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Great Pyrenees => Great Pyrenees Discussions => : GYPSY JAZMINE August 17, 2005, 10:59:14 PM

: Pippin isn't feeling well...
: GYPSY JAZMINE August 17, 2005, 10:59:14 PM
My poor little guy isn't feeling well...He threw up bile a couple of times today that I saw...& I saw one stool that was loose but had a little soft formed stool in it...He had almost no interest in his McDonalds hamburger today & spent quite a bit of time outside wanting to be by himself...afte r dinner this evening my hubby went out in the yard to get him & couldn't find him...He had dug himself a hole under a large bush behind our shed & was lying in it...He seems more thirsty than usual &has spent the whole evening sleeping...He hasn't eaten his food today at all that I've seen...The only thing I can think of is last night I gave both Pippin & Sammysome raw beef tips as I was putting the beef in the crock pot to slow cook...If he isn't feeling better by morning I will call the vet but I'm wondering what you all think.
: Re: Pippin isn't feeling well...
: PupDaddy August 17, 2005, 11:23:43 PM
Fluffy threw up like that this moring. Tonight she's as obnoxious as ever.

Not to laugh at yours and Pippin's distress, but I've got to laugh at the context sensitive ad Google put above you post!
: Re: Pippin isn't feeling well...
: GYPSY JAZMINE August 17, 2005, 11:32:23 PM
Fluffy threw up like that this moring. Tonight she's as obnoxious as ever.

Not to laugh at yours and Pippin's distress, but I've got to laugh at the context sensitive ad Google put above you post!

OMG!!!...Now, that's funny!!!...Do ya' think the powers that be were giving me a subtle hint to just relax?!
: Re: Pippin isn't feeling well...
: GYPSY JAZMINE August 18, 2005, 12:49:31 AM
I might..what of it?! :P :D Yes, I'll feel like a very tired idiot in the morning but he just isn't himself..Why does the (by all appearances) extra water drinking bother me so?
: Re: Pippin isn't feeling well...
: brigid67 August 18, 2005, 02:01:26 AM
Just keep an eye on him and see how de does in the am...sounds like an upset tummy he is trying to fix..try the pepto.....You gave him raw beef tips?  Sometimes beef is hard on a young system.   When I started raw feeding we started with chicken - beef I didn't do fo awhile....  Bet he will be better in the am...
: Re: Pippin isn't feeling well...
: DixieSugarBear August 18, 2005, 06:42:27 AM
How is sweet Pippin doing.  You may want to give him a gas-x.  The last time Sugar Bear had gax I took him to two different vets thinking it was something bad wrong.  As for the exhale, I have been know to wake Sugar Bear up just to make sure he is only sleeping.  My thinking is he can go back to sleep and if I am sure he is ok I will sleep.  Please please hug Pippin for us.

: Re: Pippin isn't feeling well...
: ann August 18, 2005, 07:35:59 AM

   poor little boy ,i hope he's better today did ya try the chicken broth..

