Big Paws Only Dog Forums

BPO Introduction Forum => Introduce Yourself to the Forum => : harvey_girl October 10, 2005, 05:56:53 AM

: hi, new here, question
: harvey_girl October 10, 2005, 05:56:53 AM
hello, im new here, i have a question for you guys and gals. Back in the end of january me and my fiance got a puppy. We were told he is a bulldog black lab mix, the more he grows the more i think we were lied to. The lady who we got him from rescues pit-bulls, and i think thats what harvey is, i dont care either way, we love him and would never get rid of him....what do you guys think? do you think he could be a bulldog black lab mix or did we get tricked into getting a pitbull(which we would have gotten him anyway if she would've told us, doesnt make a difference)

ok, im not positive if these pictures will work, but here i go....they will go in order from when we got him to now....thanks!!
: Re: hi, new here, question
: Kiahpyr October 10, 2005, 05:59:08 AM
Sorry I can't help you out there. I'm not sure myself. Just want to say welcome and that your puppy is so cute!
: Re: hi, new here, question
: newflvr October 10, 2005, 05:59:49 AM
Looks like some kind of terrier nose...but I really don't see much pit bull.  Others here are more knowledgeable though.
: Re: hi, new here, question
: jabear October 10, 2005, 06:00:58 AM
Welcome Harvey_girl! I would say he does look like he has some Pitt in it but is a darn cute puppy. I am so happy that you have joined us and that you love him no matter what.  ;D
: Re: hi, new here, question
: henrysmomma October 10, 2005, 06:02:20 AM
I can see the bulldog in him and the lab. He doesn't seem to have pitbull characteristic s....My Henry is an english bulldog, my name is rose and welcome to the site ;D
: Re: hi, new here, question
: harvey_girl October 10, 2005, 06:04:39 AM
i guess i've just never saw any english bulldog mixes before, the thing that really throws me is the white on his nose that goes off to the side, so many pits i've seen have that same marking.....he is a big sissy though, LOVES swimming so i guess thats the lab in him...
: Re: hi, new here, question
: henrysmomma October 10, 2005, 06:11:58 AM
LOL...the sissy part in him in the bulldog...bull dogs are the biggest sissies! Henry is afraid of everything! Especially plastic bags ;D
: Re: hi, new here, question
: Saintgirl October 10, 2005, 06:15:09 AM
He is beautiful! Looks like a real charmer! I think that he looks like he is mixed with pit myself. One of the regulars at our dog park has a pit/lab cross and they look so much alike, except for the color. The one at our park is all black. Either way, welcome to BPO!
: Re: hi, new here, question
: shangrila October 10, 2005, 07:45:01 AM
His muzzle doesn't look like a pit bull to me.

But whatever he is, he sure is cute!

Welcome to BPO :)
: Re: hi, new here, question
: ZooCrew October 10, 2005, 08:07:06 AM
I don't see lab in him whatsoever.

Possibly pit, but not sure what mixed with.  Could have bull terrier in him too, the head it shaped similarly, as well as the smaller set eyes.

I could see where they thought bulldog when he was a puppy.  That first pic he is shaped very much like a bulldog.  It was probably just a guess as to what he was.
: Re: hi, new here, question
: Jessdryden October 10, 2005, 08:10:50 AM
What a cute puppy!  I'm not really sure what he is, but he is darling!  I love the one where he is carrying the duck toy.  He could have some pit in him, but it could be bulldog too.
: Re: hi, new here, question
: brigid67 October 10, 2005, 08:17:53 AM
awww he is cute - looks like maybe a little Pit mixed in there
: Re: hi, new here, question
: GreatDanz October 10, 2005, 08:19:47 AM
I don't see any Pitt either, the head is too narrow and long, and he's way lankier than any pitt I've seen.

That aside, I DO agree that he's precious!
: Re: hi, new here, question
: harvey_girl October 10, 2005, 09:05:52 AM
well, this is the story the lady told us, there was a champion female english bulldog worth about $6000, well she let her out in the yard one day and the local black lab came and did his thing with her, so the women gave the dog away b/c she was runined. Good friends of mine also got a pup from the litter, i think i have a picture of him as well, not only did the friends of mine get a littermate, her parents got TWO of them, a male and female...the three males are brindle, and the female is mostly white, when we picked harvey out he was the only brindle one left and the other three females were solid black...still,  she does alot of rescues with pit-bulls and crosses....who knows....shes prolly telling the truth....just a nagging thought in the back of my head i guess....

heres carson, harveys brother...
: Re: hi, new here, question
: Nicole October 10, 2005, 09:13:34 AM
If your cute little puppy came into a shelter where I worked, or a rescue or something, I would definitely say that the dog has Pit in him. He's REALLY cute, though! And I'm sure you love him no matter what! But, just as a matter of answering your question, I'd say that there is no doubt. Particularly that picture...wher e he's looking all serious...I see lots of Pit there.

I don't see the lab. I could agree with Babs on the Bull Terrier thing. But...yeah. Definitely Pit. My American Bulldog/Pit X LOVED to swim. He would swim until you made him stop!
: Re: hi, new here, question
: harvey_girl October 10, 2005, 10:16:37 PM
thanks for the comments guys!