Big Paws Only Dog Forums

BPO General Forum => General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws => : nickerbokker May 22, 2005, 11:59:49 PM

: an idea....
: nickerbokker May 22, 2005, 11:59:49 PM
i have an, this might not be the best one ever, and we might drop it by tomorrow night.....but i was thinking with all of the BEAUTIFUL dogs on here, we could make ONE HELLOFA CALENDAR!  

we could vote....all the dogs born in jan fight for the jan spot, all in feb for the feb spot.....and then whoever wins gets to be in it!  then, we could sell them....and the proceeds could go to rescues and stuff?  

i dunno....maybe its a crappy idea....but i am running on 3 hours of sleep a night right now and i think its a good one LOL.....

im off to bed.  if the idea sucks...dont tell me, let me stay in my own little world lol..

i just thought between all the BEAUTIFUL dogs on here we could come up with something like no one else has!  

just an iead.

: Re: an idea....
: mastiffmommy May 23, 2005, 12:11:30 AM
nighty night nicker.... I think you should never sleep more than 3 hours ever again lol.... I think that is a wonderful idea, a really reall great idea, we get to have fun voting for the dogs, get to buy a real nice calendar with dogs we know, rather than the ones I always buy anyway with dogs I dont know, and the proceeds to some rescue. WHAT A GREAT IDEA, I am in, I will buy for myself and a few for gifts for sure. Michael....... ....  ::) since you dont have anything to do, do you have any ideas about how we maybe could make this a reality.

: Re: an idea....
: nickerbokker May 23, 2005, 05:13:54 AM
LOL, i got 4 dog calendars for christmas!  and i dont like one of them.  jin every calendar, i only like one or two dogs, and the rest are not attractive i use a different no name calendar  ;)

i just thought it would be fun to have all the beautiful dogs on my wall and have one i actually like!
: Re: an idea....
: Rufiesmom May 23, 2005, 06:37:23 AM
What an excellent idea!!  I am not nuts about my dog calendars either but if we had one with the dogs from this site it would be like looking at our new doggy friends we've made since this site started.  I would not only buy one I would keep it for more than a year!
: Re: an idea....
: NatsaintB May 23, 2005, 06:59:09 AM
Oh!!!!  The ideas are running through my head already!  I'm so excited!  Everyone I know would buy one.  We get free calenders every year from Hubby's work and I hate them.  Nothing like a freight train on every page...  Now doggies are much cuter and people will want to go and get their own!  I bet everyone will rush out to the shelters and get themselves one until the shelters would be empty!  And maybe cancer would be cured too!  Okay, I'm getting a head of myself here.. I think it's a great idea ;D
: Re: an idea....
: Scootergirl May 23, 2005, 07:00:32 AM
There is a website called www.cafepress. com that offers all kinds of products for sale. It's easy to use to set up the items - things like t-shirts, mugs, caps, and YES - calendars! There is no minimum item charge and, once the calendar is set up, everyone can order it off there. That's just a suggestion so the owners of this site have no out-of-pocket expenses.
: Re: an idea....
: jabear May 23, 2005, 08:48:38 AM
Nicki...I can never get bored with you around. hehehehe I think it is a great idea and once again you guys on this site are one step ahead of us. We are planning to have a store up sometime in the future and would have a calendar, t-shirts, doggy stuff available for purchase directly from Big Paws Only but aren't ready yet. So..lets brainstorm and figure out who will head this project and how we'll vote, etc. Also, who is cheapest to get calendars made through??
: Re: an idea....
: mastiffmommy May 23, 2005, 10:27:36 AM
I am now totally convinced that we should never let nicker sleep more than 3 hours a night, if this is that kind of ideas she'll come up with after a sleepless night  ;D I am darn good at using and spending time infront a comp. but have no idea how or if this wold work. But we have a voting thing at the bottong to the right here, where we can vote for this site (which I hope everyone has lol...), would it be possible to set up something similar, so once we have the candidates if we click on the one we choose, that one will recieve a vote, just like this site does if you click one the "vote" at the right. Would that be possible to set up, or is it very complicated to fix something like that??

By the way, this site is on third place, I definately think it should be on first. my  twolegged kids ask me "how CAN you spend so much time on there, are you not getting bored" HA...... guess they want to be fed.... lol...

