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BPO General Forum => General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws => : ann August 30, 2005, 09:00:50 AM

: was i rude
: ann August 30, 2005, 09:00:50 AM

   i was leaving the dog swim last night ,i was on my way to my blazer with the boxers and i seen a lady ,her dog and 2 teenage girls walking and the dog pooped and they laughed at the dog then when he was done kept walking so i yelled over nicely if they needed a bag for the poop the lady was kinda snotty and said sure and one of the girls went back and picked it up ..she was gagging and saying gross ,i bet she has never picked up poop before..people like that ruin things like the swim and where are dogs are aloud to go because they don't clean up after thier dogs.......... ........

: Re: was i rude
: GYPSY JAZMINE August 30, 2005, 09:06:22 AM
You know darn well that I don't think it was rude at all!!!...& you're right!...People like that will eventually ruin the doggy dip for the rest of us!
: Re: was i rude
: GrumpyBunny August 30, 2005, 09:09:12 AM
I don't think that was rude at all.  You had every right...
: Re: was i rude
: GR8DAME August 30, 2005, 09:13:53 AM
It wasn't rude to insist that they be responsible pet owners. It was rude to consider leaving a steaming pile for someone to stepin.
: Re: was i rude
: newflvr August 30, 2005, 09:15:50 AM
I think you handled in the most courteous way you could....just to offer a bag.  It was subtle but firm!  Good job!  You are so right....idiot s like that group ruin things for the rest of us!
: Re: was i rude
: Icerotti August 30, 2005, 09:16:41 AM
Not rude at all.
: Re: was i rude
: Jessdryden August 30, 2005, 09:59:53 AM
I agree!  It was rude of them to think of leaving it there!  You weren't rude at all!  :)
: Re: was i rude
: Tulsas' Dad August 30, 2005, 10:39:34 AM
You done good!
: Re: was i rude
: Nicole August 30, 2005, 10:41:30 AM
Dude! Ann! No way! You could have said something WAAAAAAAAAAAAA AY ruder. Seriously. You were actually awful courteous.
: Re: was i rude
: TwoNewfies August 30, 2005, 10:59:32 AM
You were very diplomatic  :)
Good job! Why ruin it for the rest of who are responsible owners?
: Re: was i rude
: Saintgirl August 30, 2005, 10:59:55 AM
NO way were you rude. It is a policy at our dog park to let other owners know when their dog goes and they don't see it or chose not to see it. Rude would be leaving it there for someone to step in, etc. Good job for having the courage to say what you did!! ;D
: Re: was i rude
: SPIKESMOMMY August 30, 2005, 11:31:15 AM
When I first started taking Spike for walks he never went potty till we got home so I stopped bringing bags and the 2 time I went without guess what he did?!?! luckily it was not far from home so I walked right back to the house adn got a bag and brought it with us for the rest of the walk. Since then I don't take the chance that he might or might not when we walk I just keep one in my pocket just in case.
Rachael and Spike
: Re: was i rude
: Icerotti August 30, 2005, 11:36:16 AM
Not rude at all.  Very well done :)

A man and his lab at our dog park walked in, lab off leash, the man got into the leashed area but his dog wouldnt come, his dog was pooping just up the hill a bit in plain eyesight of the man.  Then the dog went into the park, and the man still didnt pick up the poop.  Anyways the lab kept trying to poop more and Atticus kept getting his head right in there, I said "Atticus your going to get pooped on"  The man then says "Shes constipated don't worry"  so i look up the hill and say " Well she wasnt up there" pointing my finger at his dogs load.  He laughed and went to pick it up. 

Some people just don't care and want to ruin it for others.  I have stepped in my fair share of steamy loads, so I pick up all the time.

My question is, what if your dog has diareaha(sp) and you can't pick it up, yet its in the middle of a sidewalk.  I forgot my mop on that walk, but what was I to do?  Anyone know the protocol for the runs??

Where is the dog park??? I have not heard of one here. 
Never encountered the runs on a walk . I guess I would try and scoop what I could in the bag then find something to set overtop-newsaper page etc.

: Re: was i rude
: ann August 30, 2005, 12:04:55 PM

   good i'm glad ya all thought i handled it ok...on the  way home i was  kinda laughing to myself i bet that lady thought i was like the poop nazi or something..... .............. ..
: Re: was i rude
: greek4 August 30, 2005, 12:11:56 PM
You have just given yourself a new nickname

"Poop Nazi"

