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Rottweilers => Rottweiler Discussions => : lins_saving_grace September 09, 2005, 08:25:42 AM

: Almost cashed in. It's called a leash...get one.
: lins_saving_grace September 09, 2005, 08:25:42 AM
Last night I was walking Lady and Grace at about 8:30 or 9:00.   It was dark and we are a little scary looking. 
On the way back home a medium sized, scruffy looking tail less Collie ran out of his yard and approached us.   Lady and Grace and this scruffy looking dog did the doggie circling, sniff your butt and I’ll sniff yours dance.  I allowed them to do this since no one appeared to be too on edge and I’d like the neighborhood dogs to know Lady and Grace and be on good terms with each other.   After a few minutes I told this scruffy looking dog to go home.  He refused.  Lady got a little antsy and nervous.  I heard a voice in the background.  “Cash?!” his bleach blonde trashy looking mommy called. “Cash, come here.”   
Cash ignored her.
Lady tried forcing Cash home and Grace just bounced around.
Cash bounced around again avoiding his trashy looking mommy.  Well, Cash bounced too close to Lady’s mommy and Lady wailed on him.   She barked vehemently and growled.  Cash’s trashy looking mommy want to grab her dog from the clutches of death but was afraid of loosing a limb or something.  So I held my dogs back so she could get closer.  Cash finally bounced away and zig zagged to the left and right and his trashy looking mommy zig zagged behind him off into the blackened horizon.  He was not in the mood to go home.
I got no apology for this tail less creature getting loose.  I gave none for my dogs scaring them either.  I don’t feel guilty.  Lady was simply doing what comes naturally.  I feel great knowing she would protect me in a situation.  I feel bad for Cash though.  Lady could have made him a no tailed, no nosed bouncing purple people eater. 
: Re: Almost cashed in. It's called a leash...get one.
: tonyc September 09, 2005, 08:38:17 AM
trashy looking mommy
  ;D :D
bwahahahahhaha ha.. purple people eater.. bwahahahahahah aha. o wait. this isn't meant to be funny..
: Re: Almost cashed in. It's called a leash...get one.
: lins_saving_grace September 09, 2005, 08:39:44 AM
trashy looking mommy
  ;D :D
bwahahahahhaha ha.. purple people eater.. bwahahahahahah aha. o wait. this isn't meant to be funny..
that last little ditty was supposed to be funny.  I just had visions of both ends of this dog being not right.  and a little song ran through my head...that one.

on second thought...the whole thing was a little amusing.  it wasn't easy to contain my puppies...but that dog learned something of a lesson.  I hate that that trashy looking lady now thinks less of Rotts as a breed and was scared of them off the bat anyway.  but ok...I think we should all get a good laugh from this.
: Re: Almost cashed in. It's called a leash...get one.
: dgodden5459 September 09, 2005, 06:10:00 PM
Ok Lins good job.. Was she wearing spandex LOL. I picture huge earrings and lots of bangle bracelets in purple spandex. Oh I forgot the poofy hair and stilleto heels..And I bet she was chomping on a big wad of gum calling "CAASSH BAABY come to mama..
: Re: Almost cashed in. It's called a leash...get one.
: Nina September 10, 2005, 03:07:09 PM
LOL that was what I was picturing too  ;D
: Re: Almost cashed in. It's called a leash...get one.
: Anakalia September 10, 2005, 03:39:06 PM
OH MY!!  I feel sorry for Cash too.  No one wants a trashy mommy! lol  Maybe she'll realize not to leave him outside without being tied up.... oh we can only hope! lol  ;D ;D

: Re: Almost cashed in. It's called a leash...get one.
: GYPSY JAZMINE September 10, 2005, 05:20:51 PM
Ok Lins good job.. Was she wearing spandex LOL. I picture huge earrings and lots of bangle bracelets in purple spandex. Oh I forgot the poofy hair and stilleto heels..And I bet she was chomping on a big wad of gum calling "CAASSH BAABY come to mama..
Kind of like the mom on married with children?!
: Re: Almost cashed in. It's called a leash...get one.
: Tulsas' Dad September 11, 2005, 12:32:59 AM
You didn't happen to get her phone number did you?
My Dad likes "Trashy Blondes"!
After all we used to live in a mobile home!
: Re: Almost cashed in. It's called a leash...get one.
: GYPSY JAZMINE September 11, 2005, 09:45:12 AM
I used to live in a mobile home...I relish in the "trashy blond" persona!...My hubby says that's why he married me. ::) :o LOL!
: Re: Almost cashed in. It's called a leash...get one.
: slickerk September 12, 2005, 06:13:25 AM
So we were all picturing a blond Peggy Bundy, huh? I wonder if its bon bons that make him wiry.
This does drive me nuts though - I hate when people act like it's your fault that your dog is growling, when their animals are loose.
: Re: Almost cashed in. It's called a leash...get one.
: lins_saving_grace September 12, 2005, 07:21:40 AM
you guys are too funny.  I wish I had a better way of describing this woman...but that's the only word I had in my head probably because her dirty little dog was picking on my beautiful girls. :) Peggy Bundy!  HAHAHAH...Oh AL!? 
: Re: Almost cashed in. It's called a leash...get one.
: rottiesNpugs September 12, 2005, 08:14:13 AM
we went thru this too... except at one time there was a contact... there's no leash law in the neighborhood we live in. & at the time we just had our Rott fortunately the pug wasnt there at this time. He was about 8/9 months old (even at that age he was 85-95lbs) & hubby was walking him around the neighborhood (ON the leash) & this lady's dog comes running out of their yard at rocky (not the first time it happened) well this dog had repeatedly nipped at rocky's back legs & time & time again hubby yelled for her to get her dog! hubby had called the cops on the situation because he wanted record that he had complained before...her reasoning all those times before was there's no leash law so there's nothing you can do!!  well rocky snapped back at this dog. he grabbed ahold of the beagle's bottom jaw & shook. & immediately let go he just wanted it to go away not to hurt it just for it to stop hurting him!... well this apparently got the ladies attention... hmmm & all the yelling at her before didnt!?  anywho lol she came running out saying I'm gonna sue you for your dog tearing up my dog!! ummm hello?! what had we been telling you get your damn dog in the house?! or at least out of the idea that it's ok to nip at a dog walking on leash in the street! the cops had told us over & over again that as long as we or our dog were not in HER yard then there was nothing that she could do to us because anything that happened we were protecting our property. (our rott) My hubby just raised his cell phone up when she threatened & said well hey I have the cops on speed dial if you'd like! she just ran out got her dog & called her vet. I was like yeah & if you'd have just started letting your dogs into the fenced in BACKYARD instead of the front none of us would've had any problems!  >:(
: Re: Almost cashed in. It's called a leash...get one.
: slickerk September 13, 2005, 05:53:04 AM
I must be lucky, because the puppy patrol around here is strict. They will fine you for having your dog unleashed in your own yard unless you have a fence.
: Re: Almost cashed in. It's called a leash...get one.
: moonlitcroatia September 17, 2005, 08:30:12 AM
Sounds like my mother's "Cwack Ho Next Do'".
: Re: Almost cashed in. It's called a leash...get one.
: lins_saving_grace September 19, 2005, 08:30:57 AM
Sounds like my mother's "Cwack Ho Next Do'".

ROFL!  I love that!   Cwack Ho!  :)  ;D ;D  I'm gonna split a gut laughing.