: Re: an idea....
: jabear May 23, 2005, 10:43:56 AM
Setting up the voting thing is easy but the criteria for the rest is what I was curoius about. WHat kind of pics are we going to submit? How many entries per doggy? What company is going to make the calendars? What should the price be??
: Re: an idea....
: mastiffmommy May 23, 2005, 11:08:21 AM
 ;D Guess I thought of the voting thing becuase that was the simple thing lol.... But the idea of having dogs that are born that month competing over the spot is a good one. And since here are dogs that have no known b-day, all the rescues and so on, maybe have them enter for the day when their mom and dad got them home or whatever day they have that is that special dogs "day" and maybe to follow the seasons, the dogs who enter for say jan and dec, it would be fun to see them in either a wintery scenery, or if we live where there is no winter lol.... maybe in a chirstamsy setting, or just an indoor snuggly kinda warm feel to it. the summer ones out in the sunny (or rainy) weather, sniffing flowers or just being cute as they are all so good at. And hmmm I realize that there probably has to be some kind of limit for how many entries per dog, since we have so many dogs here, would two entries per dog be too little???? The company I have no idea, I will browse around a little though, I know of a company called "vista print" where I get cards and return lables, mind you I have no idea if they make calendars. The price well hopefully where every we turn they will be able to work with us, and give a good price since it is not only one or two calendars, and the proceeds are going to some kind of rescue or help org. I am sure we could get them to cooperate with us, and whatever the price "out" for them, well I have seen other calendars, you know the type where you can send in your pics of your children and make a calendar, they are rather expensive, the last dog calendar I bought was I think around $13, and that of course was one of the mass produced ones. I think most people here would be willing to pay just to support a good cause and to see our new friends on a calendar, so whatever a company would charge, hopefully be able to get about 75% proceed. I guess we have another question too, how to decide where the proceed would go. Would that be a voting too??

Okay hehe now I am getting ahead of myself, but I have seen so much on the local channels on tv, about people who come up with ideas how to raise money for different things. So now I can picturing on tv and in newspapers "Big Paws Only, a web forum for large dogs, raising money for......" This site would get a ton of new members, and whatever we decide to donate the money to would also get plenty of attention, and if it comes to that, I am dead certain that we would sell calendars to a whole lot more people than just us here, after all we have all seen the dog calendars that are out there, and hey..... ours would be just soooo much cuter. Ohhh and since I already havnt gone on forever  ::) I have an idea for the cover..... that wonderful picture of daddy and puppy from kildeskennel.

: Re: an idea....
: jules May 23, 2005, 11:13:16 AM
Great idea!!!!Maybe the pics could be of the monthly dogs you have atop the web site for that year Just an idea.
: Re: an idea....
: bigpawsadmin May 23, 2005, 12:00:26 PM
You guys are cool I must say!
I've actually got a Print House here that would give us a deep discount if all of the funds go to a nonprofit i.e. a rescue. So thats definately covered. The voting would also be pretty simple. I've got a Calendar template I made in 2003 and 2004 I could easily use. We would just need lots of pictures!!! I will setup a mechanism to handle large file uploads as we're going to need your hightest resolution pictures - something necessary for a good looking print. The resolutions should be close to 300 dpi - more than triple what we use for the website images.

My question would be what dates do you want the calendar to cover? June to May 2005/2006? Just 2006? Or June thru the end of 2006? I like that idea as we can get even more pictures in there!

: Re: an idea....
: mastiffmommy May 23, 2005, 12:06:26 PM
I like the idea with june or maybe july (depending on how fast we can act) and then throughout all 2006. You are a lifesaver Michael lol.... Jamie will just have to hang on to Bear and you for dear life, we may just snatch you away one day  ;D ;)

: Re: an idea....
: Bear May 23, 2005, 12:22:06 PM
Michael....... ....  ::) since you dont have anything to do, do you have any ideas about how we maybe could make this a reality.


