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BPO General Forum => General Board for Big Dogs with Big Paws => : Mom2Sadie April 23, 2006, 02:49:06 AM

: Uh-oh! Big trouble
: Mom2Sadie April 23, 2006, 02:49:06 AM
Ok, this could be really bad and I need all your advice and expertise. This morning I was out walking Sadie and it was rainy and gross. We were going into my back door when the lady two doors down lets the demon dogs out - no leashes. I open the door to let Sadie in and my little Maggie runs out the door. Of course, little demon chihuahua (sorry to those who have nice ones, I KNOW it's not the breed,believe me so please don't take offense) is on Maggie immediately. I was screaming at him and was back down the stairs in seconds. Unfortunately so was Sadie. Demon dogs mother is just WATCHING her dog attack my cat.  Sadie and Maggie are attached at the hip so she was understandably protective. She got in the middle of things as I was trying to pull the little sh*thead off my cat and grabbed the little guy by the scruff of the neck. She didn't shake him or anything, she just picked him up and  snarled at him. I immediately grabbed Maggie who jumped out of my arms and booked it upstairs and into the house. I then grabbed Sadie's leash. She had already let go of the dog and he was snarling and snapping at her. His 'mother' is yelling at me that she's going to call the cops because I have no right to put my hands on her dog ??? >:( >:( I told her to go right ahead and marched into my house. It took almost an hour to coax Maggie out from under the couch. She had a couple of puncture wounds on her neck. It didn't look bad but I took her to the vet hospital anyway, just to be safe. I took Sadie as well just in case. God knows whether or not she keeps those dogs up to date on shots. The vet said she should be ok, the cuts on her neck didn't require stitches or anything and she's current on shots so she should be ok. Sadie was fine except for a tiny scratch on her face. Right near her eye. God help them if that dog had done serious damage to either one of them.

Ok I hit some button and posted this before it was done. When you're mad and shaking apparently reflexes slide.

Come home and the president of the Homeowner's Association, also a resident, greets us at the car and says that this little A-hole's owner called and filed a complaint and she wasn't sure whether they were going to take action but she needed my side of the story. I told her what happened and that the dog was not on a leash. But she told me that since Sadie is a giant breed and that she is living here under a "gentleman's agreement" that she cannot cause any trouble there may be consequences. She was just defending her family. and she didn't even DO anything to him. She just picked him up. I'm so mad and scared that they'll do something to take Sadie from me. Anyone have any advice. Both animals (mine) were treated by a vet following this incident, but no one else saw it happen. My neighbor on the other side said he'd back me up in any way he can because he knows that their dog is unleashed. But I need to know my rights I guess. Any insight? advice? I hope it comes to nothing, but I have a bad feeling about this.
: Re: Uh-oh! Big trouble
: ZooCrew April 23, 2006, 03:04:31 AM
OMG!  What a horrible situation.  First, I would hand the vet bill over to your neighbor.  Secondly, I would file a counter complaint against your neighbor for having a dog off it's leash, it trespassing on your property and it attacking your cat.

See how she likes that.  It is unfortunate that there could be problems b/c of Sadie, but maybe if you counter complain, the both of you can agree to let the complaints go.  If things get worse, maybe you should call the police as well and file a vicious dog report as well as a complaint on off leash dogs (and if the dog has no collar, you can complain on no proof of licensing)

That's all I can think of.  I suggest you do this if things escalate for you. At least you might get some validatio this way.
: Re: Uh-oh! Big trouble
: Kiahpyr April 23, 2006, 03:07:59 AM
I'm so sorry you're going through this. It's definately the mojo's owners fault for not having her dog on a leash. I hate stupid neighbors! I'm sorry I don't have any advice I just want to let you know that we're here for you. Hopefully nothing will come of it. I don't know how they can take Sadie. Was she still on the leash when it happened? Was there marks on the other dog? I would send her the vet bill for poor Maggie.
: Re: Uh-oh! Big trouble
: brandon April 23, 2006, 03:22:14 AM
Sadie you're a good girl!
Who's property did this occur on, I think that would make a lot of difference.
: Re: Uh-oh! Big trouble
: Mom2Sadie April 23, 2006, 03:24:32 AM
I'm so sorry you're going through this. It's definately the mojo's owners fault for not having her dog on a leash. I hate stupid neighbors! I'm sorry I don't have any advice I just want to let you know that we're here for you. Hopefully nothing will come of it. I don't know how they can take Sadie. Was she still on the leash when it happened? Was there marks on the other dog? I would send her the vet bill for poor Maggie.

