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BPO General Forum => General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws => : fcsantos September 14, 2005, 12:07:32 PM

: Dogs eating Feces
: fcsantos September 14, 2005, 12:07:32 PM
My OEM is eating my Bichon's Feces anyone else have this problem with their dogs?
: Re: Dogs eating Feces
: RedyreRottweilers September 14, 2005, 12:18:55 PM

Eating feces is a normal behavior for a dog. As disgusting as it is to us, it's normal to a dog.

Wild canids consume feces as a part of their diet. They especially prize that of herbivores. Ever see your dog around sheep, goat, cattle or horse manure?? You can almost see them go MMmmmmmm....Yu mmmm as they eat it. LOL

Consumption of the feces of other carnivores is not as common, but it does happen.

Here is what I would do:

1) Observe the elimination of both your dogs, and remove all waste promptly.

2) if you have a HELPER, take the dogs out, and the OEM on leash. Take him near some of the other dog's waste. When he looks or sniffs in that direction, correct him verbally, "AHNT AHNT, LEAVE IT!", and tug him towards you (and away from the no no) on the leash. If he knows how to sit on command, ask for a sit, praise and food reward him when he does. I would let him focus on the no no several times and correct him the same way. You are getting your point across when he is paying attention to YOU, and won't look at the poop.

Practice this once a day for 7 days running.

When he cannot be distracted by the poop, then I would let them out off leash to do their business. I would still be there to pick it up right away, but this should prevent him from grabbing it before YOU can.

: Re: Dogs eating Feces
: Willow October 02, 2005, 10:33:26 PM
My rescue Aussie had this habit when I got her 6 years ago.  She didn't eat my other dogs feces, just her own. 

I read on a raw feeding list that because the grains in commercial dog food cannot be fully digested, the poop is appealing the second time around to some dogs, and while I agree that immediately picking up after them is ideal, it can't always be done in my case.

I tried all the suggestions I read about to end it, (using "forbid", feeding pineapple etc.),  but in the end the only thing that really worked (besides picking up immediately) was switching to a "species appropriate diet". (Raw meaty bones),

Now my Aussie never eats her poop, and feeding raw also has other benefits besides better overall health.  It produces less frequent and smaller feces, so I only clean up once a day now and even with two dogs, there is only 2-3 small, firm stools.