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Newfoundlands => Newfoundland Discussions => : Mom2Sadie January 17, 2006, 10:50:48 PM

: How do I...?
: Mom2Sadie January 17, 2006, 10:50:48 PM
Post pictures? I'm not having any luck getting them to show up. Am I just inept? Help?

I have the cutest pics of her with her Barbie toys and with "her" kitties:) Sadie also made her first friend this morning also. The neighbors have a 3 month old Husky named Timon and they spent the morning "flirting" with each other and splashing each other in the puddles. And they called it puppy love........ :-*

Did anyone else's Newfie sound like a monkey when they cried? Sadie is still crying a lot at night and she's sounding like a cross between some sort of ape and Chewbacca from Star Wars ??? I have to laugh a little but it's downright annoying when you're desperately trying to sleep. A few nights ago I slept for exactly 45 minutes. Bleh.