they have assured me that it is fixed.  If it isn't..I'm going to have to beat people about the head with a blunt object!  Nickers - I feel your pain.

Anywho....I'm so glad that you are getting settled into your new place.  It looks very nice...especia lly the bathroom that now Wangus has christened it.  ;)  You really deserve to be happy.  I hope the Fresno turns out to be the breath of fresh air you need!

: Re: new apartment pix.....
: Nicole August 19, 2005, 08:33:29 AM
Maybe Fresno will be a breath of fresh air, but her bathroom and Wangus's bootie won't! HA!
: Re: new apartment pix.....
: dohertyswissy August 19, 2005, 08:38:07 AM

Nicole - You are trip!  Maybe we should send a "Welcome" package with nose plugs, air freshener, and some industial strength bathroom cleaner?

Oh - and a bottle of wine.  She's going to need it after cleaning up Wangus' present.  ;)
: Re: new apartment pix.....
: lins_saving_grace August 19, 2005, 11:06:45 AM
Yeah...when's the open house party? 
Looks like Wangus likes the back porch.  :)