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BPO Food Forum => Food Discussion & Information => : schelmischekitty April 04, 2007, 06:24:53 AM

: i need more feeding advice
: schelmischekitty April 04, 2007, 06:24:53 AM
ok, i feed diesel once in the morning and once in the afternoon.  usually about 9-10am and then again at about 4pm and we'll take him out hourly until 12 midnight.  here's the problem.  the past week diesel hasn't been able to hold it all night   ???  he wakes us up every 2 hours even after his midnight potty break (to the minute) and he'll give you two warnings, first he'll whine quietly and then he'll bark right in your ear.  if you don't RUN to the door, he has an accident.  you can tell he's really trying to hold it because he's squatting the whole time he's walking, he just can't do it.  how often is it ok to feed dogs?  could i feed him at 9-10am and then again at lunch time, or would his body just everything right through him?  he still needs some weight on him, so i don't want to go down to feeding him once a day  :-\
: Re: i need more feeding advice
: Anakalia April 04, 2007, 06:28:14 AM
Is he wanting to do the #1 or #2 every two hours?  If it's just a pee thing then you could try putting up the water a couple hours before bedtime. 
: Re: i need more feeding advice
: schelmischekitty April 04, 2007, 06:31:10 AM
he poops, it's so nasty, it's the last thing i wanna clean up at 2am in the morning lol
: Re: i need more feeding advice
: mama23+pyrs2 April 04, 2007, 06:31:45 AM
I just want to say I sympathize, I can't imagine still doing those potty runs at 10 mos? Oh lord, what have I gotten myself into. :-X Shouldn't he be able to hold it longer than every hour at that age? Gosh, I was hoping so. :-\

I'm sure you'll get some great advice. Ours get fed bright and early at around 6-6:30 am and then I usually don't feed them again until 3. I'm trying to work out a better schedule too. If I feed them sooner than 3 they didn't seem hungry but once 3 is their last meal, I'm sure they're hungry again.. I just don't know. Maybe I need to throw another meal in there in the early evening.. well I'm just talking out loud. I'll be interested to hear what advice you get.
: Re: i need more feeding advice
: Anakalia April 04, 2007, 06:35:54 AM
Hmmmm, Koby goes about twice a day (in the morning and before bed). I feed him at 8:30am then again between 8-9pm.  I started feeding him so late last summer, it was soooo hot out and he wouldn't get an appetite until the sun went down, he got on a schedule and we just stuck with it.  Sometimes I'll give him some food around lunchtime if he's giving me that "Mom I'm starving" look. lol Good luck, cleaning up poo at 2am does NOT sound fun at all!
: Re: i need more feeding advice
: mama23+pyrs2 April 04, 2007, 06:45:12 AM
Hmmmm, Koby goes about twice a day (in the morning and before bed). I feed him at 8:30am then again between 8-9pm.  I started feeding him so late last summer, it was soooo hot out and he wouldn't get an appetite until the sun went down, he got on a schedule and we just stuck with it.  Sometimes I'll give him some food around lunchtime if he's giving me that "Mom I'm starving" look. lol Good luck, cleaning up poo at 2am does NOT sound fun at all!

Twice a day??!! Man, I'll trade you mine for Koby ;D That would be heaven
: Re: i need more feeding advice
: schelmischekitty April 04, 2007, 06:46:56 AM
diesel is usually REALLY good about holding it all night.  as a matter of fact, he usually won't go potty after about 7 and holds it until 6 in the morning.  he just started this, i'm not sure why.  there's nothing wrong with him, so i figure maybe it's just his schedule.  since he's starting to gain weight maybe his body isn't sucking as much up as it used to so he has to go potty more now   ???  i'm not sure how stuff like that works.
: Re: i need more feeding advice
: mama23+pyrs2 April 04, 2007, 06:52:54 AM
Gosh, I hope you can figure it out..that kinda clean up would be awful. Ours don't do #2 past like late afternoon either, only have pee accidents. Maybe try moving his last meal back a little and see? If the accidents appear normal that's what I would try.
: Re: i need more feeding advice
: schelmischekitty April 04, 2007, 07:00:41 AM
do you mean moving it back later?  that's a death warrant.  tried that, that's why we're feeding at 4 now ha ha.  if you feed him after 5 he jumps on the back door all night and screams horribly loud, regardless of how many times he's been out.  at least now he isn't jumping on the door and waking the whole house up ha ha.
: Re: i need more feeding advice
: mama23+pyrs2 April 04, 2007, 09:01:16 AM
do you mean moving it back later?  that's a death warrant.  tried that, that's why we're feeding at 4 now ha ha.  if you feed him after 5 he jumps on the back door all night and screams horribly loud, regardless of how many times he's been out.  at least now he isn't jumping on the door and waking the whole house up ha ha.

No I meant push it back a little- feed a little earlier, and make sure he goes the last time he's out before bed (easier said than done I know). You say he's waking up now every 2 hours at night, is that to go #2? or both? That's a heck of a lot of poo if that's the case. :o
: Re: i need more feeding advice
: mama23+pyrs2 April 04, 2007, 09:02:03 AM
Anything at all new in his diet? It just seems very odd
: Re: i need more feeding advice
: bluskygirl April 04, 2007, 09:32:23 AM
I haven't always been on enough to remember if Diesel has any specific food issues... but it seems strange to me that he would need to poo every 2 hours.  You said it's nasty? Like loosey-goosey? I wonder if he has a "bug" in his track, or a metabolism issue or something.