Sadie was still on the leash when it happened but I had dropped it - bad call on my part but I panicked. There were no marks on the other dog as far as I could tell, and the president of the Homeowner's association didnt say anything about him having sustained any injuries. The problem is we were the only two people who saw it, so it's my word against theirs.

Zoocrew, do you think I should call the police and file a report immediately or should I wait to see if it escalates? I'm thinking I should probably do it now to cover my butt, but I don't know. He has a collar but I didn't see any tags attached and this is the second time he's attacked one of my animals. He bit Sadie on the nose about a month ago. Can I send them the bill even when I can't prove what happened?

My next door neighbor said he'll go to bat for Sadie in any way he can if necessary. Sadie has breakfast with his mother almost every morning that it's nice out, she sits on the porch with her. His mom has dementia and it lights up her day to hang with Sadie. He seems to think most of the complex would back Sadie up and complain against the other dog. Most of the dogs who live here have had an altercation with him so that's one positive for us. His girlfriend is coming by later, she's a lawyer so hopefully she'll have some advice. Till then, I'm not sure what to do. I don't know, I'm just panicking because she did grab him and pick him up. And you all know how this goes, the bigger dog is always the bad guy. To be honest, I am amazed that she didn't go for the throat and really hurt him. Grateful as heck though. Poor Sadie, she was only defending Maggie.  :(
: Re: Uh-oh! Big trouble
: Mom2Sadie April 23, 2006, 03:33:44 AM
Sadie you're a good girl!
Who's property did this occur on, I think that would make a lot of difference.

Thank you, I think she did good too, but I can't admit that to anyone but you guys. I think she thinks I'm upset with HER because she can tell I'm upset. She keeps pacing around the house.

I guess it happened on my property. There aren't clear lines, and technically we all share the land as part of the Homeowner's Association. But it was directly outside my home, right in front of my back porch.

I'm so mad at myself for not listening to you all and filing a complaint the last time we had a run in with them. If I had done that, this probably wouldn't have been an issue. I would already have a record of this dog's behavior.  :-\
: Re: Uh-oh! Big trouble
: Scootergirl April 23, 2006, 03:33:56 AM
you definitely need to file a counter-complaint against the neighbor. It sounds like this happened on your property, right? She is definitely in the wrong. Most towns have a leash law and hers was not on leash. Yours was. She has absolutely no recourse. And, since this is the second time her dog has attacked yours and left physical evidence, I would definitely file a complaint with the police right away. Sounds like the homeowner's association isn't going to force her to be responsible so someone has to.

Good Luck,
: Re: Uh-oh! Big trouble
: kathryn April 23, 2006, 03:35:27 AM
I would have the HOA President show you the bylaws for the HOA and tell them you are showing them to your lawyer.  If there is nothing in writing stating the size of the dog allowed in the complex area but there is about leash restraint and tags then you are in the clear.  Especially since you have a vet bill and the other neighbor doesn't and this is a reoccuring theme with her dog.  But definitely seek a lawyer's advice and then slap the lawyer's bill and the vet bill on your neighbor.  Then tell them next time it will be a lawsuit for pain, suffering, and negligence.  I would also grab the digital camera and start taking pics of her dog off leash and outside.  At some point you will get pics of her dog attacking another dog and voila proof. 

: Re: Uh-oh! Big trouble
: chaos270 April 23, 2006, 03:37:09 AM
You should definitely file the vicious dog complaint now.  The dog is out of control.  This is the second time with your animals and probably it's happened to other people.  If you do have problems, you and Sadie and your kitties are welcome to stay with us at any time.  I'm sure Rich could help you out too.  If you need references for Sadie we'll be more than happy to give our statements.

Also advise animal control to go throughout the complex and get more ammo from other residents.  Just remember we're here for you and a convenient hiding spot for Sadie if it comes to it.  Give Sadie lots of praise for her protecting her kitty.
: Re: Uh-oh! Big trouble
: ZooCrew April 23, 2006, 03:49:14 AM
This has happened on more than one occasion?  Then yes,I would definitely file a complaint with animal control.  You can give her the vet bill.  Both she and you know it happened.  If you can come to an agreement, tell her that if she pays the vet bill you will drop the vicious dog complaint.  If not, file the complaint and she may be forced to pay your bill (not sure how that works, I know for serious injuries the other owner is often forced to pay)

I know you hate to do this since it is one of your neighbors and you have to deal with them on a regular basis, but if this is a recurring problem, then something needs to be done.

