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BPO Off Topic Forum => Anything Non-Dog Related => : mastiffmommy May 23, 2005, 10:35:51 PM

: What breed is your husband?
: mastiffmommy May 23, 2005, 10:35:51 PM
I read in Oprah mag. that women tend to choose the same kind of husbands as they choose dog. The women who have very active dogs, usually end up happy with a sporty man. The ones with a real intelligent breed, will chose a smart, well paied man. and so on. That made me wonder what we on here want. We all have these giant, slobbery, drooly, heavy and sometimes very very hairy dogs. What kind of men do we fall for???? Are they big and makes us feel safe, big snugglers or what is it that makes our men and our dogs alike.

I was thinking real hard to try and come up with an answer and well, lets face it I married a good ol' mixed breed. I'd say he is quite big and "safe" so that I guess would be the Mastiff, he also snapps for no reason sometimes so a little chow there, he is very loyal so Golden, A hard worker so maybe a bit of german shepherd too, but when we have a fight I KNOW he is quite a bit terrier too. Soooo what does that make him??? A nice, loyal, dependable mixed breed  ;D

What breeds can you all see in your husbands??


: Re: What breed is your husband?
: newflvr May 23, 2005, 10:44:37 PM
Hmmm. Very tall and lanky so Irish Wolfhound.  Sweet, for the most part and dependable:  Newf!!!  Grouchy without food:  back alley dog!  Another mixed breed!!!   

But what does that make us, mating with a mixed breed?  I'm somewhat of an alpha bitch (when I have to be!).  Wish I was tall and lanky (but today I feel more like a dachsund!), sweet and dependable most of the time:  Newf!  A great guardian of my sheep:  Pyr!  I must be a female mixed breed!  Good match!  Both "mutts"!
: Re: What breed is your husband?
: mastiffmommy May 23, 2005, 10:49:23 PM
Oops.... hehe didnt think that it would come to this, but since we are such a "straight forward" group of people, I guess I can admit it. I dont have a breed, according to hubby I am just a queen B%^#*  :o And I know for sure that had I been a dog, I would have been spayed a looong time ago, to not spread my blood lines further lol....

: Re: What breed is your husband?
: jabear May 23, 2005, 11:06:21 PM
I think I'd have to say that my husband is a mix as well....he's so handsomly cute, lovable and totally huggable like a Newf, tall and skinny like an Irish Wolfhound, protective and territorial like a Great Pyrenees and loves to take risks like a ??? Hmm- I dunno what dog takes risks and is attracted to dangerous sports/activities, but that describes him!
: Re: What breed is your husband?
: Nicole May 24, 2005, 02:57:55 PM
Ha! This is funny! Mark (my boyfriend) is tall and skinny and blonde with thick hair...Irish Setter? He has lots of nervous energy......Bo rder Collie? But, he's wise and deep....Newf. For sure. (Oh, and he's also Canadian! So, definitely Newf!) And, along those same lines, a psychic once told him that in a past life he was on the Lewis and Clarke expidition...s o, maybe he was the Newf on the expidition? hahahha! Guess he's a mix, too, just like my doggie Cabeza. Come to think of it, those two are very similar creatures..... ...

Me? Well, I'm loyal and laid back...but don't back away from a fight...guess like a Pit Bull. Though not quite that muscular! I'm also exceedingly motherly...kin d of like a Saint. Another mix, I s'pose!
: Re: What breed is your husband?
: moonlitcroatia May 24, 2005, 07:14:56 PM
Oops!  He's definitely not a rottweiler.  Hmmmm.....mayb han hound.....

No, just kidding!  Did I say that?

