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BPO General Forum => General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws => : Softhug February 23, 2006, 10:57:12 AM

: "How much does one cost, if you don't mind me asking..." VENTING
: Softhug February 23, 2006, 10:57:12 AM
Ok, I haven't researched other breeds, so I am not sure what prices run, but all American Mastiffs are $1200, period.  It doesn't matter what breeder you choose.  My question is this...I have had people ask me at work, "how much do they cost, if you don't mind me asking?"  When I have told them they look at me like I have lost my mind!  One of the ladies just kept repeating..."you ORDERED a DOG??" over and over. <sigh>  I wish I had some good comeback when they ask the cost and then are flabbergasted when the hear the price.  IMO, unless you are interested in BUYING one, what does it matter the money they cost?  I don't want to sound rude mind you, so I wouldn't say that, I just wish I had a great comeback.  Any suggestions?   
: Re: "How much does one cost, if you don't mind me asking..." VENTING
: stryder February 23, 2006, 11:12:07 AM
ORDERING a DOG??? - No, I am on a waiting list to have a dog join our family.
How's that????
: Re: "How much does one cost, if you don't mind me asking..." VENTING
: Rachel February 23, 2006, 11:15:05 AM
Or you can just tell them that you do mind and change the subject.   That is about the going rate for a purebreed giant breed dog.
: Re: "How much does one cost, if you don't mind me asking..." VENTING
: Kermit February 23, 2006, 11:27:01 AM
What a pain! It's really nobody's business how much you choose to spend on something, a purebred dog or anything else! You wouldn't go ask someone how much they spent on their house and then act shocked!!! You are not the rude one, sounds like those folks at your work are quite rude.
 :( Sorry you have to deal with that.

I had someone laugh at me for spending money on some healing classes one time, and it was very upsetting, so I know how you feel.

No one can decide how much something is worth to you except you! :)
: Re: "How much does one cost, if you don't mind me asking..." VENTING
: Softhug February 23, 2006, 11:36:05 AM
Now granted he will cost more than it cost to have my son...giggling ...but it just boggles the mind that people I work with even CARE what we spend our money on!  Even if people think it is ridiculous they should keep their opinions to themselves. UGH!  Thank GOD there are "normal" people like all of you on BPO (notice normal is in quotes-hee hee) to comfort me in my annoyed state...
: Re: "How much does one cost, if you don't mind me asking..." VENTING
: Kermit February 23, 2006, 11:42:04 AM
Now granted he will cost more than it cost to have my son...giggling ...but it just boggles the mind that people I work with even CARE what we spend our money on!  Even if people think it is ridiculous they should keep their opinions to themselves. UGH!  Thank GOD there are "normal" people like all of you on BPO (notice normal is in quotes-hee hee) to comfort me in my annoyed state...

Heeheehee... "BPO, a forum for Normal People." :D
: Re: "How much does one cost, if you don't mind me asking..." VENTING
: pitas February 23, 2006, 11:45:10 AM
I agree, say Priceless!  And I also agree with you are having your pup join your loving family.  People are wacky and just ignore the wacky ones as best you can.  People have a stroke when they hear what we paid for our Newfies, let alone X 3. Only kid people (usually) & pet people understand you can't put a price on unconditional love that kids & pets provide.

Enjoy your new puppy soon and heck with the wacky people's opinions.

Anita & the 3 Newfies from NJ
: Re: "How much does one cost, if you don't mind me asking..." VENTING
: Boyle February 23, 2006, 11:50:50 AM
When we got Nola, I too was amazed by the number of strangers who asked his cost.  My response was "He was a gift from my Uncle."  I had used part of my tax return to purchase Nola so he was, in a sense, a gift from Uncle Sam.  If the people used the phrase "if you don't mind me asking," I would say that I did mind.  People are ballsy/nutty/nosey/rude/etc. 
: Re: "How much does one cost, if you don't mind me asking..." VENTING
: longshadowfarms February 23, 2006, 11:52:00 AM
Yet these same people will drop how much for a new car???  Vacation to the Bahamas?  The question really is rude and there's nothing wrong with saying, "I do mind telling how much we are paying for him."  I do like the "waiting list for an addition to the family" kind of response.  That is exactly what it is.  It is like adopting a new family member.  Same preparations, same commitment (life), same training as kids.  The thing is that the dog won't talk back when it turns into a teen ::)
: Re: "How much does one cost, if you don't mind me asking..." VENTING
: Softhug February 23, 2006, 11:59:42 AM
When we got Nola, I too was amazed by the number of strangers who asked his cost.  My response was "He was a gift from my Uncle."  I had used part of my tax return to purchase Nola so he was, in a sense, a gift from Uncle Sam.  If the people used the phrase "if you don't mind me asking," I would say that I did mind.  People are ballsy/nutty/nosey/rude/etc. 