Marit I've always got time for our big dogs!!!  ;)

: Re: an idea....
: Bear May 23, 2005, 12:23:33 PM
Jamie will just have to hang on to Bear and you for dear life, we may just snatch you away one day  ;D ;)


Do you see that Jaime??? You're going to have to work harder to keep me around!!!  :D :D

Jaime touched on the idea of having a big paws store.. Just to elaborate a little more we were thinking about getting some of that revenue to specific animal associations - non profits. Every item that gets purchased, the buyer would have to choose from a drop down list which animal association the donation would go to - perhaps even breed specific so that their purchase may directly benefit their breed. The difficult part would be building the system to track those monies - and I don't want to open a store until that system has been resolved. I would really like to see on the home page - or every page for that matter - something that says "Big Paw Members have contributed over $****.00 to Rescue Groups" with that figure being dynamic - a real-time representation of donations. Then perhaps when those checks go out, our doggies names and owners will accompany them some how. Perhaps our doggies might be thanked some day!
: Re: an idea....
: mastiffmommy May 23, 2005, 12:58:00 PM
That is a super idea, hmmmmm "thinking thinking" how does it work on paypal, do you get some kind of conf. when you pay there, if so that could be used to I dont know post or email to the buyer. I have seen a site, not a sore site though, but where when you recieve a mail, attached to it is a confirmation, so the reciever only have to click on the link to send back a confirmation. But I am sure there are way better ways to solve this, hard part is to figure them out though lol.... But it would be so neat, I love that idea.

Ohhhh and Michael, you can not use that to get your way in the bedroom lol...... Remember we girls stick together. I know my husband would use that and use it a lot  ;)

: Re: an idea....
: Rufiesmom May 23, 2005, 01:26:35 PM
Donating the $ to rescue is a fantastic idea!!  Do you have a list of potential rescue places?  I have a favorite in Wa. state that should be added!  It is a rotti rescue no kill shelter run by a couple who devote their lives to abused and neglected rotties.  They currently have 37 rotties and need all the help they can get.  I am sure there are rescue shelters all over the country that could use help.  Good thinking!!
: Re: an idea....
: nickerbokker May 23, 2005, 01:52:50 PM


i did a charity thing a couple of years ago, and when people donated through paypal, they could put which organization they wanted it to go to in the subject line.  or they can write it on their checks....

i TOTALLY agree that the winner of december should be in a winter setting and the winner of july should be in a summer setting.......

and YES, this calendar will be KICK @ss because it is going to have the most gigantic beauitful dogs EVER on many calendars you get and then there is only one pretty dog in it, only one that really takes your breath away...but with this one, every page is going to ROCK.......

i also think, that the owner of the month, should write a little something about that dog.  a funny story or a life saving story or just a love story.  something special about that dog of the month!

and maybe we could do a puppy calendar AND a dog calendar.....b ecause, they are SUCH separate things.  it wouldn't be fair to say every dog in jan has to be a puppy and every one in november has to be an adult.....and since puppies are SO different and to be honest more huggable, they will win every time. 

and as far as which ybe we could vote on that also.  every month gets a different charity.  so june would be bear and the giant dog rescue...and may would be dane with the something else charity!  i dunno!

anyway......i will help AS MUCH AS I CAN with organizing and not too bad at it  ;)
anything else i can do LET ME KNOW, im up for anytying!
: Re: an idea....
: dohertyswissy May 23, 2005, 03:01:12 PM
OMG - just goes to show that I cannot stay off this website for more than one day or I feel like I have TOTALLY missed out on something!!  This is SUCH a WONDERFUL idea!!!  I'm with Marit and Nikki on having the pics be month/holiday appropriate and it would be great to have a little story, or at least information about whatever pup is featured that month.  OMG - sorry, I just realized that made them sound like "pin-up pooches!"  LOL!!   :D  I was thinking that each pooch could have 4 entries, but 1 for each season?  So, you could have a pic of you pooch romping in the snow and also of one digging a big ol' hole in the sand like Ranger does!!  I like doing June/July through the end of 2006 to maximize pooch pics, but Nikki does have a point with puppies vs. dogs.  If there are 2 calendars, I'd definitely have to buy both!!  As far as the charity, maybe the money could go to a rescue group of the breed that is featured that month?  If we have duplicate breeds in the calendar, maybe 1 month it goes to breed rescue and then the other month goes to an all around great rescue group (that would go for our mixed buddies out there to)?   I would just love to have a calendar featuring dogs that I know...well, feel like I know!!  ;)  Sorry if this post is all over the mind is going a mile a minute!  Let me know if there is ANYTHING I can do to help!!!  No more sleep for you Nikki - you have too many FABULOUS ideas!!

