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Great Danes => Great Dane Discussions => : Boobearsmom December 20, 2005, 10:56:16 AM

: Ok, I think I should be offended???
: Boobearsmom December 20, 2005, 10:56:16 AM
I'm fairly new here and want to get an opinion on something a friend said to me recently about my Dane.  We were outside and he looks at her and said "You never should have named her Boo.  Her name should be Special Olympics".  So I'm blonde and it took me a minute to realize what he said.   ???  I looked at him and said "My dog is NOT retarded!!!"  Even though I realize she has huge paws, and legs that go all over the place and big drooly jowls, I love her to death even in her clumsiness.  She regularly runs into walls and falls off the couch, but I just assumed it was her being a goof.  Please tell me all Danes are like this!!!!  And yeah, it is really funny when she runs :D  Yeah, the more I think about it, the more I think I'm offended!!!
: Re: Ok, I think I should be offended???
: Anakalia December 20, 2005, 10:59:52 AM
Yep, Danes are like that!!  Or mine is anyway! heheee  Koby runs into walls (even put a hole through our wall) runs like a bambi on ice in the kitchen and is just all around a silly boy.  It's hilarious to watch and I think Danes love to be funny!!  And yes, Koby's fallen of the couch many times! ;D

: Re: Ok, I think I should be offended???
: Anky December 20, 2005, 11:01:23 AM
Danes commonly go through something affectionately called "The Uglies" where nothing matches on their bodies.  Always somethind dispraportiona tely bgi or small.  My fiance calls my Dane "Old Stupid".  Nee runs into stuff all the time.  I posted a story on here ages ago about him chasing a fly into the window and collapsing like a rock, and I thought he was dead.  Don't worry about it, Boo is fine.

However, I would beat the snot outta your friend.  Physically, verbally, whatever :P 
: Re: Ok, I think I should be offended???
: Anakalia December 20, 2005, 11:09:33 AM
However, I would beat the snot outta your friend.  Physically, verbally, whatever :P 

Yes, you could call Ang and she'll beat your friend up for you!!  She likes to do that kinda stuff! hahahahahahaa ;D

: Re: Ok, I think I should be offended???
: Boobearsmom December 20, 2005, 11:18:49 AM
Actually, I was thinking of letting Boo drink a whole bowl of water then go up to him and give him a BIG KISS  :-*  She does that too me all the time and by the time she's done it looks like I just got out of the shower.  He'll be too soaked with dog slobber to reply!!!!
: Re: Ok, I think I should be offended???
: Boobearsmom December 20, 2005, 11:25:48 AM
Yes and no.  I think he was sort of joking about it, but also meant it in a way that she is really uncoordinated and just sort of all over the place.  But so am I so I think Boo and I make a really great fit!  I've done more than my fair share of turning around and walking right into a wall.  :-[
: Re: Ok, I think I should be offended???
: Svnt4God December 20, 2005, 11:39:10 AM
I think Boo is a cute name.  It's actually quite fitting for a goofy Dane.  Just call him "Goofy Boo".

: Re: Ok, I think I should be offended???
: cricket36580 December 20, 2005, 12:20:38 PM
ROFL!!!   ;D  I can't help but laugh...Mine do it all of the time too.  You definately have to have a sense of humor to have a dane.  I think you sic Boo on your friend...
: Re: Ok, I think I should be offended???
: Newf Lover December 20, 2005, 12:34:02 PM
I think Boo is a cute name.  It's actually quite fitting for a goofy Dane.  Just call him "Goofy Boo".

My big, fat, black housecat's name is Boo.  Just seems to fit him.  Although it has morphed into Booty, Boodles, Boodle Oodle, Goobs, Goobie, Goobles, Doobie, and on and on.

I wouldn't take it so personally that someone thinks your dog is a goofball or maybe a little retarded.  Big dogs just ooze with personality and they are clumsy compared to smaller compact dogs, but that's just how they are.  A lot of people, once they see Drake, say "It's a Goofy Newfie!"  It's true, but not all the time.  As much as I don't want my dog to be regarded as a ding dong, he kind of is one at times.
: Re: Ok, I think I should be offended???
: Blair December 20, 2005, 05:41:03 PM
I think Boo is an adorable name for an adorable dane. My dane is a big goof ball  :D My husband calls him stupid all the time but we love him no matter what LOL I also vote for letting Ang kick your friend's butt  ;)
: Re: Ok, I think I should be offended???
: GR8DAME December 20, 2005, 06:51:23 PM
Of course your Dane puppy is clumsy, uncoordenated and goofy. That is the way they all are, it's part of the reason we love them. Tell your friend if he wants intelligence to try playing frisbee with a computer, I'll take a dane any day!
: Re: Ok, I think I should be offended???
: HerbaMonster December 21, 2005, 12:27:02 AM
Boo is a great name - she is really cute.  Herbie is really clumsy too - he's pretty nerdy but that's whats great about him!  Just be careful because they get hurt real easily - bumping into walls when running, tripping, or just about anything. 
: Re: Ok, I think I should be offended???
: Nicole December 21, 2005, 01:07:49 AM
Danes commonly go through something affectionately called "The Uglies" where nothing matches on their bodies.  Always somethind dispraportiona tely bgi or small.  My fiance calls my Dane "Old Stupid".  Nee runs into stuff all the time.  I posted a story on here ages ago about him chasing a fly into the window and collapsing like a rock, and I thought he was dead.  Don't worry about it, Boo is fine.

However, I would beat the snot outta your friend.  Physically, verbally, whatever :P 

ANG! DID YOU SAY FIANCE?! WHAT'S THAT?! Did I miss something?
: Re: Ok, I think I should be offended???
: Anky December 21, 2005, 11:42:59 AM
Danes commonly go through something affectionately called "The Uglies" where nothing matches on their bodies.  Always somethind dispraportiona tely bgi or small.  My fiance calls my Dane "Old Stupid".  Nee runs into stuff all the time.  I posted a story on here ages ago about him chasing a fly into the window and collapsing like a rock, and I thought he was dead.  Don't worry about it, Boo is fine.

However, I would beat the snot outta your friend.  Physically, verbally, whatever :P 

ANG! DID YOU SAY FIANCE?! WHAT'S THAT?! Did I miss something?

You miss alot of things dearie  :-*
: Re: Ok, I think I should be offended???
: Maggie's Mom December 21, 2005, 05:24:33 PM
Yeah, Maggie seems to be really accident prone too!  So far, nothing serious, but yesterday she grabbed a piece of tissue paper off the floor in my bedroom, ran around the room a couple of times with it, and then tore out of the room at full speed.  Then I hear a bang, and she's screaming!  I go running out after her, and she's limping down the hall and into the great room, just screaming!  Then she pees on the carpet, so I think she's got brain-damage or something, and then cries some more, and then she's done.  Just done.  No more crying, but still limping, and then she walks that off too.  Scared me to death, but I guess just a big over-reaction!  Drama queen! ;)