I would also take pics of your cat's puncture wounds and Sadie's scratch by her eye as evidence.  It may come in handy for the future.  Everyone on here has some great advice.  Talk to your neighbor's girlfriend too and see what she thinks. Hopefully she can understand the ongoing problem this dog is.
: Re: Uh-oh! Big trouble
: Mom2Sadie April 23, 2006, 04:06:22 AM
Thank you all for your support. I'm glad there was somewhere to ask these questions right after it happened. My dad is on his way over, he called the police for me. Just so I'm not here alone in case the neighbors freak when they see a cop car. He thinks it might be time to think about selling the house and looking for something not in an HOA situation. I think I agree.

I have the HOA agreement I signed when I bought the house. It clearly states all dogs MUST be on a leash at ALL times. It also states though, that dogs may not be over 40 pounds unless they are registered with the association and approved at the HOA's discretion. Sadie is registered but when they agreed that I could have her they warned me that if anything happened with her they could take the registration away. I am hoping this will just go away, but I think it has the potential to get ugly.

My parents said that if it gets too bad, Sadie and the kitties and I can come home while the house sits on the market. Hopefully it won't come to that. Thank you for saying that though Erin, you are a total sweetheart. It might not be a bad idea to start compiling references for her though. I guess I'll see what the police say. I was hoping to wait another year before selling but I don't know now. I did call a couple neighbors with dogs to give them the heads up that someone might be talking to them. Everyone was supportive of Sadie. They all know my dog and they know the other dog too. I don't know, I'll keep you all posted.
: Re: Uh-oh! Big trouble
: chaos270 April 23, 2006, 04:14:57 AM
No problem just remember the offer will always stand.  I think you're making the right choice with selling.  Keep us updated and I think it may be wise to stay with your parents if they don't take it well.  Give Sadie lots of hugs and drools from Kali. And Rich and your neighbor would be awesome references I'm sure.
: Re: Uh-oh! Big trouble
: shangrila April 23, 2006, 05:43:34 AM
Shawna, I am sorry that this is happening to you.

I think you did the absolute right thing taking your furkids to the vet and calling the police. Obviously this woman has no concept of right and wrong and is trying to profit from HER mistake, which is SO uncool. Also, make sure you take pictures of all of their wounds (including pulling back the fur to show them), and hold on to that vet receipt. That way you have concrete evidence if anything happens.

I just double checked, and Lowell does have a leash law, so there is no question that that mojo was illegally off leash. And if you can get your neighbors to say officially that they have seen the mojo be aggressive in the past, it makes the owner even more negligent.

As far as your homeowners association goes, I would not do anything until they try and do anything. Also, what is the exact wording on the agreement? It makes a difference. And what is the exact wording on your deed? I doubt that your backyard is communal property - it may be a shared space, but I suspect that you officially own it, which adds tresspassing to the list of issues.
: Re: Uh-oh! Big trouble
: Softhug April 23, 2006, 06:38:51 AM
If this DOES get ugly, make sure you print out this thread.  As you posted just after it happend, the facts of what happened were still very clear in your mind.  I am glad to hear you got right on it with the police.  As I was reading the thread I was thinking "Don't wait!  Contact the police NOW!"  You woudn't want to wait and make it look like you were going to the police later as a result of her getting crappy.  You are doing it right away because you aren't in the wrong!  And I agree with photos...of your animals wounds AND if you can get a pic of the demon-dog without his leash/tie-out.  Gotta CYA!!  Keep us updated and good luck!
: Re: Uh-oh! Big trouble
: doggylover April 23, 2006, 07:42:38 AM
This is so predictable.  Badger has been bit over and over again by little sh*head dogs whose owners think their poo doesn't stink.  I swear the next time it happens, I'm gonna grab the dog by the furry pink collar and huff it at it's owner.  I had a small dog once and she was a perfect lady, so there is no excuse for this. 
I agree with everyone here.  Unfortunately for you, I think you need to go on the offense big time, that may be the only way to get her to back down.  If you appear to be showing your belly, she sounds like she'll rip into you.   ;)
: Re: Uh-oh! Big trouble
: Mom2Sadie April 23, 2006, 11:54:54 AM
Ok, long day and lots of talks later. My dad after talking to the police on the phone decided filing a formal complaint with them was a potentially dangerous thing to do. Apparently the county animal services division conducts an investigation and if they deem it necessary they can take the dog and evaluate it or they can quaratine the animal. My dad thinks that will possibly cause them to retaliate. He kept saying "You have to remember, Sadie bit him too". She didn't really, but she picked him up in her mouth so I guess you could call that biting. So we filed a complaint with the HOA. I don't know if that was the right way to go. My dad told me I need to sleep on it before I file a formal complaint with the police because once I do I "set a ball in motion that I won't be able to stop". I'm just afraid that if I do anything now, it will just look like I'm being vindictive. I guess I see his point. If Sadie hadn't physically touched him I wouldn't hesitate, but the idea of them filing a counter claim and potentially having Sadie quarantined or taken for observation freaks me out. I don't know, the whole thing is crazy. We talked in circles all night. The president of the HOA is encouraging the idea of working it out privately. She's such a PITA but I did feel bad that her whole Sunday afternoon got eaten up with this. I'm more than willing to work it out but that dog needs to be on a leash - end of story. If he had been on a leash, none of this would have happened.