You were not rude at all, when I mow my front yard, i always find poop up by the street.   I know it's not my dogs' poop 1) it's not big enough  2) my dogs are never in the front yard 3) I would freak if they were that close to the street.
: Re: was i rude
: Kiahpyr August 30, 2005, 12:26:43 PM
You weren't rude at all. You said it in a very nice way. What's rude is that someone keeps letting their dog poop right in front of my mail box and not cleaning it up. It's a little type dog. I can tell by the size of the poop. I either step in it or clean it up. I'm going to have to post a sign on my freakin mail box.
: Re: was i rude
: Joji August 30, 2005, 12:27:29 PM
Good for you!!
It's a pet peeve  :D  of mine ... finding abandoned doo.  I hope those folks remember that poo-shaming and never leave home again with their bags.   ;)
: Re: was i rude
: jabear August 30, 2005, 01:42:17 PM
Way to go Ann! I hate it when people don't clean up after their dogs. It is sooo gross and makes me angry- especially if Bear or I step in it on accident. Grrr....
: Re: was i rude
: lins_saving_grace August 30, 2005, 01:49:36 PM
I hate it when the person is supposed to clean up in my yard.   Oh that would be me.  I really hate that job. :)
: Re: was i rude
: dohertyswissy August 30, 2005, 03:13:43 PM
You were not rude at all!  I think you handled it quite well.  I can't stand it when people don't clean up after their dogs.  After all, I'm the person trying to clean someones driveway off with my water bottle because Ranger decided to start his business before we had crossed into the woods (refer to my Poop Protocol thread...).  The least someone can do is clean it up with a baggie!
: Re: was i rude
: Icerotti August 30, 2005, 03:20:09 PM
I hate it when the person is supposed to clean up in my yard.   Oh that would be me.  I really hate that job. :)

We have had two companies in the past 2 years to clean up poop in our yard. Both no longer do it. Boy I miss that. Maybe two rottis poop was too much to handle. Now I am the poop cleaner upper* sigh* ::)
: Re: was i rude
: GYPSY JAZMINE August 30, 2005, 04:36:40 PM
Just wanted to add to this thread that Ann is my best friend in the "real world" :D ...This kind of thing is so true to her form & that's why I love her!...She works in a feed & seed & takes care of the pet supplies...She has told more than one person the way it really is if she feels they are not taking proper care of their animals & on the same token she really goes the extra mile in helping people to find what is right for them & their situations & for their pets' unique & special needs...She will make phone calls to find out what she can if you have a pet that needs a certain or special diet...& she has been a HUGE support in helping me find my way around my 1st two dogs...What she said to that lady last night & the fact that she is so helpful to people & loves animals so much is why I love her!...Ann, don't blush!!
: Re: was i rude
: Kirsten August 30, 2005, 05:11:14 PM
My question is, what if your dog has diareaha(sp) and you can't pick it up, yet its in the middle of a sidewalk.  I forgot my mop on that walk, but what was I to do?  Anyone know the protocol for the runs??

When my pup had the runs i took a big jug of water with me everywhere we went, jsut in case he got runny stuff on the sidewalk..... i would just squirt it with water till most of it was pushed away as much as possible.  my version of a prtable garden hose i guess.
: Re: was i rude
: Tulsas' Dad August 30, 2005, 05:30:59 PM
I'm afraid that "Poop Nazi" may stick, like, well, stuff!
So you might as well change your Paw Print now, and avoid confusion!
We all have ADD and ADHD, Alzheimers, and BPO/OCD's
So C'mon!
Don't be normal!
It just ain't right!
: Re: was i rude
: GYPSY JAZMINE August 30, 2005, 09:32:12 PM
I'm afraid that "Poop Nazi" may stick, like, well, stuff!
So you might as well change your Paw Print now, and avoid confusion!
We all have ADD and ADHD, Alzheimers, and BPO/OCD's
So C'mon!
Don't be normal!
It just ain't right!
Ann's home computer died on her so she's been posting from work & didn't know she was BPO's official Poop Nazi until I called & told her...I think she will accept the title proudly! ;D
: Re: was i rude
: Jessdryden August 30, 2005, 10:18:14 PM
I hate it when the person is supposed to clean up in my yard. Oh that would be me. I really hate that job. :)

Hehe!  You are so funny Lins!  You made me laugh out loud!!!  ;D
: Re: was i rude
: ZooCrew August 30, 2005, 10:42:06 PM
My question is, what if your dog has diareaha(sp) and you can't pick it up, yet its in the middle of a sidewalk.  I forgot my mop on that walk, but what was I to do?  Anyone know the protocol for the runs??

I guess if you don't know your dog has diarrhea, I try to pick up as much as possible.  If I know they have diarrhea, I try to have them go off the curb, on the very edge of the street.  At least that way I don't have to worry about someone stepping in it.
: Re: was i rude
: ann August 31, 2005, 07:23:41 AM

      i went to bed last night the same old ann and woke today as the POOP NAZI wow i feel so proud......... ............

: Re: was i rude
: GYPSY JAZMINE August 31, 2005, 07:26:43 AM

      i went to bed last night the same old ann and woke today as the POOP NAZI wow i feel so proud......... ............

Atta girl!...You wear that title with pride! :D ;D