<GASP> That is a GREAT answer as we are using part of ours to get him too!  LOL!  God Bless Uncle Sam!
: Re: "How much does one cost, if you don't mind me asking..." VENTING
: smsmith February 23, 2006, 12:00:15 PM
If you really want a snappy comeback next time someone asks "how much did your dog cost?" say (with a sudden nasally-voice) "if you have to ask, you can't afford it".  You could stick a "dahling" on the end of it, if you're really bold!

I spend my money on things my mother wouldn't dream of -- then again, she spends $700 for a set of sheets with some ridiculous thread count. 

: Re: "How much does one cost, if you don't mind me asking..." VENTING
: kristi February 23, 2006, 12:03:18 PM
 >:( People are rude - plain & simple.

It's what YOU want, you can save & spend your money on whatever you choose - dog or otherwise. Women out there spend that much on purses, shoes, clothes, etc. Do people criticize them for shopping at high-end stores when they could save the money & buy something similar at Wal-mart?

What is the difference if you "ordered" a dog? People order houses, cars, boats, RV's, custom clothing, etc., to their exact specifications . They could buy used/pre-owned, save money, & settle for something that isn't exactly what they want - but they don't!

How about this... people order kids. Yes, if you really look at it, adoption is purchasing a child from someone else. The average adoption costs between $15,000-30,000!

Before anyone gets angry, I'm going to be starting the adoption process next year. I had a cancer scare 2 years ago, & I can't have anymore of my own. We want Gaby to have a sibling, & we can provide for a child that needs a home.

Martin & I want a caucasian boy under 2 - I've already been criticized for that. "Why don't you adopt from Asia or Africa?" Well, because we're adding them to our existing family. It's hard enough to raise someone else's child. I'm white, Martin's white, Gaby's white, all of the members of our families are white. We just think it would be easier on a child rather than growing up being the only visibly different person in the family. It's what WE want.

That usually isn't the end of the conversation.. . If they persist, that's when I get angry & say, "Well, because I'm not Angelina Jolie!"

People are rude - plain & simple. >:(
Ignore them & enjoy your new baby.
: Re: "How much does one cost, if you don't mind me asking..." VENTING
: Softhug February 23, 2006, 12:11:29 PM
OH Congratulation s!!! 

Martin & I want a caucasian boy under 2 - I've already been criticized for that. "Why don't you adopt from Asia or Africa?" Well, because we're adding them to our existing family. It's hard enough to raise someone else's child. I'm white, Martin's white, Gaby's white, all of the members of our families are white. We just think it would be easier on a child rather than growing up being the only visibly different person in the family. It's what WE want.

Not to mention, there are so many children in our OWN country that need families...Goo d luck to you!  ;D
: Re: "How much does one cost, if you don't mind me asking..." VENTING
: cricket36580 February 23, 2006, 12:30:35 PM
I usually smile and in my sweetest voice say "No, of course I don't mind you asking." and never answer them.  Or if they're very annoying and they've already pissed me off, I'll add something like "If you don't mind me asking how much you made last year after taxes and what did you spend it on?".  Sometimes, if the people are very sincere and they are actually looking for or going to get a large dog, I actually will answer them.  But that's pretty rare.  The ones that drive me insane are the ones that want to know "How much does it take to feed those things?" in that REALLY annoying tone that goes all over you.  Usually I tell them not nearly as much as etiquette classes would for you...would you like for me to give you some recommendation s?
: Re: "How much does one cost, if you don't mind me asking..." VENTING
: jaspers mom February 23, 2006, 12:51:04 PM
I'm glad you posted this vent because I have been looking for ballpark figures on dog costs for giant breeds. 