I think he's a chow.  Yeah, that's it.  My boyfriend of twelve years is a chow.  He's quiet, aloof, sturdy, dependable...e tc.  His tongue may even be purple....
: Re: What breed is your husband?
: GYPSY JAZMINE May 25, 2005, 06:45:45 AM
OMG!!...My hubby IS a Pyr!!...That is SSSSOOOOOOOOOO OO wierd!...That's him in the pic with Samson here...He is mellow but always has a grip on what is going on around him...He is very intelligent but also stubborn...He looks big & tough but is a big ol' teddy bear but watch out if you mess with what is "his" meaning me & the kids...He has a strong sense of what his territory is & what belongs to him...He also doesn't like his "sheep (me & the kids) going far without him...He's not controlling but worries terribly when we say like go to my sisters which is only about 1 hr. from here...He is most settled when he knows we are home & safe...He has always made me feel very safe!
: Re: What breed is your husband?
: coonie1970 May 25, 2005, 07:08:48 AM
LMAO!!!! Mine??? Lately I would say he is kinda like a poodle. Always wanting to shag my leg. HEHEHE Hope he doesnt read this. OH yah I was thinking that maybe we have found the reason why men insist on peeing outside??
Really though I would say he is a mixed breed. Loyal, hard working, protective, and a bit bull headed.
Me??? I would say Im the most like a St. Hubby was the one who picked Judge so I guess he likes BIG GIRLS with big paws too. HEHEHE
: Re: What breed is your husband?
: NatsaintB May 25, 2005, 07:45:55 AM
I thought I would just go ahead and ask my hubby what breed he is and let him decide for himself.  He said Mastiff (go figure...) because they are big?   I think it's because he is big, laid back, losing his hair and farts a lot!  That could be a lot of different breeds, I guess.  I think he is definately a mutt because he has a lot of great qualities of a bunch of dogs :D  Is that a compliment?   I hope he doesn't read this...
: Re: What breed is your husband?
: Scootergirl May 25, 2005, 10:53:28 AM
I would have to say mine is a German Shepherd because, well he was born in Munich and his name is Johann for one thing, he has broad shoulders, is usually quiet, determined, intelligent (but not a show-off about it - just goes about his business), and would work non-stop if he could. He protects what is his. He doesn't have much of a temper, but watch out if he decides to snap! He has an enourmous BARK!!
: Re: What breed is your husband?
: mastiffmommy May 25, 2005, 01:20:01 PM
I thought I would just go ahead and ask my hubby what breed he is and let him decide for himself.  He said Mastiff (go figure...) because they are big?   I think it's because he is big, laid back, losing his hair and farts a lot!

 ;D As I read this, I am to the point where I have to put a clothes pin on my nose, my Galahad (OEM) is doing some serious farting, I had to get up and see if he by any chance had had an accident, but nope...... just a little gassy lol..... So if that is the breed specific, my hubby definately has a LOT of mastiff in him too lol....

