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Saint Bernards => Saint Bernard General Discussions => : waffles717 June 01, 2005, 07:35:02 AM

: We Have An Important Messege are Maggie Almost Died this Weekend! Due To a Chew!
: waffles717 June 01, 2005, 07:35:02 AM
We,All Need To be aware of these thing's in our home's with these Big Dog's when we get them,one,min they are a cute puppy,know she is 75 pounds,she con't chew on the same thing's she did at two mo's know she is 5,mo's,she was chewing,on a 6,in chew,thing sun night,and swallowed it and got stuck in her throught,! she could not breath,we live to far away for the animal Hosp, so I put her on her side took her collor off put my Hand Down her Throught, and Pulled it out,I only was able to get a quarter of an in, and that was all I needed to Save my Dog's Life! We Need To Be More Careful,This Maggie is a Dog of a life Time to us,And I was Not about to Lose Her Over A Chewie! So She Will have to Have A Diffenente For Large Dog's Only!!!! This is a Very Important Messesage look at the labels I sure am I am writing to the company's my self know and telling this story this is true!! my Husband said that night and Mother in law stay Calm,for what so maggie could Die,If I Did not Do What I Did She Would not be here Today! There is no Time to be Calm in that Situation,I at that Point I was the only one there that truly know what to Do,Thank God!!This is a Must Letter For All Paws Reads To Read Thank you please throw out all Small Chewie's !!!!We Sure Did P,s,Maggie is Getting a BaBy,Sister,A New Saint Bernard!!! For Momm'a 50thBirthdayfr om,S,D,she with come in Aug,Her Name is Becky!! Love it!!!!That Becky will be all the time!!!! ::)Loveyou!!! ;)Becky!!!!
: Re: We Have An Important Messege are Maggie Almost Died this Weekend! Due To a Chew!
: jabear June 01, 2005, 07:53:09 AM
I'm glad that you were able to save poor Maggie! Your quick actions worked. Thanks for the reminder on small chews too. Congrats on your new baby sister for her too!
: Re: We Have An Important Messege are Maggie Almost Died this Weekend! Due To a Chew!
: mastiffmommy June 01, 2005, 12:48:10 PM
A very good reminder.... I am relieved to hear that Maggie is okay, that must have been such a horrible scare for you.

It is something that we can not be reminded of often enough. You know how you have that rule about toys for infants and babies, they have to be or a certain size so you know they can not poke it down their throats.

There should be a simioar pretty easy rule for our big and giant dogs. And not only the issue of them being too small, since they have quite powerful teeth and jaws, they can also tear toys up and then they parts can be of equal danger.

Your post actually made me go around the house and look at all our toys and make sure they were all okay and nothing tore apart or too small.

Give Maggie a big slobber kiss from me and my puppies

: Re: We Have An Important Messege are Maggie Almost Died this Weekend! Due To a Chew!
: GYPSY JAZMINE June 01, 2005, 03:45:41 PM
Thank for the heads up! :)
: Re: maggie want's to say Good Morniing!!
: waffles717 June 01, 2005, 11:31:08 PM
 :oGood Morning to all my Reader's and Animal Lover's Thank you so much for Careing about me what a Great Group we have! Love maggie!!!! :-* :-* :-* :-*
: Re: We Have An Important Messege are Maggie Almost Died this Weekend! Due To a Chew!
: nickerbokker June 01, 2005, 11:36:15 PM
holy that maggie?

shes HUGE
: I Am Only Half Way Grown!!!
: waffles717 June 02, 2005, 11:27:11 AM
So I must Stay out of Trouble and With Baby Beckie coming I got a lot of growing to do before she come's, this is a cool place to live,they have a acre, and a Big House and a Fence Yard and Love,But most of all I love Driving around with my momma in the Car We are Also getting a home upstate,too in two year,s so we will have more room,they already have the propery! Boy i can't wait for that,So I am six mo i weigh 80 when lay down almost 5 feet long almost Don't feet in my Kennel and it is the BIGEST OnE they make not sure what we will do know maybe there bed!! sounds good to me!! better go for my walk and i got buy my dad a Bithday Gift He is a really nice Guy Even if he Did not Know what to do when i Got the Chewie Stuck in my throught!!! All I Can Say is Thank God My Mamma was There!!!!Happy Birthday Daddy We Love You After all you are the, Bread and Butter,for us here!! we love so much could do any thing with out you love,Maggie!!!
: Re: We Have An Important Messege are Maggie Almost Died this Weekend! Due To a Chew!
: Carolyn June 02, 2005, 11:34:30 AM
Not just toys, Apache almost choked on a milkbone biscuit. At first I panic'd, then calmed myself & managed to get it out of his throat. Scared the ---- out of me.
: Re: We Have An Important Messege are Maggie Almost Died this Weekend! Due To a Chew!
: awo June 02, 2005, 05:31:21 PM
I'm glad to hear your baby is okay.  Here is just an FYI for you.  The American Red Cross has a CPR/First Aid course for animals.  I'm certified and let me tell you, it will come in handy.  If your dog is ever choking again, you can sit him on his honches and give him upper respitory thrusts just like you would a human choking.  They also teach you how to give CPR for large breeds aswell.  Good luck with your doggies.