: Re: Pippin isn't feeling well...
: PupDaddy August 18, 2005, 07:40:25 AM
Her last post was almost 2 am. I bet she won't be on for a while yet.
: Re: Pippin isn't feeling well...
: Kiahpyr August 18, 2005, 08:08:26 AM
Hope he's feeling better today.
: Re: Pippin isn't feeling well...
: GrumpyBunny August 18, 2005, 11:09:09 AM
Any updates on Pippin today?  I hope he is feeling better....
: Re: Pippin isn't feeling well...
: GYPSY JAZMINE August 18, 2005, 11:42:17 AM
Her last post was almost 2 am. I bet she won't be on for a while yet.
I stayed up with Pippin until after 3...Then got up to get my kids off to school at 6:15...Pippin was acting more like himself this morning...He chewed on Sam's head for awhile & smacked him with his paws & that's always a pretty good indication that he feels y hubby is home & was nice enough to offer to take care of the dogs & other critters so I went to my own bed (I usually sleep on the family room floor with the!) & slept like I haven't in I don't know how long!...Thank God school has started!!...When I got up the dogs were muddy up to their knees & my kitchen floor was a mess & my hubby was falling asleep on the couch saying, "they just came in...DO NOT let them back out"!!...How can 2 sweet dogs be any work..huh?...LOL!....Anyway, Pippin seems like he is feelign better...He ate this morning &, as I mentioned, seems like his naughty self again...He is sleeping right now...I guess keeping Daddy busy takes alot out of a didn't know that raw beef was hard on a puppy's tummy...Ty for the info.!...I just give them some raw meat here & there as a treat...but I'll remember that!...I'm not so sure raw would go over very well here...Pippin got a belly ache (if that's what caused it) & Samson threw up about 15 seconds after he ate his...My guys are way too domesticated.. .lol!...I tried the chicken broth, Ann...He just wasn't interested last night...Thanks though!...b.t.w., for some reason my cell phone is getting no service...I'll call you on my calling card in a bit..Have a good day everyone! ;D
: Re: Pippin isn't feeling well...
: brigid67 August 18, 2005, 03:30:30 PM
They probably would love raw..just got to start them slow and get their little digestive systems use to not having to digest processed foods.  Next time try chicken...chic ken wings are good and they love to rip and crunch...  but I usually start with chicken then add other stuff...turkey ..then a little beef..  just takes their wild dog systems a chance to kick in...  also got to watch raw beef bones...beef bones are hard and may chip teeth...  Also was reading that beef that stands next to roads etc also has an incident of lead that has leached into the bones...that is interesting...  Anyway, try chicken wings next time....they will love them...And remember..NO COOKED BONES!!!!  they splinter and can injure the digestive tract....
: Re: Pippin isn't feeling well...
: GYPSY JAZMINE August 18, 2005, 05:52:27 PM
Ty Brigid!...Maybe for a treat I'll try that sometime...I've no problem with raw meat I just don't want to feed it as a main diet...treats no problem so I'll try the chicken next time...Thanks again!
: Re: Pippin isn't feeling well...
: brigid67 August 18, 2005, 06:34:19 PM
no problem Gyp...  Mmmm chicken  My pooches eat veggies, oatmeal, meat...actuall y they eat better then the two-legged people in this
: Re: Pippin isn't feeling well...
: GYPSY JAZMINE August 18, 2005, 07:09:37 PM
That's so funny!...My dogs like raw carrots & peas so I give them to them...I feed a holistic kibble that has veggies & fruit in it...I like the idea of the veggies & fruit for the dogs.
: Re: Pippin isn't feeling well...
: dohertyswissy August 19, 2005, 09:46:18 AM
Like I mentioned in my other freaking internet connection has been on the fritz, so I haven't been able to post since Wednesday and only able to view things sporadically!  Blugh!

Anyhow....I'm sooo glad little Pippin is feeling better.  Sweet baby!

: Re: Pippin isn't feeling well...
: Nina August 19, 2005, 10:18:18 AM
glad everything is ok  ;D
: Re: Pippin isn't feeling well...
: brigid67 August 19, 2005, 01:08:59 PM
Gyp - with the fruits and them through a food processor or jucier and give them the pulp as well as the juice...  They can digest the veggies and fruits much better so they get all the vit. out of it.... In the wild when a pack of dogs gets a deer or something they eat the stomach contents which would be partially digested plant stuff...  Green leafys are the best.
: Re: Pippin isn't feeling well...
: mastiffmommy August 19, 2005, 04:42:57 PM
I am so glad to hear Pippin is feeling better, I know all about staying up at night to make sure they are okay lol..... and like forever said. usually the only thing that comes after that is a very very tired mommy hehe

He can very well just have had a bit of an upset belly, just like anyone can, not anything serious or dangerous, just uncomfortable

Give him hugs

: Re: Pippin isn't feeling well...
: GYPSY JAZMINE August 19, 2005, 05:20:41 PM
Thanks everyone!...Pippin is feeling better but I think he is too thin & he & sammy both don't seem to care for the foods they are on...I am going to start to switch them within the next few days.
: Re: Pippin isn't feeling well...
: mastiffmommy August 19, 2005, 05:26:49 PM
I didnt realize that Sammy didnt eat well either..... poor babies, dont like their food  :D I bet ya they have planned it just to make mommy switch food hehe

