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Saint Bernards => Saint Bernard General Discussions => : Lyn October 17, 2005, 08:59:00 PM

: Umm Bubba just brought me..
: Lyn October 17, 2005, 08:59:00 PM
My watch!! LMAO He must have taken it off the coffee table. Is that a hint that I've been online too long.  :D
: Re: Umm Bubba just brought me..
: lins_saving_grace October 17, 2005, 09:27:09 PM
Either that or "It's Time!" for something.

Grace loves to snatch things too.
: Re: Umm Bubba just brought me..
: NoDogNow October 18, 2005, 02:36:10 AM
It won't be long until he's bringing you his lead and your shoes...
: Re: Umm Bubba just brought me..
: shangrila October 18, 2005, 03:51:03 AM
It won't be long until he's bringing you his lead and your shoes...

My thoughts exactly  :D
: Re: Umm Bubba just brought me..
: dober_gurl October 18, 2005, 03:53:30 AM
LOL poor Bubba, he was trying to tell you that you were on the comp. to long and get off. But all he did was give his momma a reason to stay on longer! :P
: Re: Umm Bubba just brought me..
: Lyn October 18, 2005, 05:02:46 AM
LOL so true because I just had to post about it right after he did it. 

NoDogNow, He already does bring me his leash.. although not to go for a walk. He wants to play tug with it instead.  :-\

Bubba must be jealous of my time on BPO oooing and ahhhing over all the cute babies on here.
: Re: Umm Bubba just brought me..
: NoDogNow October 18, 2005, 05:50:00 AM
See, he's well on his way  :D  Just give him a minutes to make the connection between the shoes and the door

Mom's Max brings all kinds of things upon request, but when he decides it's time to go for a walk--no matter what time it is--he gets his lead, he gets the shoes of whoever he wants to take him, and in the wintertime, he gets their coat!  Mom had to give up her antique coat rack, and just hang coats over the railing around the front stairwell, because he kept pulling it over getting people's coats.

He doesn't care who you are, either.  Mom has a 'no shoes inside' rule, so visitors shoes go in a shoe bin right alongside ours.  If Max decides that you're the one who needs to take him for a walk, he'll come over and sniff the feet and go to the bin and find the right shoes, and bring them over, along with your jacket if it's hanging on the rail. 

Last time I was home, I hadn't been in the house 10 minutes before Max had my shoes in front of me, sitting there all "I don't know why you think you're allowed to sit down before we've gone for a walk, but you're mistaken, dear girl."  And when I said "In a minute, Max" he barked at me and went over to my mother and started complaining, the bossy boots!

: Re: Umm Bubba just brought me..
: shangrila October 18, 2005, 05:52:25 AM
If Max decides that you're the one who needs to take him for a walk, he'll come over and sniff the feet and go to the bin and find the right shoes, and bring them over, along with your jacket if it's hanging on the rail. 

Max sounds lik one smart boy!  :o
: Re: Umm Bubba just brought me..
: NoDogNow October 18, 2005, 06:34:02 AM
Max is WICKED-SCARY smart.  Literally--when he was a puppy, Mom used to let him ride in the front of the truck, until he figured out about shifting--he almost killed them both trying to shift gears for her! Of course, he HATES being exiled to the back of the truck in his crate.  Whenever Mom says, "let's go for a ride", he runs to Dad's car, because he's allowed to ride in the back seat in it and that's among his favorite things.  But if she opens the back of the truck--he runs to the back yard and has to be chased down. 

He also climbs ladders, so it's not safe at ALL to leave them propped against a roof--if Dad's going to work up there, he has to take cell phone to call Mom to come put the ladder up for him to get down--if he leaves the ladder in place, Max will join him up there, thinking he's king of the world.  And he'll go up the ladder into the attic if someone leaves it down too.  Of course, that one he'll go back down, so it's a little less trouble.

And he knows about cleaning up spills.  If something gets spilled, he'll either go and get a towel from the laundry basket, or bring Mom the tank vaccuum cleaner from the closet!

Oh, yes--he opens unlocked doors all by himself, the closet is no trouble at all for Max.  If you forget to lock the bathroom door, you're going to have company--I guess he thinks if you can watch while he has a poo, fair is fair.  The only reason he can't get out of the house is that the have those hook and eye latches on the storm doors, and he's not tall enough to reach it. 

It's a really good thing he's a Medium Paw and not a Big one!