I loved some of the responses, but I would probably use them in my head silently.  I have put my foot in my mouth plenty of times and sometimes it takes me a couple of days before I realize what an idiot I must have sounded like.

My dog, on the other hand, has never put his foot in his mouth.  Oh, wait a minute . . .
: Re: "How much does one cost, if you don't mind me asking..." VENTING
: Softhug February 23, 2006, 12:55:48 PM
If you really want a snappy comeback next time someone asks "how much did your dog cost?" say (with a sudden nasally-voice) "if you have to ask, you can't afford it".  You could stick a "dahling" on the end of it, if you're really bold!

I spend my money on things my mother wouldn't dream of -- then again, she spends $700 for a set of sheets with some ridiculous thread count. 

I'm always a day late and a dollar short!  That would have been a perfect response...

: Re: "How much does one cost, if you don't mind me asking..." VENTING
: smsmith February 23, 2006, 01:12:52 PM
I'm always a day late and a dollar short!  That would have been a perfect response...

I wouldn't ever have thought it on the spur of the moment myself, but I'm prepared for future stupid people!
: Re: "How much does one cost, if you don't mind me asking..." VENTING
: GR8DAME February 23, 2006, 01:15:37 PM
Just do what I do, smile sweetly and ask "Why? Planning on making a contribution?"
Actually, I don't mind answering almost any question about my dogs as long as they are motivated by an actual interest and not sarcasm, one-upmanship, or stupidity. Any of the latter, and I have no problem asserting alpha _itch status.
: Re: "How much does one cost, if you don't mind me asking..." VENTING
: Kelly89084 February 23, 2006, 01:15:45 PM
Now depending on my mood, I would be asking "how much did your boob job(face lift etc) cost you?".  Most likely I'd be saying it in my head but I'm sure my horns would be showing still.  lol
: Re: "How much does one cost, if you don't mind me asking..." VENTING
: Newf Lover February 23, 2006, 01:28:41 PM
Use my Dad's strategy the next time someone asks you how much your dog costs.  Just look them in the eye, smile and condescendingl y  say, "Enough". 

I don't know why people ask that type question, it's prying and quite rude.  "How much did you pay for your house?"  "How much did your dog cost?"  "How much do you make a year?"  Does it really matter?  Do you need to judge everything by it's financial worth?  IT'S NONE OF YOUR F-ING BUSINESS!!!  You nosey twit!  That's a good retort too... 

It's like the old addage goes, "If you have to ask, you can't afford it."
: Re: "How much does one cost, if you don't mind me asking..." VENTING
: Imani's Mom February 23, 2006, 02:15:05 PM
How about "Less than what it would cost you to have plastic surgery to fix that face (or @ss, or whatever part,) of yours!" :o
: Re: "How much does one cost, if you don't mind me asking..." VENTING
: newflvr February 23, 2006, 02:18:28 PM
I either say the pups were gifts from my husband, or, more routinely, just say that they are cheap by the pound, it's the upkeep that's the killer! 

I really don't think most people would want of these guys even if they were free, it's just idle curiosity.  There's no reason to throw out a dollar amount.  It's nobody's business!!! ;)
: Re: "How much does one cost, if you don't mind me asking..." VENTING
: Senghe February 23, 2006, 03:17:25 PM
The ones that drive me insane are the ones that want to know "How much does it take to feed those things?" in that REALLY annoying tone that goes all over you.

Yep - I hate that one too. Luckily telling them the truth shuts them up as the answer is less than it does for a Labrador.

As far as how much a puppy costs - you don't scream "HOW MUCH!" every time they buy a piece of jewellery or designer clothes, so why should they care what you are paying for a dog? Some people spend thousands on fake tan, age defying moisturisers or botox injections which I think are pointless, but it's their money and their business.
: Re: "How much does one cost, if you don't mind me asking..." VENTING
: graymeiste February 23, 2006, 04:10:39 PM
When I bought Tinkerbell, folks asked me the "How much are you paying?" question plenty.  Worse, the fact that I was flying from Dallas to Baltimore to pick up a dog seemed to  just incite comments.