And the property issue is 100 shades of gray because even though it happened right behind my back porch, the fine print on the deed states that anything beyond the front or back door is considered commonly owned property and is to be managed as the HOA sees fit. Which knocks that argument out of there. However, my neighbors girlfriend pointed out that if the HOA is managing the property, then they also need to be strictly enforcing the leash law and if they're not doing that (which clearly they are not) then they may be liable should something like this happen.

I did take pictures of Maggie's neck and Sadie's face. The one of Sadie came out badly though, you can barely see it, but I have them both in case I need them. The thing that bothers me most is that if this woman had handled the situation differently none of this would have happened. I'm not confrontationa l at all, I don't like fighting especially with people I have to live next to. If she had just made an effort to stop the dog from attacking my cat or been apologetic about what happened instead of trying to make it my fault and Sadie's fault, I would have talked to her about using a leash but it would have ended there unless I saw him leashless again. The fact that she went nuts on us when we did nothing wrong and this is the second time we've had an issue with their offleash dog, makes me mad.

So I think the plan at this point is to wait and see what move, if any, the HOA takes. And I'll be taking the camera every walk in case he's off leash again. My neighbors girlfriend said I should send the vet bill to her via certified mail instead of handing it to her. It's really just an exam and they both got sent home on a couple days worth of antibiotics to prevent infection. My neighbors girlfriend said if she's smart she'll just pay it and if not we'll deal with that when it happens. She's helping me write the letter to include with the bill. I don't know if I'm doing the right things here, my gut tells me to make a complaint with the police, but now my dad totally freaked me out about it. Hopefully we can just resolve it. If she agrees to pay the vet bill and keep her dog on leash, I'll be more than happy to drop it. But if I ever catch him off leash again, that's it.

I don't know, it's so late and I'm not going to get any sleep because I keep second guessing everything I did today. I hope it all just goes away. Maybe I'll call the county animal services division tomorrow and try to just talk to someone there and see what all the options are and what they recommend? My head is spinning right now. Thanks for your support everyone, I'll keep you posted.
: Re: Uh-oh! Big trouble
: Tspanos April 23, 2006, 12:27:50 PM
Shawna I don't want to tell you to go against your father but I have to say you are getting free legal advice from a lawyer. She is a professional and if you trust her I suggest you take it. This girl makes her living reading legalise, dealing with different authorities, being confrontationa l, all things that you by your own admission avoid.

I personally don't like HOA's, politics have no place among neighbors but thats what an HOA brings. It may not make sense to sell right now for many reasons, but I think you can see from yesterday's events that the benefits an HOA bring to young single professional woman like yourself, don't out weigh the drawbacks for your "family". Your home should not be a source of stress like this.
I wish I could help more. Tim
: Re: Uh-oh! Big trouble
: ZooCrew April 23, 2006, 12:32:14 PM
I'm glad you are thinking things through thoroughly.

Even if the bill is just an exam and antibiotics, her dog caused the injuries and caused you to take them to the vet, therefore she is liable for that.