: Re: Pippin isn't feeling well...
: smohr August 19, 2005, 06:53:34 PM
I meant to reply to this one, but forgot.  Have you ever given your babies Phazyme or Gas-X when they have a bellyache from eating something disagreeable?  I got that advice (free of charge from my vet) when (especially) my dane or Neo-boy threw up or had the poops. :o
: Re: Pippin isn't feeling well...
: GYPSY JAZMINE August 19, 2005, 07:38:25 PM
Ty!...I will remember that!...I usually use the doggy Pepto.
: Re: Pippin isn't feeling well...
: GYPSY JAZMINE August 20, 2005, 12:51:46 PM
I am going to pick up the chicken formula of the brand I am feeding today...Last night out of frustration I gace Pippin cat food & he chowed down big time!...It is definitely the food they don't like...It's the lamb & rice formula...I wonder if them being sheep gaurdians it is a conflict of interest for them?!
: Re: Pippin isn't feeling well...
: mastiffmommy August 20, 2005, 12:56:43 PM
I am going to pick up the chicken formula of the brand I am feeding today...Last night out of frustration I gace Pippin cat food & he chowed down big time!...It is definitely the food they don't like...It's the lamb & rice formula...I wonder if them being sheep gaurdians it is a conflict of interest for them?!

hahahaha lmao that is too funny, maybe you should try the veggo style dog food. I overheard a vet in petsmart who has her dog with her to work, the trainer and the vet were talking and apperently the vets dog is a vegitarian, not because of allergies or other health problems its mommy (the vet) was vegitarian too and wanted her doggy to be that also hehe poor poor puppy. I bet they will eat better when they dont have to eat what they protect lol...

: Re: Pippin isn't feeling well...
: brigid67 August 20, 2005, 01:18:50 PM
Marit - I totally have books that give samples of vegitarian dog diets...  I can understand wanting to be a vegan...I was for awhile once (until i needed a big fat juicy but I don't think I could turn my dogs into one.
: Re: Pippin isn't feeling well...
: mastiffmommy August 20, 2005, 01:30:49 PM
I used to not eat meat either, just because I kept thinking about where it came from and got a sick feeling to my stomach. now I eat meat, just very picky with it. Malin is not eating meat or fish and Im telling you, it is hard enough to try and give her a nutritious diet let alone trying to feed my dogs veggo food. Everything like doggy cookies, treats and basically everything you give them have meat in it or some kind.

I wonder how hard it would actually be, I mean you cant just cut the meat out, you have to replace the protein and all with something else. I am not concidering feeling them vegitarian food, but it would be real interesting to read about how to. Do you have to title of the book, hmmmm haha I bet you Malin is going to want to make her dog Zeus into a vegitarian lol  :D

: Re: Pippin isn't feeling well...
: brigid67 August 20, 2005, 01:47:36 PM
Marit - lol she probably will want to...most of the books about raw feeding or holistic feeding have a section for Veggie dogs...  I don't usually read those sections so I am not sure how they are replacing the protien.  Billinghurst's "give your dog a bone" has a vegitarian section (its a good book just for the info on the supplements), also Pitcairn's holistic dog/cat book also has a doggie vegitarian section. 
: Re: Pippin isn't feeling well...
: mastiffmommy August 20, 2005, 02:22:33 PM
Thanks brigid, I cant believe I have never seen the veggo section in raw feeding books, hmmmm guess that shows how well I read those books hehe. I have never been a raw feeder and even though I am very interested in the nutrition part I cant say I know a whole lot about raw feeding or have read a lot about it. And hahahaha Malin wont be going near a book about raw feeding lol.....

: Re: Pippin isn't feeling well...
: brigid67 August 20, 2005, 02:38:13 PM
Well, I just skip the vegan sections of those books..  I just started raw feeding about 2 wks before I got Willow....  I like it.  it has been kind of fun..but it was very overwhelming at 1st.  I can really tell the difference in the poms.  irie has thinned out and gunner's breath isn't so bad anymore..he had trerrible teeth.  Now they are a lot whiter from the bone eating.  Irie doesn't really do the bone thing yet but we are working at it...  she is a bit picky.  It is funny cause I hate to cook but I have been having fun doing the dog food thing...  And I have learned so much!!  which is very cool....