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Newfoundlands => Newfoundland Discussions => : AC September 21, 2005, 04:47:49 AM

: Newf puppies stolen!!!
: AC September 21, 2005, 04:47:49 AM
Yesterday, 15 minutes drive from my house an 11 week old newf puppie was stolen out of a fenced backyard. The owners are devestated. The puppy was only in the backyard for 10 to 15 minutes before he was gone!!! 2 young men, possible just teenagers were seen in the area walking a newf puppy up the road. I can only pray the little pricks are caught and the puppy is reunited with his owners soon. They just got the puppy and then for this to happen, I cannot imagine the sick feeling they got in thier stomachs when he was gone from the backyard. Everyone, all vets, all modes of transportation off the Island, all drugstores and grocery stores have been notified. The story also ran on the local news last night so I am confident the thieves will be caught! Everyone and thier dogs are on the lookout.
: Re: Newf puppies stolen!!!
: GYPSY JAZMINE September 21, 2005, 07:07:05 AM
OMG!...What is it with the rash of Newfs being stolen?...This is just sick!...Please let us know if the pup is returned...I am sending prayers for his safe return.
: Re: Newf puppies stolen!!!
: smohr September 21, 2005, 12:35:58 PM
 :'(  I'm sorry too.  I'm praying for its safe return.  What is wrong with people to steal a beloved pet, which is a family member, from someone's yard?!? 
: Re: Newf puppies stolen!!!
: dohertyswissy September 21, 2005, 12:57:38 PM

This is just plain disgusting.  Horrible.  Argh!

I will keep them in my thoughts for the safe return of the pup!
: Re: Newf puppies stolen!!!
: AC September 21, 2005, 06:24:29 PM
No news on the puppies return yet, his name is Noah and his sister was on the news tonight, they apparently are identical looking, same white patch on the chest and everything. This city is to small for someone to get away with this and it is reported it was 2 teenagers who took Noah. What are thier parents going to say when it's on the news and all the sudden they have a new free newf puppy?? I pray nothing bad is going to happen and yes our family is keeping a close eye on Angus, though at 60 lbs and a bundle of energy it will be tougher to get him over our fence, I hope. Nobody here can believe this has happened.
: Re: Newf puppies stolen!!!
: fishskibum September 21, 2005, 06:36:29 PM
this sucks . ++++ doggie vibes sent for their return.
: Re: Newf puppies stolen!!!
: jabear September 21, 2005, 07:00:18 PM
I really hope that the Newf Nappers are caught and that they get major jail time. Why do people keeping stealing dogs????

And yes, I too hope that Angus gains weight fast so that there will be no possibility of taking him.
: Re: Newf puppies stolen!!!
: ZooCrew September 21, 2005, 08:12:59 PM
I can't believe this is happening so much!!  I can't believe how immoral some people are to take something that is not theirs.  Not only taking something that isn't theirs, but basically abducting a family member.

I really wish the penalty for this would be harsher.  It should be almost on par with kidnapping instead of just "stolen propterty".

I pray for the puppies safe return.
: Re: Newf puppies stolen!!!
: GYPSY JAZMINE September 21, 2005, 08:19:48 PM
I really hope that the Newf Nappers are caught and that they get major jail time. Why do people keeping stealing dogs????

And yes, I too hope that Angus gains weight fast so that there will be no possibility of taking him.
I'm pretty secure in the fact that nobody could get near Samson & get ahold of him without getting their face ripped off & if they managed that they probably would have trouble lifting 110 lbs. of snarling biting Pyr over our fence...That's part of the reason we have locks on all our gates...Pippin I would be more apt to worry about...He is friendlier...& that's part of the reason why they are never left in the yard unsupervised.. .It would kill me to find one or both gone. :'(
: Re: Newf puppies stolen!!!
: LaurieW September 21, 2005, 08:22:09 PM

I will pray for a safe return for the puppy, peace for the family, and that the scumbags are caught.  Please keep us updated if you hear any more information.


Ditto & Amen!
: Re: Newf puppies stolen!!!
: AC September 22, 2005, 07:42:58 AM
UPDATE! Here's the news story than ran:
Abducted Newfoundland dog found
by Carolyn Stokes September 22, 2005
It was a heart wrenching few days for Mike Newhook and his fiancée Jillian Holden, but their eleven-week-old Newfoundland dog, Noah, is home safe and sound. On Monday evening, eyewitnesses spotted two teenage boys abducting the pure-bred puppy from a fenced backyard while the family was indoors. The couple was visiting Jillian's parents at the time. The frantic search and sleepless nights resulted in a happy ending Wednesday morning when a Mount Pearl resident, who found Noah wandering the pathways the previous evening, contacted the couple with the good news. Noah was tired and dirty, but no worse for the wear. Mike and Jillian suspect the thieves released the dog because of the heavy publicity.
: Re: Newf puppies stolen!!!
: newflvr September 22, 2005, 07:58:03 AM
YEA!!!!  I still want to smack those kids around though!  I'm SO happy the story turned out well!!!  YIPPPPEEEEE!!!
: Re: Newf puppies stolen!!!
: Jessdryden September 22, 2005, 11:04:12 AM
Oh yay!  I'm so glad to hear that they puppy is home!  Such a good ending to a heart breaking story.
: Re: Newf puppies stolen!!!
: GYPSY JAZMINE September 22, 2005, 11:19:43 AM
YEA!!!!  I still want to smack those kids around though!  I'm SO happy the story turned out well!!!  YIPPPPEEEEE!!!
Great news!!...I wanna smack those little ******* with Nicker's baseball bat...Oh please can I?...Just a little???? >:(
: Re: Newf puppies stolen!!!
: jabear September 22, 2005, 11:28:09 AM
Yeah!!! This is such a happy ending. I am so glad the family is back together.
: Re: Newf puppies stolen!!!
: GR8DAME September 22, 2005, 11:40:32 AM
YEA!!!!  I still want to smack those kids around though!  I'm SO happy the story turned out well!!!  YIPPPPEEEEE!!!
Great news!!...I wanna smack those little ******* with Nicker's baseball bat...Oh please can I?...Just a little???? >:(