As for the filing of the complaint, I have mixed feelings.  If you can work it out amongst youselves then that is great.  However, the longer you wait to file a claim the harder it will be to do anything about it.  I wouldn't worry too much about them taking Sadie away for observation.  It may come to that, but I doubt it.  For one thing, she was simply defending herself. The other dog was the one that attacked her, not the other way around.  Secondly, she is still a puppy. People look differently on puppy behavior.  But it would be a good idea to talk to someone in the animal control department and see what they think also.  They may be able to give you a better idea of what to expect.

but your dad is right, too.  Once you file a complaint, there is no turning back.  You will have to weigh the options on both sides and think of what you want the outcome to be.  Good luck with the decision and keep us updated.
: Re: Uh-oh! Big trouble
: NoDogNow April 24, 2006, 01:52:09 AM
I'm afraid I have to disagree with your dad, too.  File the formal complaint--FOR ATTACKING YOUR CAT.  Call now, while your cat's injuries are fresh, and the animal control officers can see them for themselves.

And start keeping a daily incident log--get your friendly neighbor to help you--of all the rule breaking that's going on, and not just by this horrible neighbor.  If you end up fighting with the HOA, you'll need documentation of all the various rules that other dog owners are breaking, particuarly those that are dangerous like "off lead dogs" and which acutally interfere with your "quiet enjoyment" of your home.  If you can show in any kind of court or arbitration situation that the 'rules' are disregarded AS A MATTER OF DAY TO DAY LIVING by substantial numbers or repeat specific offenders--you have a claim of unjust harrassment, simply because of Sadie's size, not her behavior--or yours. 

Start keeping the list, start taking pictures, and file the formal complaint.  If Sadie didn't bite her, the cow won't have any vet bills or injured animals.  YOU DO.

: Re: Uh-oh! Big trouble
: Mom2Sadie April 24, 2006, 02:57:14 AM
Had a very hard time getting through to anyone at the county animal services office but finally someone called me back. I told them what happened including the fact that Sadie retaliated and they said they would still recommend filing a formal complaint to protect myself and my dog should these people decide to pull something. They said that physically removing the dog for observation only happens in very extreme cases so I probably worried needlessly. At this point, all that would happen is a $25.00 fine for leash law violation assuming they can confirm that the dog was offleash ($50.00 any subsequent violations) and possibly a 10 day quarantine that can be done in the home depending on the results of their investigation. So I went ahead and filed it, my dad's probably going to yell at me. I really did think on it and I just think whatever happens, it's better that I have formally registered a complaint. Also these people need to understand that it's not a little thing. Having a vicious dog off leash is a big deal, even if it does weigh 10 pounds.

So I guess I'll just have to wait and see what happens. I sent the letter out this morning including the vet bill. There will be another vet bill though. My vet called this morning - the emergency vet always faxes things to them. She said she'd be more comfortable if Maggie had a rabies booster. She thinks Sadie is fine since she just had her shot, but Maggie's almost due anyway and she said just to be safe I should bring her in. I'll be happy if they agree to pay the first bill - she'd need a rabies shot soon enough anyway. And I should hear something from the HOA at some point today or tomorrow.

I'm going to start sprucing up the house and making it look wonderful so I can put it on the market I think. The real estate bubble is about to burst up here and I don't want to be stuck here with these idiots when that happens.

Anyone who's been in this situation before know whether or not Sadie will need to be quarantined as well if they find it's necessary to quarantine the little snot? A co-worker of mine seems to think that if they feel there's reason to quarantine him, then any animal he bit or scratched would also need to be quarantined. It's no big deal to quarantine Maggie, but Sadie will hate it.

So I guess we'll just play it by ear. Hopefully it can be resolved relatively quickly and hopefully a little fine will make my neighbors think twice before letting that beast out off his leash. A lot of dogs in our neighborhood aren't as nice as Sadie and would have done a lot more damage to him if he had pulled the same thing. I hope I didn't go overboard filing a complaint, I just feel like it's the best thing I can do to protect myself if the HOA decides to try and make this Sadie's fault. I suppose she could turn around and file a complaint against me with animal services, but I'm willing to take that chance because I know we didn't do anything wrong.

Gosh, I'm long winded lately! Sorry about that, it's been a whirlwind 24 hours!
: Re: Uh-oh! Big trouble
: chaos270 April 24, 2006, 03:21:13 AM
The only reason to quarantine is if skin is broken I believe.  Sadie really shouldn't be quarantined because she's up to date on everything and was defending herself or her 'property' the cat.  She wasn't vicious to the other dog she just picked it up and away from her cat.