: Re: What breed is your husband?
: Jaimie May 25, 2005, 04:15:56 PM
I would have to say that my fiance is part Dobie, very protective of me and has lots of energy and probably some Newf cause he is very huggable.  There is actually a website with this cute game where you answer a bunch of questions then you find out what breed of dog you would be, I will try to find it and pass it along.
: Re: What breed is your husband?
: jabear May 25, 2005, 04:20:07 PM
I did that game after watching it on Good Morning America one day and it came no where near what I thought I was. I was a dog I have never even heard of....poor me...I was hopin' to be a Newf.
: Re: What breed is your husband?
: Nicole May 25, 2005, 04:44:13 PM
I did that one!!! It said I was a Pit Bull! hahahaha!
: Re: What breed is your husband?
: ting1sf May 25, 2005, 04:53:37 PM
Is it this one?
: Re: What breed is your husband?
: Nicole May 25, 2005, 04:59:51 PM
hehehe! It says I'm a boxer!
: Re: What breed is your husband?
: NatsaintB May 25, 2005, 05:33:28 PM
I'm a Doberman!  Not bad...
: Re: What breed is your husband?
: moonlitcroatia May 25, 2005, 06:24:51 PM
We took the test.  My boyfriend, as it turns out, is actually a bulldog and I am a doberman.  Those are pretty good tests.
: Re: What breed is your husband?
: GYPSY JAZMINE May 26, 2005, 07:15:10 AM
I'm a Bulldog...Imag ine!
: Re: What breed is your husband?
: coonie1970 May 26, 2005, 07:30:52 AM
Im a Doberman. Wonder how many different dogs there are??
: Re: What breed is your husband?
: GR8DAME May 26, 2005, 08:04:55 AM
A lab here. I checked all possible results and they showed 7 breeds. Lab, maltese, boxer, doberman, bulldog and greyhound ,and malamute.
: Re: What breed is your husband?
: dohertyswissy May 26, 2005, 08:53:29 AM
That's cute!  I'm a Lab and my hubbie is a Bulldog!
: Re: What breed is your husband?
: Rufiesmom May 27, 2005, 03:44:54 PM
I'm a lab too.  Theres another site with a test that has more breeds.  I love stupid stuff like that!
: Re: What breed is your husband?
: NatsaintB May 27, 2005, 10:34:00 PM
That was a good one.  I am a Norwegian Elkhound!  I'm moody so I could be something different tomorrow :o
: Re: What breed is your husband?
: Rufiesmom May 28, 2005, 12:17:18 AM
That's a fun game!! I'm a swiss mountain dog. Who knew?!
: Re: What breed is your husband?
: mastiffmommy May 28, 2005, 01:51:40 AM
Okay I played the game nicker linked, and I am a german spitz. funny though it says that most spitz are believed to have been brought over from scandinavia by the vikings (I am swedish lol) I am active, intelligent and alert, devoted and adaptable and I drive my neighbours insane hehe.

I am also driving hubby insane, I was just taking Galahad out for a pee, and ended up here, hubby who I guess had to go pee aswell, came out here and just looked at me, looked at the puter and rolled his eyes and shook his head, turned around and went back to bed hahahaha I know he will take me to 8th floor at the hospital soon lol...

: Re: What breed is your husband?
: NatsaintB May 28, 2005, 07:38:59 AM
I'm getting those looks here too...  Hopefully the 8th floor HERE is the boob job floor :-[
: Re: What breed is your husband?
: moonlitcroatia May 30, 2005, 07:19:56 AM
This test says I'm an affenpinscher.  LOL
: Re: What breed is your husband?
: dohertyswissy May 31, 2005, 11:23:39 AM
I'm a Giant Schanuzer.
: Re: What breed is your husband?
: GR8DAME May 31, 2005, 12:19:34 PM
OK, I'll just hang my head now. According to the gone2thedogs website, I'm a cairn terrier. That barely qualifies as a big paw snack! (sigh)
: Re: What breed is your husband?
: mastiffmommy May 31, 2005, 02:24:29 PM
Thats okay Stella  ;D Galahads breeder has cairn terriers too, and says they are super good companions to the OEM's hehe So even if you dont have big paws yourself you are a super friend to the ones with.......

To something totally different, Stella..... Are you the one, who ones posted about you and your hubby playing pool????? My hubby is playing on tuesdays in a tournament (APA) and I am a total retard when it comes to pool, but he is trying to teach me, I have one problem (well several actually hehe) but one that has to do with me 5'2" I am too short, and have too big boobs, I can not reach over the table, and when I try they are in the way. Are you tall and how do you manage to play if you are. last night we went to a child friendly place with the kids and played some pool. And after the comments my husband had, I have decided to practice, get my own table here at home, and beat his a..... So now I need help  ::)

: Re: What breed is your husband?
: dohertyswissy May 31, 2005, 03:01:10 PM
Hey Marit - I play pool with my hubby in APA on Thursday nights and I'm 5'2" as well!  I don't have the boob issue, but I definitely have the vertical challenge element!  I'd be happy to give you some tips!!  We actually have a pool table in our house and it helps tremendously!  Of course, hubby is still better than me...ARGH!!!  But, I'm working on it and I do kick his butt from time to time!

