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Newfoundlands => Newfoundland Discussions => : Heighway September 27, 2005, 03:20:30 AM

: Sleeping too much?
: Heighway September 27, 2005, 03:20:30 AM
Is it normal for newf pups to sleep 20 hours a day?  I remember with my first newf, Hightower, calling the vet twice in the first month I had him home about how much he was sleeping.... all was well.    That has been almost 18 years ago.  Now Webster is home, 8 weeks old, went to the vet yesterday for round two of shots and deworming, Vet said he would sleep a lot....but geeeeez.  He is up and playing hard for 30 minutes, then just flakes for 4 hours.  You can't hardly wake him up.  I pick him up to put him in his crate, he will open his eyes, but just has that "please just let me sleep" look.  Then up again, eat, poo, pee, play and within 30-45 minutes is back sound asleep!  (he was awake and very playful last night from 3:00-4:30am though!) Just like a newborn baby!  This is all okay?  Right?
: Re: Sleeping too much?
: Kiahpyr September 27, 2005, 03:23:56 AM
I think it's normal. Kiah slept alot when we brought her home. She did the same thing. Play for awhile and sleep a long time. Just like a baby try not to play with them at night and keep it low key. Webster is going to grow really fast and they grow in their sleep.
: Re: Sleeping too much?
: Scootergirl September 27, 2005, 03:28:38 AM
As long as he is eating normally, I don't think you should worry about him sleeping too much. Sometimes, it could be low blood sugar, but if he is eating and the vet seems to think it's OK it's probably just because his puppy metabolism is wearing him out. Newfs grow A LOT in the first few months. That takes a lot of energy.
: Re: Sleeping too much?
: newflvr September 27, 2005, 03:31:29 AM
It's completely normal.  You have an infant there and they do sleep a lot!  There's lots of growing go on.   Chester, who is now seven months, would play like crazy for maybe 45 minutes and then just drop where he was playing and sleep for a couple of hours and then do it all over again.  Both my Newfs sleep almost all afternoon everyday and all night every night.  They are really active only in the mornings and late afternoon.  And I use the word "active" loosely.  If we are out and doing things, they are right with me.  But if we are home and I'm busy and not playing with them, they are more than content to find a cool place to snooze.  For me that's one of the attractions to a Newf.  You don't have to entertain them to keep them out of trouble! ;D
: Re: Sleeping too much?
: jabear September 27, 2005, 03:41:04 AM
Aww....a sleepy puppy. I love it! And yes, it is completely normal. Bear sleeps all night and throughout the entire day. He has his energy spurts but naps alot. I think that he was just like Webster when he was a pup though....way more sleeping was done than playing. :D
: Re: Sleeping too much?
: shangrila September 27, 2005, 03:47:33 AM
I think it is normal. That's exactly how zoey was when she was a baby, play hard and sleep harder. And no matter where we were, if she decided it was nappytime, then she would plop down - she slept through an entire vet visit once, and we had to carry her sleeping body out of petstores, home from walks, etc.... She still sleeps alot now, but she's awake much longer and figured out that home is the place for sleeping.
: Re: Sleeping too much?
: sarnewfie September 28, 2005, 02:42:46 AM
8 weeks is young for a newf to be seperated from littermates and from mom.
they need another two weeks to learn bite inhibition from each other, and for excersise and socializing time with the adults.
There also is a window of time that is crucial that they be with adults mom and breeder for training, where they are most receptive.
it is normal for giant breed pups to have periods of time during growth where they sleep a lot.
: Re: Sleeping too much?
: Hudson October 12, 2005, 08:14:55 AM
Only 20 hours of sleep a day?  You've got a hyperactive Newf baby there.  These are the PLANET'S LAZIEST DOGS.  If you could sell a Newf's ability to sleep, you would be wealthy beyone all imagination.  Hudson is still on the 20 hour sleep cycle, unless he is overcome by the need for an emergency nap during that pesky 4 hour thing.
: Re: Sleeping too much?
: sarnewfie October 12, 2005, 08:20:54 PM
All the newfs i have owned have been quite active, the pups i have are not sleepers by any means, they keep me hopping.
i would have to say it depends on the lines.
newfs are working thinking dogs.
during growth there will be a lot of periods of sleep. i believe it is due to the growth rates.
the activity is very good for them, in that they need to build up muscle, to help with joint formation.
i would encourage activity if your newf is not self motivated :)