Also my mom suggested you should invite all the newfs over for a meetngreet before you sell ;D. I think you're right to get out of a situation where they're discriminating against you for your dog's size.
: Re: Uh-oh! Big trouble
: Tspanos April 24, 2006, 03:22:04 AM
Shawna it sounds like your on the right road now. I am glad your listening to everyone. One thing I am glad your coworker brought to your attention is the possible need to quarantine Sadie as a result of the little shit being quarantined. It is remote but it is a possibility.

Yeah you are rather long winded the last 24 hrs, but you've also had alot happen. So give Sadie a big hug and we'll be waiting for the next chapter.
: Re: Uh-oh! Big trouble
: Winslow 151 April 24, 2006, 03:29:35 AM
Hi Shawna,

Wow this all stinks!! That little lady of yours was correct in her actions and her defense of her family !! Way to go Sadie!! Way to go the rest of the complex to support you and that fiesty girl of yours!!

We have one of these pens (not this one exactly)at the house to block off the driveway and keep Winslow in the yard. They are inexpensive and fairly attractive,(better then chain link or chicken wire) you can get 2 to make a bigger area, I know you are not in the wrong and that Sadie should not have to be peened up but if you put this at the base of the proch if Sadie or maggie get out it would at least be a block between them and Psyco dog and owner.
: Re: Uh-oh! Big trouble
: Mom2Sadie April 24, 2006, 03:37:07 AM
The only reason to quarantine is if skin is broken I believe.  Sadie really shouldn't be quarantined because she's up to date on everything and was defending herself or her 'property' the cat.  She wasn't vicious to the other dog she just picked it up and away from her cat.

Also my mom suggested you should invite all the newfs over for a meetngreet before you sell ;D. I think you're right to get out of a situation where they're discriminating against you for your dog's size.

Sadie didn't break his skin as far as I know (God knows he's probably made of steel the little sh*t) but he did break hers. It's probably worse case scenario but still, I'd rather not do it to her if I can help it.

There will most definitely be a newfie (and Saint for Zoey) gathering at my teeny little house before I sell. We definitely need to trash the yard before I move, Sadie hasn't done nearly enough damage yet. I had wanted to move anyway, I just planned on waiting another year, but I think its better to do it now. We'll be much happier somewhere on our own, maybe with a fenced yard so I don't need to worry about other people's idiot dogs anymore. We'll see what happens, it's much easier to say you want to sell than to actually have everything work out.
: Re: Uh-oh! Big trouble
: Winslow 151 April 24, 2006, 03:40:22 AM
Here is that lnk that should work
: Re: Uh-oh! Big trouble
: Mom2Sadie April 24, 2006, 03:57:44 AM
Here is that lnk that should work

You know, I actually have one of those from when she was little. I used to use it as a playpen in the kitchen. I didn't even think of it, but it's not a bad idea. That way if Maggie gets out, there will be something in her way and Sadie wouldn't be able to get out either. I'll set it up tonight. Thanks for the idea!

And yeah it turns out not ALL my neighbors are big stupid idiots after all. All of them that I've talked to so far have been 100% on our side, offering to help in any way they can. So maybe that's one good thing that came out of it, at least I'm much more friendly with other neighbors now that they've offered to back my girl up. Makes me much more willing to ignore the fact that they fail to clean up their doggie's poo :)
: Re: Uh-oh! Big trouble
: Imani's Mom April 24, 2006, 05:28:58 AM
Not sure about the laws where you are, but the law here in upstate NY says that if a dog has proof of a current rabies vaccine, and has possible exposure to rabies (insane little psycho dog is close enough), a rabies booster within 5 days of injury is all that is required.   The quarantine issue only comes up if the dog is not current on rabies vaccine,  but that would cover the psycho-dog if s/he has not had shots kept to date.   Anyway, maybe you need to teach your baby to poop on command, and next time that little booger is offleash, she could back up and dump on him/her just for good measure.
: Re: Uh-oh! Big trouble
: ZooCrew April 24, 2006, 06:23:04 AM
Glad to hear you filed the complaint.  Even if it had consequences, I think it was the right thing to do.  that way, in the future, even if after you move, the dog attacks another dog/person/cat/whatever, they will have this on record.

As for the quarantine, as the animal control person told you, most places will let you do an inhome quarantine, if it comes to that.  In which case there is nothing to worry about.