Being short, you've got to use the bridge.  Now all the boys and tall people will poo-poo using the bridge b/c it is unmanly or untally or something.  But I say PISH POSH!  It is the only way that you can reach a lot of shots that are at the other end of the table.  It also helps b/c it is totally stable, so no chance of your hand wobbling and hitting in the complete wrong spot on the ball! 

The MAIN thing I focused on when I was first learning to play was simply shot execution.  Don't worry about where the cue ball is going to end up after the shot FOR NOW.   ;)  First, look at your object ball.  Determine where you would need to hit if for it to go in the pocket.  Then, come around to the cue ball and figure out where you need to hit the cue ball for the object ball to go in.  Make sure that you keep your head down and follow the shot all the way through.  When I was first learning, I had a tendency to knock the snot out of the ball and alot of times it'll throw your shot all off!  So, just take it slow and take your time (no matter if the hubby is complaining)! 

Oh, and my favorite trick - look confident, even if you the person you are playing is better than you!  Pool is a mental game, so since you are such a hot mama you are probably all in their head anyhow!!  ;)

Anytime you need anymore pool tips, let me know.  I LOVE TO PLAY POOL!! 

: Re: What breed is your husband?
: mastiffmommy May 31, 2005, 03:13:24 PM
Thanks a lot Heather  :D I have to tell you though, that I am not even in the same universe as your level of playing  ;D you talk about thinking about where the "white ball" goes after it hits the (colored ball)  ::) THAT is like way way over my level right now hehe, I am still trying to figure out where to hit the balls, so they go where I want them to. I am a total beginner, but I can not stand it when hubby who is very much into pool, dart, golf, fishing and is good at it. Comment about women playing pool....... he is kidding but still, it really pushes all the wrong (or right) buttons, so I think I told him last night, that if he just waited Id be the first "7" female in this area  ;D Okay since I am not even a member in APA, never have played a serious game, I think I may just have made a little boo boo hehe. But I will get a table and at least kick his a.... once in awhile. And I am soooo glad to have you, you are short like me (oops vertically challanged I mean  :P) so you have the same issues I do, and since you are way way way ahead of me, you'll probably end up with one million silly questions  :o

But Ill use the bridge next time, hubby said that with some kind of sneeze sound so I know what you mean lol

: Re: What breed is your husband?
: GR8DAME June 01, 2005, 08:37:01 AM
Hi Marit.
The pool thing wasn't me, I am strictly the bang and pray type. Friends of ours had a table in the basement and they used to call me the ball-buster because I hit a ball and it jumped off of the table and broke on the concrete floor...Twice!!!   LOL so I am not the person for pool advise. Sorry.
: Re: What breed is your husband?
: GR8DAME June 01, 2005, 11:21:49 AM
Do you think we're compinsating with our twin danes? Maybe we were separated at birth?
: Re: What breed is your husband?
: mastiffmommy June 01, 2005, 12:57:31 PM
Stella..... I dont know why I thought you were the "pool girl"  :D But I so understand what you are taling about, the ball jumping off the table, hehe I am still at the stage when it happens from time to time, I am also a real pro doing serious tricks. I am real good at making the "white" ball jump over the ball I was planning on hitting, and then knock around all the other balls. I am sure that is a real advanced trick, just that I can not control when they happen lol    ::)

Jacksmom..... I will do the skirt thing, and gosh, hubby made me soooooo mad last night, he had a smart coment about women playing pool. You know typical guy talk, "ohhhh I'd beat any womans in pool any day" and then he grin like a cat who just ate a mouse. I HAVE to get a table and practice, he gets to go practice and play once a week, and when they went to the "cities" he was gone like 4 days in a row, all day long. I hardly ever get to play, I am the one home with kids and dogs, I wouldnt want to have it any other way, but heck.... if I get a table I can still practice and my goal is to wack his butt sooooo bad he will never say another word about female pool players

: Re: What breed is your husband?
: mastiffmommy June 01, 2005, 01:31:58 PM
 ;D Ohhhh I sure did........ And I meant to tell you how happy I was that I was a queen lol....... That always was my goal in life, and I like the way we "outrank" rather than "being older" hehehehe Sooooo should we have them bow too???? they should all get puter camcorders so we can be sure they all bow before they post lol.....