: Re: We Have An Important Messege are Maggie Almost Died this Weekend! Due To a C
: Yaz June 02, 2005, 06:51:40 PM
So glad Maggie is okay. That's happened to me before with various dogs - those darn rawhides can get stuck on the roof of their mouth near their throat and they can't dislodge them! In fact, it happened to Guinness just last week  - he was chewing a rawhide past the point where I normally let him (before it gets too small) and started to gag on it. My hubby started to freak out because he'd never seen that before, but I quickly put my hand in his mouth and pulled it out. The best thing to do with rawhides is to always supervise when they chew them.
: Re: We Have An Important Messege are Maggie Almost Died this Weekend! Due To a Chew!
: LuvmyMal June 02, 2005, 08:26:53 PM
Don't get the big chewys either, tonka is  5 months old and they give them to her at the vet, well until we told them not to, she has even put a large one all the way in her mouth and I had to pull it out. I know it is suppose to be better than rawhide, but she gets neither one! The brand she had was the CET. we only give her Kongs to chew on now.
: Re: We Have An Important Messege are Maggie Almost Died this Weekend! Due To a Chew!
: awo June 02, 2005, 08:34:48 PM
I'm sorry that so many people have had problems with bones and what not.  I must be the lucky one with Dudley.  He gets pig ears, bones, rib bones, rawhides.  He has never choked on a thing since seven weeks of age.  I know all dogs and owners are different, but we have had good luck with them.  I think it comes down to the dog and owner.  I wouldn't tell anyone not to give their dog treats like these otherwise.  I know I'm going to here about this, but go ahead with all comments.

: Re:I Agree,For Sure And Please Read All My New Note's!!!!!
: waffles717 June 03, 2005, 06:11:17 AM
Dear Cutie!!! Maggie Say's this is so right, And she is also glad you where there for her,when he needed you,In these Cases Luck is not a word we Should use let's Get that out there, If you give one of the Wrong size Bones, Luck will not safe Him!!!!You Watch your Pup and Read and Learn, and love Her Or Him! Love maggie!!!! ::) :o :-*
: Re: Sound's Good to me Couse in June we Beckie Coming!!!
: waffles717 June 03, 2005, 06:17:23 AM
IWould Love To Find out Where I could go to take that, n,y, let me know thank you! maggie say's have a good day!!
: Re: We Have An Important Messege are Maggie Almost Died this Weekend! Due To a Chew!
: NatsaintB June 03, 2005, 07:04:46 AM
How 'bout those Mariners?????? ;D  I just love you girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

YAAAAAAAAAAAAA YAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
: Re: We Have An Important Messege are Maggie Almost Died this Weekend! Due To a Chew!
: greek4 June 03, 2005, 07:34:09 AM
Good subject change, NatsaintB, do you happen to be a middle child?

My dogs love rawhides and end up chewing them down to chokable size no matter what the original size.  I am just careful when they have them and how soft they get.  I have pulled a couple out of their mouths but none that were completely cutting off their oxygen.  I think it all depends on the dog.   ???

: Re: Let's just Be Kind to our Animal's How's that!!!!!!!!
: waffles717 June 03, 2005, 09:37:24 AM
 :DHello,To Dear,Fellow Sir's out there I Mean to come accros that way! :-*http://God Bless All of you and Thank God we can have one so Let's be Friends and Kissey Kissey and Make up how's that!! :-*So Have a wonderful weekend From maggie & Beckie & Please Sir Let me know more about that Cpr,Class I want to know about that o,k, so Let's Be Friend's My Real name is mary lee!!! Im not that Bad,Just a Fighter, ::)When said you would come to my home you must be a nice Guy!! Too,So One Thing I Have Learned Over the year's you are not alway's right about averything and AveryBody! So if I said anything on here To Hurt in anyway I am Turly sorry I Did not mean for it to come out that way!! Sincerly marylee & Maggie & Beckie!!!! Pleace Send that info!!!!!!!! ::) :o ;)
: Re: P,S, If Those New York Yankee's don't Win Tonight????
: waffles717 June 03, 2005, 09:55:57 AM
I Might Be Sleeping With Maggie in Her in Her Kennel Tonight!!! It Will be a Tight Fight!!She is Five Feet Long,This is getteng bad!!! Can anyone out there get the Bat's Moving???  :o :P :-XLove marylee & maggie & beckie!!! :DN,y,Yankee's!!!
: Re: We Have An Important Messege are Maggie Almost Died this Weekend! Due To a Chew!
: newflvr June 14, 2005, 10:59:50 PM
Along the same aware that "Greenies" are just as dangerous!  A close friend almost lost her doberman from one of those nasty bits!  The ER vet that takes care of Cowboy (and also operated on her dog) said that it is her most common procedure.  They are mostly wax, which, when in warms inside our little sweet pups can close off the intestine, esphogus, etc.  She gave me a stern warning about giving them to my Newfs.  They have a tendency to swallow them before they are completely chomped up.