I hope you are able to get out of there and into a new place in a reasonable amount of time.  Good luck and keep us updated.
: Re: Uh-oh! Big trouble
: Mom2Sadie April 24, 2006, 10:00:14 PM
Well, since it was sort of a she said/she said sort of deal, there wasn't a heck of a lot they could do. They just slapped them with a $25 fine (thanks to my neighbors backing me up on the leash issue) and that was pretty much the end of that. I can't prove that it was their dog that did that to my cat, blah, blah, blah. They did have to show that the dog was up to date on vaccinations which was a relief to me. Demon woman's husband did come over after the fact to talk to me about it, and he was actually very nice which surprised me. He agreed to pay the vet bill in full and said he hopes we can just drop the issue now and be civil. He apologized for his wife and said if anything happens in the future to come talk to him. I got the impression that he knows something's not right with that dog. I told him I can agree to be civil and talk with him and explained that the reason this happened at all was because of his wife's reaction to the incident. And I made a point to let him know that if I see that dog without a leash again, I'll be calling county animal services again and taking pictures. He said the dog chokes himself on a leash which is why they don't use one. So I showed him Sadie's harness from when she was a baby and I was afraid she'd wriggle out of the collar. Hopefully, they'll use one or something anyway, because if I see him off leash again I can't be held accountable for my actions! The issue with the HOA is still a little up in the air, we both have to fill out a sort of incident report and the board will review it. I feel better after talking with him instead of his demon wife, and I know all the neighbors are on our side. Even the stupid lady who ties her poor Husky up all the time backed us up. So I think we should be ok. I hope so anyway. That was a big giant PITA. Thanks for 'listening' to me rant.
: Re: Uh-oh! Big trouble
: Jessdryden April 24, 2006, 10:03:33 PM
Yikes, what a mess.  It sounds like the neighbor's husband is reasonable, though.  Bella, Sasha, and I just wanted to send some good thoughts your way!  We're hoping for the best.  So sorry you had to deal with all this! :P
: Re: Uh-oh! Big trouble
: Softhug April 25, 2006, 01:56:27 AM
I am glad to hear that this is all getting ironed out.  Wife sounds a bit looney, thank God the husband has his head screwed on straight.  Just remember, you did what was right.  What if next time it is someones child and not a dog or cat? 
: Re: Uh-oh! Big trouble
: Mom2Sadie April 25, 2006, 02:28:58 AM
Yeah, I did feel like kind of a jerk when I went home to walk Sadie at lunch today and the poor guy was signing for the certified letter I sent him. He'll have to realize I sent it before we talked right?
: Re: Uh-oh! Big trouble
: NoDogNow April 25, 2006, 02:47:46 AM
Don't feel bad.  In a situation like this, you've GOT to have documentation of everything you do--which is what you tell him if it ever comes up ("Oh, I sent it registered so I had a receipt to put in Sadie's vet file...")

Besides...he knows he's married to a nut with a psycho rat dog. 

He'll probably just assume you sent it registered so that you'd have proof that it got delivered if SHE got it and threw it away.

I'm just glad SOMEONE is being reasonable about this with you.

: Re: Uh-oh! Big trouble
: smsmith May 03, 2006, 04:17:32 AM

Anything new on this situation?
: Re: Uh-oh! Big trouble
: Mom2Sadie May 03, 2006, 09:56:15 AM

Anything new on this situation?

Nothing really new, but it did get resolved amongst ourselves. They agreed to keep their dog leashed (which, so far, they have done) and pay for Sadie and Maggie's vet visit and I agreed to let it go. The complaint with animal control is filed however, so if anything ever happens again, it's there. Hopefully won't have to. The husband is really very nice and reasonable and asked that if there's ever a problem again that I deal with him. I really wish it had been him out with the dogs that day, maybe this never would've gotten so out of control. It has been awkward running into them -mostly it's awkward with her. I'm looking around at houses, but unfortunately it's not a good seller's market right now so I may have to wait awhile and save up more. So it's good that the situation didn't remain so volitile.
: Re: Uh-oh! Big trouble
: BabsT May 03, 2006, 07:33:00 PM
Maybe you should give this article to the HOA, Neighbor and lawyer... granted I think it is unfair for the dog in the article but the womans lost her cat

HAMPTON FALLS - A golden retriever is charged with being a vicious animal after it ran into an adjacent yard on Merchant Way and allegedly killed a neighbor’s cat.
Two golden retrievers chased after the cat, which was in its own yard, said Police Chief Robbie Dirsa. No one saw the dogs kill the cat, but one golden retriever brought the dead cat home, he said.