Ohhh and I accidently swung the cue around the other eve when we played he just managed to get out of my way, dang.,......... Yeah.... watching poop oopps pool I mean on tv is just too boring, here we have football, baseball, golf and pool, no wander we have 6 tv in the house lol...... we always end up not wanting to watch the same thing, so we need like a ton of them  ::)

: Re: What breed is your husband?
: mastiffmommy June 01, 2005, 01:45:04 PM
here here...... Tiara off for my co-queen Tina

Co-queen Marit

 ::) ::) ::) ::) ::)
: Re: What breed is your husband?
: lins_saving_grace June 01, 2005, 02:00:16 PM
My husband wants to be called a Rott of course.  I told him last night though that I think he's a mix between a Rott and a little yippy dog.   :P
He in turn wants to know what the husbands think their wives breed that is.   He thinks I'm like an Australian Sheppard
: Re: What breed is your husband?
: mastiffmommy June 01, 2005, 02:02:23 PM
hehe this should be educational  ::) I will ask hubby tonight lol

: Re: What breed is your husband?
: GR8DAME June 01, 2005, 02:22:26 PM
I'll leave the Queen thing to you guys, it sounds like too much work and stress to me, but I am an elder as well at 42. We are like wine, we get better as we age. Now if I could only get the hubby and kids to buy it...
: Re: What breed is your husband?
: moonlitcroatia June 01, 2005, 06:58:53 PM
I'll leave the Queen thing to you guys, it sounds like too much work and stress to me, but I am an elder as well at 42. We are like wine, we get better as we age. Now if I could only get the hubby and kids to buy it...

I guess I'm going through some important mental changes lately.  I always wanted to travel far away...especia lly to Europe to find old family.  My twenties went by and I didn't do it...I stayed in school instead.  Now, I am getting older, as we all are every day.  But, along the way I've realized that I really can do what I want.  I went from working as an educated professional in stressful jobs that defied my own value system, to the lowest paying job I could get...and I have never been happier.  I realize that it can only become better, and since I have three day weekends, timewise it is wonderful.  So, my point is that I think you are right that we age like a fine wine.  I hope to one day sit sipping wine along the Mediterranean coastline as I write novels.

I wish.... ;)
: Re: What breed is your husband?
: GR8DAME June 02, 2005, 07:34:17 AM
Hey, it's never too late. I was 40 years old and got my motorcylce license (which I always wanted to do, but bought into my Mother's generation of thinking: "nice girls don't do that") and bought myself a bike. Now my answer to my Mother is "Nice girls may not do that but women can, and do." I love my bike and my husband and I ride all the time. It's a much better view from my bike than just the back of his head like from his. Keep the faith, (and that wine) and you'll get there. I promise, I'll buy your first best seller someday!
: Re: What breed is your husband?
: moonlitcroatia June 02, 2005, 11:20:15 PM
Hey, it's never too late. I was 40 years old and got my motorcylce license (which I always wanted to do, but bought into my Mother's generation of thinking: "nice girls don't do that") and bought myself a bike. Now my answer to my Mother is "Nice girls may not do that but women can, and do." I love my bike and my husband and I ride all the time. It's a much better view from my bike than just the back of his head like from his. Keep the faith, (and that wine) and you'll get there. I promise, I'll buy your first best seller someday!

Thank you for the good cheer! Salut!
: Re: What breed is your husband?
: GR8DAME June 03, 2005, 07:36:02 AM
According to my hubby I am a pitbull. Short and strong, loyal and able to open a can of whoop-@#$ if needed. Doesn't sound like me at all...Go figure. ::)