Heather  :)
: Re: an idea....
: nickerbokker May 23, 2005, 03:08:57 PM
Nicki...I can never get bored with you around. hehehehe I think it is a great idea and once again you guys on this site are one step ahead of us. We are planning to have a store up sometime in the future and would have a calendar, t-shirts, doggy stuff available for purchase directly from Big Paws Only but aren't ready yet. So..lets brainstorm and figure out who will head this project and how we'll vote, etc. Also, who is cheapest to get calendars made through??

im sorry LOL....i didn't mean to burst your bubble!  and im sorry i keep you busy!  let me know what i can do for ya! i dont intent to come up with an idea and leave everyone else to clean up my mess...
: Re: an idea....
: mastiffmommy May 23, 2005, 03:19:43 PM
to write a little about the doggy that month is a great idea, and also the puppy and dog calendar and I agree with Heather that it is important to not only favour the breed rescues, there are so many mixed puppies out there that need help. My mind is also working overtime, for a min there when you said pin-up calendar, I was picturing our big babies in a sweet bikini and just imagine Bear in a "speedy" lol hehehehehe  ohhh gosh I am getting a cramp now.

okay I am sane again (as good as it gets anyway) If you need help with anything at all, just shout and I will be more than happy to do what I can. It is not as if I am not already totally neglecting all my wifly duties and the house is getting to be more and more of a mess while I am spending more and more time on here lol....

: Re: an idea....
: nickerbokker May 23, 2005, 04:40:23 PM
what if we made a screensaver to accompany the calendar?  maybe just some of the calendars, the more expensive ones would have it.....but that is a GREAT way to feature more doggies!  and i would LOVE it
: Re: an idea....
: jabear May 23, 2005, 05:50:29 PM
I really liked the idea about the twelve winners submitting their favorite charity and then voting for one out of those winners!
: Re: an idea....
: moonlitcroatia May 23, 2005, 06:45:21 PM
This is a miraculous and creative idea!  I wish I knew more people in my personal life who can muster up such genius thoughts!  I can't wait to see what happens.  I favor the idea that the procedes go toward charities.  The chances that our dogs' photos will be featured in calendars like "Browntrout Publishing" are near nil, because they only accept photos from select photographers, such as Mark Raycroft, who does many of the rottie photos.  One will notice they are the same dogs, with the same features year after year...that's because they are! 

I will definitely purchase a calendar, or two.
: Re: an idea....
: mastiffmommy May 23, 2005, 09:06:36 PM
Another idea to maybe sell more of them. I think quite a few of us are active in rescue, or know someone who is. Maybe we could offer, choosen rescues to sell also, and the calendars they sell, the proceeds from those will go to them, that way they will be more willing to sell them, and this great site will get som gratis marketing going on, and it all boils down to dogs all over benefitting from it. For example, if we live near a shelter that we like, they could be asked if they want to sell, have a calendar there and take orders. or our vets..... groomers..... I know this will be the cutest calendar out there, so I would not be surprised it sells way more than we think right now.

: Re: an idea....
: Bear May 23, 2005, 09:11:43 PM
Above all - some of our dogs will be FAMOUS!!!!  :)
: Re: an idea....
: nickerbokker May 23, 2005, 09:14:49 PM
: Re: an idea....
: Saintgirl May 25, 2005, 09:23:24 AM
This is a fantastic idea!!!!!! I am so glad that I have joined such a place! I may be new here, but anything that I can do to help with such a great thing... just let me know.
: Re: an idea....
: coonie1970 May 25, 2005, 09:27:51 AM
How did I miss this?? Great idea!! Count me in.
: Re: an idea....
: new2saints May 25, 2005, 10:33:51 AM
Wow!! COOL IDEA!  Count me in and let me know if I can help!

: Re: an idea....
: lins_saving_grace May 25, 2005, 11:09:35 AM
That is a Great idea!