My response was then, and likely always will be:

"It's my money.  I work for it, and I'll spend it however I like."

Rather amazing how well that worked.
: Re: "How much does one cost, if you don't mind me asking..." VENTING
: stryder February 23, 2006, 04:38:08 PM
I don't think people here mind talking about prices per se. What they mind is the judgmental people who ask so they can raise their voices and tell the whole room their opinion.
: Re: "How much does one cost, if you don't mind me asking..." VENTING
: Softhug February 24, 2006, 12:16:26 AM
Thanks so much for all the input.  There are some GREAT ideas here.  All the laughing made me feel much better!
: Re: "How much does one cost, if you don't mind me asking..." VENTING
: cuttles/sadieMay February 24, 2006, 11:23:44 AM
This is a really funny post because, I live in a really small town and there are only about two maybe three Great Danes here so people ask me all the time how much I paid for Kayzer. I get mixed oppinions and I think it is funny not offensive really! The looks on their faces is priceless. I usually just say "I got a really good deal on him" he was only $1200.00. I just make it look like it was chump change, and kind of laugh to myself. or I just say "ALOT" and they usually get the hint. I also add that he is worth every penny!!! My dad was the funniest because he said he is going to start breeding Great Danes instead of cattle because he thinks there is more money in it! LOL
He is kidding!!! Funny comments are acceptable but rude ones are not but I can kind of tell before I answer what kind of response Im going to get!
Lots of good comebacks here though! LOL
: Re: "How much does one cost, if you don't mind me asking..." VENTING
: Blair February 24, 2006, 11:28:52 AM
Yeah I got the "How much was he" comment with both Grey and Smudge [poor Zeus, he usually dont get much attention in public :'(] Ill have to say the ones that asked me always put "If you dont mind answering", so they have been pretty nice about it. I have to explain to them though, Grey was less cause of his coloring and that he is limited Reg [which I get more comments about that] And when I tell them about how much the harls and mantles go for, well its funny to see them pick up their chins off the floor LOL
: Re: "How much does one cost, if you don't mind me asking..." VENTING
: Softhug February 24, 2006, 11:58:58 AM
Mr. Grey was less?!?!  I think he is marked SO cool!  I would have picked him over "traditional" marked danes in a minute!  Your boys are all gorgeous!  < :-*belly scratch to poor left out Big Daddy Zeus!>
: Re: "How much does one cost, if you don't mind me asking..." VENTING
: Blair February 24, 2006, 12:04:53 PM
Yeah Grey is a handsome boy, hehehehe...but he was less cause his color isnt accepted by AKC, cant be shown and shouldnt be bred. Its funny casue I was suppose to get my Dane to show but I fell in love with Grey instead  ;D So I guess I did pick him over the traditional colored danes LOL
: Re: "How much does one cost, if you don't mind me asking..." VENTING
: GR8DAME February 24, 2006, 03:36:21 PM
Pet quality harles and mantles are less expensive than show quality as well. Merlin because of his droopy eyes and too much white in his coat was less than a show marked dane by about $600.00. Since I had no intention of showing, and the confirmation and color flaw did not effect his health, I am more than satisfied. The infintesmal differences between pet and show quality do not always make one a better companion than the other, and a limited registration or full registration is just a piece of paper, unless you plan to breed. I personally would never advicate a novice to breed danes anyway, as they are one of the most genetically complex breeds in the dog kingdom, with some of the worst genetic complications if poorly bred. JMHO.
: Re: "How much does one cost, if you don't mind me asking..." VENTING
: Yaz February 24, 2006, 04:47:55 PM
What I answer to the how much question is "tell me how much you make a year and I'll tell you if you can afford one."

I have yet to have anyone take me up on my offer. ;)
: Re: "How much does one cost, if you don't mind me asking..." VENTING
: jaspers mom February 24, 2006, 05:27:29 PM
I agree w/Softhug.  Grey is gorgeous!