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Great Pyrenees => Great Pyrenees Discussions => : miazoe April 11, 2005, 03:11:54 PM

: Pyr aggressive on leash
: miazoe April 11, 2005, 03:11:54 PM
Hi there,

We have a 2 year old female Pyrenees that has gotten really aggressive on our daily walks.  She is very friendly towards people and is even ok at the dog park.  But the last few months have been almost unbearable.  If we're walking down the street and another dog is coming the other way (on the opposite side of the street) her ears perk up and she gets in the "stance" and the closer we get the more she barks until she sounds like if I were to let her go she would absolutely destroy the other dog.  It tends to be worse with other female dogs but I have to tell you that it's hard to keep track of when you're trying to restrain an 85 pound dog (and a Golden at the same time). 

I've tried the regular "no!", other types of collars and gentle leaders, and I've actually sat on her a couple of times.  My boyfriend is much stronger and can correct her more forcefully but nothing seems to be working.  When I introduced the gentle leader with her I used lots of little training treats anytime she didn't attack another dog but it really didn't seem to work.  I really don't enjoy our walks as much as I used to because I'm watching out for others dogs and trying to duck down another street before she sees them coming. 

My vet suggested seeing a professional trainer but i honestly don't think it will work.  She is too smart and it is just her nature to protect.   

any ideas?

: Re: Pyr aggressive on leash
: tanimara April 11, 2005, 03:32:14 PM
Many have said that a Pyr is too stubborn for obedience training.  That is not true.  You have to take in thier character when dealing with them but it does help emmensly.  Not only does it help but it helps establish you as Alpha and you need that with a Pyr.

Keep the lessons short and consistant.  And stay with it.  My granddaughter taught one of my females to sit, come, down, stay, and beg in one day and she has never forgotten it.  I attribute much of that to the individual dog but all Pyrs with age and obedience training are much easier to live with.

Make sure your dog knows that it is not exceptable to act that way onleash and bear with it.  Also remember that a Pyr is not emotionally mature until 3 years of age.  Those of you with younger Pyrs, dont get discouraged.  They will outgrow most of it.

: Re: Pyr aggressive on leash
: iluvbigdogz April 11, 2005, 03:37:16 PM
I can't offer much help. I have a 15 month old pyr and he is 130#'s. He will sometimes growl with a certain dog. With othe rdogs he just wants to get over to "visit". There is a good show on national geographic channel. The name of the show id "The Dog Whisperer". It is a really good and informative show. He deals with this problem a lot. I have yet to see a pyr on the show. If you don't get the channel maybe you could look up the info about the show on the internet. The guys name is Ceaser Milan.
: Re: Pyr aggressive on leash
: b_clark April 11, 2005, 03:49:58 PM
I have 2 suggestions. 1 - take a water bottle with you on walks and squirt your dog when she starts acting this way. 2 - when she starts to pull try walking in reverse, so you are still facing forward but are walking backwards. Good luck!
: Re: Pyr aggressive on leash
: jespah April 11, 2005, 07:33:15 PM
I strongly suggest that you take the dog through the Koehler Method of Basic Obedience Training. It's a wonderful training method.
: Re: Pyr aggressive on leash
: Bear April 11, 2005, 10:04:18 PM
What is the Koehler Method?
: Re: Pyr aggressive on leash
: jabear April 20, 2005, 07:56:18 PM
How are things going now? Any progress?