I'm with you Chelle, someone needs to teach those little buggers some respect, and a baseball bat may get their attention. Even though (happily) the pup was found, the little s**ts didn't even drop him in a fenced in back yard or somewhere safe, they dumped him like yesterdays garbage. Leaves me great hope for the future leaders of our society, as if it werent't screwed up enough. Sorry, end of rant.
: Re: Newf puppies stolen!!!
: ZooCrew September 22, 2005, 01:42:22 PM
Oh, I'm so glad he was found.

Seriously, some people should be sterilized to keep them from having children if they raise them to act this way.
: Re: Newf puppies stolen!!!
: GYPSY JAZMINE September 22, 2005, 10:24:39 PM
Oh, I'm so glad he was found.

Seriously, some people should be sterilized to keep them from having children if they raise them to act this way.
I was just talking to my hubby about this last night...We both agreed 100% that is our children showed up with a pup they had obviously stolen there wouldn't need to be any mob...The mom & dad mob right here would make thm wish they'd made a much better choice & they wouldn't be sitting comfortably for some time!!!
: Re: Newf puppies stolen!!!
: dohertyswissy September 23, 2005, 12:05:27 AM
Yahoo!  I'm sooo glad that Noah made it back to his rightful home.

Jenn - I'm all for starting the BPO Mob!  We should also start the BPO Bail Fund at the same time (refer to my post, "It is NOT cute" for further examples of why we need the BPO Mob and bail fund  :D).

: Re: Newf puppies stolen!!!
: AC September 23, 2005, 01:30:47 AM
The worst part is that the little pricks were not caught. I imagine they just dumped the dog and didn't give a damn what happened to him. The owners were even offering a "NO QUESTIONS ASKED REWARD" and the cowards still didn't bring him back!
: Re: Newf puppies stolen!!!
: tonyc September 23, 2005, 04:25:09 AM
yet another reason why i don't want kids...

i was so ticked off when my BIKE got stolen (a really hard to find compact sized Cannondale R300 w/ 650c wheels , blah blah blah, i digress)... can't imagine if someone took my dog.. i'd be livid..
: Re: Newf puppies stolen!!!
: GR8DAME September 23, 2005, 04:40:14 AM
It's not your kids you have to watch out for, tonyc. It's the morons htat don't instill any values in their kids. Both my kids know that they need to respect other peoples property and the authorities, but FEAR ME. There is only so much that the others can do to them. I brought them into this world, and I can take them out. I have no limits.
: Re: Newf puppies stolen!!!
: newflvr September 23, 2005, 04:50:15 AM
. I brought them into this world, and I can take them out. I have no limits.

I'm SO with you Stella!!!  And I'm the only one allowed to do it!!!

"If Momma ain't happy, ain't NOBODY happy"
: Re: Newf puppies stolen!!!
: PupDaddy September 23, 2005, 05:22:01 AM
I'm glad the pup was found, and that I had a solid alibi.  ;D

I need to ask though, newfs are rare in Texas, but I'd have thought they would be as common as ants at a picnic in Newfoundland. Are they uncommon there?
: Re: Newf puppies stolen!!!
: AC September 23, 2005, 09:01:58 AM
Newfs are not that common here at all. Only 3 breeders on the Island that I know of. Maybe 4 now as a couple from Germany just moved here and they breed newfs. Growing up I would only see 1 or 2 a year, but since I got Angus I have seen more!!! There will be 4 Newf puppies in Angus's obedience class! :D  From all the info I can gather most Newfs bred here are shipped off the Island and out of a litter just 1 or 2 stay. Labrador retrievers are plentiful and beagles may be the most abundant from my own observations.
: Re: Newf puppies stolen!!!
: waffles717 September 23, 2005, 09:22:31 PM
Hello u look like u are getting biger if u want to know the trick to it feed thee times a day and aq toased Bage,s Twice a day!! Feed them they will Grow!!
: Re: Newf puppies stolen!!!
: GYPSY JAZMINE September 24, 2005, 02:23:03 AM
. I brought them into this world, and I can take them out. I have no limits.

I'm SO with you Stella!!!  And I'm the only one allowed to do it!!!

"If Momma ain't happy, ain't NOBODY happy"
I hear that!!...Every in awhile my 8 yr. old son will say, "You can't make me"...I reply with a very serious sounding, "I can make you stop breathing"!!! ;D