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Newfoundlands => Newfoundland Discussions => : Liberty September 09, 2005, 08:08:28 PM

: Hey Newflvr...
: Liberty September 09, 2005, 08:08:28 PM
When did Cowboy have his first seizure?
: Re: Hey Newflvr...
: newflvr September 09, 2005, 10:37:30 PM
We didn't have him when he had his first one but according to emails sent to the person who rescued him it was at about 14 months.   We took him at 18 months and at about 18 months and 3 weeks is when he had his first cluster.   According to everything I've read, it is pretty typical for an epileptic dog to begin having seizures between a year and 18 months if it's the genetic variety.  If it's a head injury, obviously, it can begin at any time.  If you need more info., I'm more than happy to share!
: Re: Hey Newflvr...
: Liberty September 10, 2005, 01:31:45 PM
I was just curious.
We had a Saint that had her first seizure at 19 months.
It was a nightmare from there. She had grand mal cluster episodes that lasted,on and off, for 36 hours every 8 months or so. She was on 12 pills a day!! Epilepsy, Hypothyroidism and Addisons Disease
We now have a 6 month old Saint/Newf mix and we are keeping our fingers crossed that the "S" monster doesn't feel the need to visit our house again with this new pup.
: Re: Hey Newflvr...
: newflvr September 10, 2005, 01:43:22 PM
Oh, Liberty, I'm so sorry!  What a nightmare!!! 

Cowboy, at this point, is pretty stable!  We are S L O W L Y weaning him off pheno and raising his gabapentin.  He's also on KBr.  He's only had one seizure in 5 1/2 months which is record for him.  It's varied between (the worst!) every day to, pretty regularly every two weeks.  I give a lot of the credit to Chester...just more stimulation.  The neurologist who we work with said that he's going to consider writing prescriptions for puppies ;D!

I'm sure your new guy will be just fine...esp. since he's a mix (I'd love to see pics!!!!).  Chester has a brown daddy from San Antonio and a black mommy from Germany.  Hopefully clean genetically!!!!
: Re: Hey Newflvr...
: Liberty September 10, 2005, 07:46:22 PM
This is Roxy, our Saint/Newf mix.
I have also posted a pic of Liberty, our Saint that went to the bridge on May 1.
: Re: Hey Newflvr...
: shangrila September 10, 2005, 08:13:11 PM
Liberty is absolutely gorgeous. I am sorry to hear of your loss  :-\
: Re: Hey Newflvr...
: newflvr September 10, 2005, 08:52:59 PM
Liberty was adorable....I'm teary just looking at her pics.  I know how awful it must have been!  How old was she?   Was it the epilepsy that took her?  I guess I want to know but I also really don't want to know.  It is just too awful to think about!

Roxy is SOO cute.  Is she more like a Newf or a Saint?  Is there much difference in their personalities??

God love Liberty.  I know she's at the bridge and, more importantly, in your heart.  When you have one of those special ones that you have to work so hard with, the bond is just that much closer.

: Re: Hey Newflvr...
: Liberty September 11, 2005, 06:08:40 AM
Liberty was on Kbr, pheno and thyroid meds for 2 years and 5 months. She had just started her Addidsons meds. Her strength and health deteriorated very rapidly. We think it really was the onset of the Addisons that made the seizures almost unstoppable. It was very sad but we felt the best thing for her was to let her go. It has been almost 5 months but she is "with us" every day in some way.
The personality between the 2 is unreal! We just know that Liberty is looking down from the bridge telling Roxy how to be good!! :)
: Re: Hey Newflvr...
: newflvr September 11, 2005, 09:54:32 AM
I'm sure, in some way, you must be relieved that she is finally truly at rest.  The tough thing with epileplsy, is you never know when you are going to wake up with a dog in full seizure!  The last seizure that Cowboy had, he couldn't calm down from the valium.  Somehow he became so nervous and upset..pacing. ...disoriented .  It took two hours to get him calmed down.  I know it has to be so hard on him.  We are just keeping everything crossed...fing ers, toes, knees...that this period of being seizure free will last.  I HATE this frickin' disease~
: Re: Hey Newflvr...
: Liberty September 11, 2005, 10:48:29 AM
Good Luck and God Bless you and Cowboy! I have total respect for people who try to deal with illnesses in animals instead of immediately euthanizing. Please don't get me wrong though because I also understand people who don't have the resources to deal with weekly/monthly test, levels and meds.
: Re: Hey Newflvr...
: newflvr September 11, 2005, 03:48:36 PM
Thanks.  And the same to you for all you did for Liberty!  Once these guys get hold of your heart, there's just nothing you wouldn't do for them!!  It's so nice to have Cowboy here with me and doing well....I just thank heavens that we found a doc. who knows how to deal with this!  Cowboy's internist gave up and referred us on!