This dog, a 12-year-old golden retriever is charged with being vicious. Because this is the dog’s first offense, the animal will not be put down, Dirsa said.

The town follows state law that establishes a "three-strikes" policy.

"It would have to do a couple more things; not necessarily kill." Dirsa said.

The owner, Lisa Lee, of 8 Merchant Road, is also charged with having a dog at large for the second golden retriever that was seen running after the cat.

The day after the March 31 incident, Lee was again charged with allowing the two golden retrievers to run loose. She was fined $100 on the vicious dog charge and given three summons of $25 each on the charges of having dogs at large.

Lee paid the total $175 fine on Monday, said Dirsa. She is not required to go to court.

The town follows state law in requiring dog owners to leash or restrain their pets, Dirsa said.

The cat owner is very upset, Dirsa said. She declined comment, but the cat was 4 years old and a rare breed called a Scottish Fold, Dirsa said.

Police went to the house about 3 p.m. on March 31. A Merchant Way neighbor saw the dogs chasing after something, but wasn’t sure what it was, Dirsa said.

Another neighbor saw the dog emerge from the yard with the cat in its mouth.

Cats are pretty much allowed to run free and are not required to be licensed, Dirsa said. This cat was in its own yard and the dogs trespassed, according to the police report.

Dirsa said pet owners should be warned that New Hampshire law allows homeowners to shoot to kill animals deemed a threat on their property.

According to an Associated Press report, a Seattle court last year awarded $45,000 in damages to a 71-year-old woman who sued her neighbor after his dog killed her cat. Paula Roemer’s 12-year-old cat, Yofi, was killed in her back yard in February 2004 by her neighbor’s chow. Roemer said her cat’s death left her with sleep disturbances, panic attacks, depression and caused her to begin smoking heavily. The court set damages at $30,000 for the pet’s special value and $15,000 for emotional distress.

"I think people need to keep their dogs tied up and on leashes," Dirsa said. "It really does affect the neighbors. They may have the best-natured dogs. This was a cat. It could have been a child or anything else in its path."

This is not the first incident of a dog becoming vicious in a pursuit of a cat, Dirsa said. In another incident, a pit bull ran into a house after a cat. The homeowner managed to stop the dog from killing the cat by beating the animal with a shovel
: Re: Uh-oh! Big trouble
: Mom2Sadie May 03, 2006, 07:55:01 PM
Thanks Babs, that's actually pretty close to where I live, but I'm over the Massachusetts border so the laws may be different here. What a sad story. In this case, I can't blame the dog. Goldens are large and could easily kill a cat by accident. Even in my case, I don't totally blame the dog, I blame it's idiot owner who gives it every opportunity to behave badly. Such a shame :-\
: Re: Uh-oh! Big trouble
: BabsT May 03, 2006, 07:58:38 PM
You are close to mass?  I am in ma LOL
: Re: Uh-oh! Big trouble
: Mom2Sadie May 03, 2006, 07:59:41 PM
You are close to mass?  I am in ma LOL

Yes! I'm in Lowell! Where are you?
: Re: Uh-oh! Big trouble
: BabsT May 03, 2006, 08:04:48 PM
South Shore LOL... Weymouth area
: Re: Uh-oh! Big trouble
: Mom2Sadie May 03, 2006, 08:06:38 PM
South Shore LOL... Weymouth area
That's funny. I'm actually almost in NH I'm so far North!
: Re: Uh-oh! Big trouble
: Winslow 151 May 03, 2006, 08:17:31 PM

Hey Babs you are down by Fumble we need to do another get together maybe down on the cape, before it gets too crazy down there. Says the other BPOer from Lowell
: Re: Uh-oh! Big trouble
: smsmith May 04, 2006, 02:38:08 AM
He said the dog chokes himself on a leash which is why they don't use one. 

I think this says it all -- "oh poor dog, if I put a leash on him, he'll choke."   They probably don't make their children behave, either.  Why is it too hard for some people to find information about training a damn dog?  I haven't spent a dime on training and I've learned about 5 ways to train dogs.  (I haven't trained Einstein to walk outside without a leash and to sit quietly in the front yard, but I'm not a miracle worker! And he CAN behave pretty well on a leash.)