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BPO Off Topic Forum => Anything Non-Dog Related => : Anky October 04, 2005, 09:50:39 AM

: Anky October 04, 2005, 09:50:39 AM
Hello all you wonderful beautiful people!  OMG I missed you all so much!  I am very sore and very tired but I am HOME!  I never want to be inside a hospital ever again!  I'm gonna give birth in a bathtub or something.  I just saw all the things you all wrote and I'm like in tears.  I feel so special!  (Moni don't say it)

OK short strokes.  The ONLY thing they found out is that when I stand up my blood pressure drops like 40 points (Both numbers) and my heart rate goes through the roof.  There are two tests that they really want me to take but I can't take them till my wires come out, which is Tuesday.  I had mostly nice nurses, only one bad one, and I will be peeling this tape residue off of my arm till I die I think.  I saw at least 8 different doctors, and none of them know what's wrong with me.  Ooooo because they think I have heart issues, I had to get the flue and pnuemonia shots and let me tell you those little buggers HURT!  I think that's the sorest part of my body right now!

Nee was SO glad to see his Mommy!  He didn't eat the whole time I was gone so he's skin and bones now.  He knocked me flat on my arse, and in doing so, cracked my jaw with his big fat head.  I missed my baby so much!  :'(

On Tuesday I go in to get a heart monitor that I'll wear for 24 hours, then I'm getting my wires off, then I'm going to a new Dr for follow up stuff.  FUN! 

There's so much more I want to tell you but I have LOADS to catch up on!  I'll look back on here soon!


: BabsT October 04, 2005, 09:57:23 AM
Oh I will continue to keep my fingers crossed for you but I am glad that you are at home
: shangrila October 04, 2005, 10:00:32 AM
Welcome back! I am glad to hear that you are back home and on your way to recovery.
: Icerotti October 04, 2005, 10:01:50 AM
Yeah Ang is home...Sanity will be sooooooooooooo oooooooooooo happy. It is always good to get home ;)
Get some rest  and we look forward to hearing all about your stay!!!!
: Rocky's 'Rents October 04, 2005, 10:03:36 AM
I'm so glad you are home. The test they probably want to do is a "tilt table" test. They kind of strap you to a table and tilt you all the way back while they are monitoring you. That would hurt like h*ll if they try to do it before your jaw is ready.  Sorry that we were all bullying you to go get checked out but it was about caring about what happens to you!
: DixieSugarBear October 04, 2005, 10:14:09 AM
Welcome back, so glad you are home. 
: Anky October 04, 2005, 10:16:58 AM
I'm so glad you are home. The test they probably want to do is a "tilt table" test. They kind of strap you to a table and tilt you all the way back while they are monitoring you. That would hurt like h*ll if they try to do it before your jaw is ready.  Sorry that we were all bullying you to go get checked out but it was about caring about what happens to you!

It was a Tilt Table test, they didn't want me to do it because they were afriad I'd puke and it'd go into my lungs.  Yummy.  Did Andi ever tell you about the rusty wire cutters that were next to my bed, so they could cut the wires on the occasion I did vomit?  They had a "Maintenance" label on them and they were strategically placed next to a tracheotomy tube, in case they didn't get the wires off soon enough :P

: pndlake October 04, 2005, 10:33:22 AM
glad you are back, everybody was worried.  :-*
: newflvr October 04, 2005, 10:50:01 AM
It was a Tilt Table test, they didn't want me to do it because they were afriad I'd puke and it'd go into my lungs.  Yummy.  Did Andi ever tell you about the rusty wire cutters that were next to my bed, so they could cut the wires on the occasion I did vomit?  They had a "Maintenance" label on them and they were strategically placed next to a tracheotomy tube, in case they didn't get the wires off soon enough :P

Between the rusty pliers, the trach tube and the barrier at the door AND the restraints.... I'm worried about the hospital overall!!!  Can we do  BPO lawsuit...just cuz???  We care about you and you read all the posts....there is room for improvement.  Give us the word and we'll be there...dogs and all!!!!
: Stacey October 04, 2005, 10:56:28 AM
I am glad you are back!!   ;D  I am sure Sanity is going nuts....did she adopt other pieces of your laundry to sleep with in your abscence :P??  I hope  you get back to 100% really soon (its a good thing you don't need your jaw to type ;)
: Kiahpyr October 04, 2005, 11:00:31 AM
I'm glad your back. Hope you have a good recovery.
: GYPSY JAZMINE October 04, 2005, 11:16:55 AM
((((((((((Ang)))))))))) I am so glad you are back!!!...It sounds like you really are too!! ;D We really missed you girl!! :)
: GrumpyBunny October 04, 2005, 11:19:30 AM
Yaaaaaaay!  So glad you are back!  That hospital does sound a little suspect though...  You have a lot to catch up on!
: Blair October 04, 2005, 12:08:05 PM
ANG!!!!!!! I missed you LOL I am so happy to see you posting again. You better take it easy and get plenty of rest so you can be back to your normal self again  :D
: ZooCrew October 04, 2005, 01:05:27 PM
Glad to see you are back Ang.  It's been pretty quiet here w/o you.   ;D
: lins_saving_grace October 04, 2005, 09:28:46 PM
sounds like an ordeal.  Hope you are feeling better.  Glad to see you back.
: GR8DAME October 04, 2005, 09:58:36 PM
YYAAHH ANG! Happy to hear you are back and all in one piece. That hospital sounds nasty, and I am glad you are no longer there. At least at home you can get some puppy love, and we all know how healing that is. When you get the wires off you and Sanity can go on an eating binge and both get back up to normal.
: Anakalia October 04, 2005, 10:02:43 PM
YAY!!!  Sorry it's taken me so long to post, I've had a migraine since last night.  Whoohoo! (Big sarcasm there!)  I'm glad you got home and are getting back the the puter! hehee.  And I just knew Nee would knock you on your butt!  You used your high pitched excited voice didn't you! :D  Now, just because you're home doesn't mean you can be running around doing crazy Ang things.  Keep resting and healing.  I'm sure Nee would love to cuddle with you all day!

: dohertyswissy October 04, 2005, 10:11:33 PM
Welcome Back Ang!!

Good Goddess - That hospital sounds shady! 

I'm sure you are sooo glad to be home with Nee and we are glad to have you back at BPO!

: brigid67 October 04, 2005, 11:14:39 PM
Glad your back...very glad you are out of that hospital!!!!!You sound like you feel better which is awesome.
: Kermit October 04, 2005, 11:27:16 PM
Well Ang, I was out of town when all this craziness went down... but what I am gathering is that you passed out and then had a nasty hospital stay...? Yowsa!!!
I can relate- I had a period where I was passing out for no reason and they did a bunch of tests and no one ever figured out what was wrong with me!!! I felt like I was a freak! And the doctor sat me down like I was an idiot and told me, "there is nothing wrong with you". I had to wear that heart monitor thing for 24 hours, and I was supposed to push a button if I started feeling like I was about to pass out... it didn't amount to anything. My "episodes" stopped happening on their own though... and my faith in doctors went downhill fast!!!
I'm glad you are back and I hope you heal up real good, and hope that dane of yours gains his weight back!  :)
: Anky October 04, 2005, 11:41:44 PM
I'm totally hearing your requests for rest.  I went to bed at like ummmmm I forget I think it was 10 or 11 or something and I like JUST got up and it's 11:30 now.  Seriously the most pain is in my arm from the shots.  And in my hair.  It was curly when I went there and was nothing but a massive rat's nest this morning, so brushing that out was FUN.

I get my 24 hour heart monitor on Tuesday.  At least they did find that something was wrong with me and that makes me feel better (Like I'm not a hypochondriac impulsive liar).  They just don't know what's CAUSING the something wrong with me. 

Matt was so sweet yesterday.  While I was in the hospital he was kind of non chalant about the whole thing.  He brought me a stuffed Border Collie puppy saying "They didn't have any Old Stupids (What he calls Sanity) but this was cute so I got you this".  But after he brought me home last night he just croke down grabbed me and started to shake "OMG Anks I missed you so much!  I was so worried about you!"  I felt horrible for all the nasty things I thought about him. 

I didn't really get to say Hi to Araby and Hobo yesterday.  When we're gone the dogs are all in the kitchen behind a baby gate.  Well Araby and Hobo rush to greet whoever, and Sanity's usually behind them but he was in the corner of the room, not getting up.  When he heard my mumbled EXCITED VOICE, he jumped over Araby, plowed Hobo over reared up and gave me the biggest Dane hug ever!  Which of course knocked my flat on my very sore butt (YOU try sitting in a bed for 3 days straight!  Your butt gets sore!)  Then we had to take Matt to band practice (Because I'm not allowed to drive, getting back to the Boonies house was a HUGE operation, with switching cars, and time constraints for band, it was a mess), I felt bad that Nee had to stay in the car (It was dark so I just rolled the back windows down enough for him to stick his head out) so I gave him a cookie that a lady at a feedstore gave him.  This thing was literally a foot long.  She pulled it out of a bin that said $6.99 so I felt really abd about that.  I was breaking a few chunks off then I stuck the rest in my ash tray (Which I never use).  When I came back Sanity had opened my ash tray and eaten the rest of the cookie.  Little bugger.  And now he's DOUBLY protective of me "DON'T YOU TAKE MY MOMMY AWAY AGAIN!"  I missed my baby :)