Bella goes two-three times a day, usually once in the morning, once in the evening and sometimes on our walk at the park.  She gets fed similar to Koby; once about 7:00 am and then again at 7:00pm. I guess I don't know Diesel's whole story, but it seems like things are "moving" too fast in his system, ya know?
: Re: i need more feeding advice
: schelmischekitty April 04, 2007, 09:40:29 AM
he does go poop and pee every time at night, although the pee i think is more out of habit.  this just recently started, he usually only goes like 3 times a day.  he doesn't usually have any tummy issues or anything, but right now it's odd b/c he either has diahhrea from "h*ll-o" or he is constipated but this is only at night, during the day he's fine (or maybe his system is just empty)  ???  no new foods or stressors in his life.  maybe he does have a tummy virus, but then wouldn't some of our other dogs be acting like this since most virus' are contagious or at least wouldn't he act like this all day too?  during the day he doesn't ask to go potty, he doesn't have diahhrea (his poop is normal), nothing.  it just starts right after i go to bed.  he sleeps in the room with us, so i know it's not anxiety (unless he's suddenly anxious that i'm asleep?)  also, we haven't switched out bed time routine at all.  nothing new there. 
: Re: i need more feeding advice
: schelmischekitty April 04, 2007, 09:42:51 AM
we have had a fecal done, and nothing there.  not a single type of worm (we had him wormed for every worm imaginable a few months back b/c the vet couldn't get a poop sample)
: Re: i need more feeding advice
: schelmischekitty April 04, 2007, 09:47:08 AM
nothing (which confirmed that he wasn't gaining weight at first purely b/c he was upset)  the second time we went and he wasn't gaining weight still, the vet tested for everything under the sun.  twice.  diesel wasn't as tight butted that trip.
: Re: i need more feeding advice
: schelmischekitty April 04, 2007, 09:51:35 AM
tonight i'll have to "pretend" to be asleep and see if something is upsetting him.  nothing has changed though.  i guess i'll do that and push his supper to lunch and cut down on amounts.
: Re: i need more feeding advice
: Brownis15 April 04, 2007, 01:25:30 PM
Wow this is weird, my papillon merlin just had the SAME THING. he is 2 years old and he is usually crated at night next to the bed, well three days ago at like 1am he started screaming so i let him out and he pooped, loose like you described, then went back to bed, then again at 3 am the same, and at 5am, and then i had to go to work!
during the day he was fine!

Usually with this i would recommend holding his food for 24 hours and let his system settle a little, i cant do that with merlin cos he is so small and they can get hypoglycemic if not fed.
So I took him to the vet yesturday and he doesnt have any "friends", but is on an intestinal antibiotic and was fine last night.

I would hold his food for one day and give him a couple of spoonfuls of non fat plain yogurt with active bacteria in the morning and at night, and let him have access to water. Let his insides rest and then go back to normal feedings the next day, and see what happens. If it does start again go to the vet cos he may have a bad bug in his tummy.

The good news is none of the other dogs got it. But if he is consistantly good and then this starts to happen, it usually is a medical problem.

: Re: i need more feeding advice
: ZooCrew April 04, 2007, 02:29:20 PM
Huh, that is interesting.  gunther went thru a similar thing, but only for about a week or so.  Luckily he would come to wake me up if he had to go (Keiko does not do that).  It cleared up on it's own right as I was thinking about making a vet appt.

Have you upped the food level at all?  Gunther normally goes 2-3 times day and gets fed at 11am, 5pm, and 9pm........whi ch will have to change once we move again and I don't have my dad to feed everyone midday.
: Re: i need more feeding advice
: schelmischekitty April 05, 2007, 02:16:37 AM
nope, i haven't changed how much he eats, or anything.  everything is the same as always here.  i'm super big on schedules ha ha.  the only thing i can think of is peanut usually sleeps on my pillow and recently he started sleeping at the foot of the bed under the blanket.  with diesel being so "attached" to him, could it upset him super bad if he can't reach to check on his "little nut man" at night?  (the foot of the bed is towards the corner where diesel can't get in between).  that's the only thing i can think of, because during the day time peanut is attached to diesel's feet.

p.s.-  peanut got the nn "little nut man" because he looks like a peanut, and because he has a stuffie that if you throw on the floor the second it hits he runs to it and starts humping it eweeeeeeeeeee.  sick nn i know, but it fits him ha ha.
: Re: i need more feeding advice
: Anakalia April 05, 2007, 02:21:39 AM
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA A!!! Little Nut Man is too funny!  Maybe Diesel gets nervous when he doesn't know where LNM is?   I know if Koby's nervous it makes him have to "go". 
: Re: i need more feeding advice
: schelmischekitty April 05, 2007, 02:24:12 AM
that's the ONLY thing i can think of.  i asked hubby he said he couldn't think of anything so i stayed up until about 1 or 2 and that seemed to upset diesel some?   ???
: Re: i need more feeding advice
: mama23+pyrs2 April 05, 2007, 03:32:21 AM
that's the ONLY thing i can think of.  i asked hubby he said he couldn't think of anything so i stayed up until about 1 or 2 and that seemed to upset diesel some?   ???

So he was up again every 2 hours? Gosh I hope something as simple as the dog changing where he sleeps wouldn't upset him to that degree. Is he super sensitive about everything else?
: Re: i need more feeding advice
: schelmischekitty April 05, 2007, 03:38:35 AM
diesel is very *mental* sometimes.  we got him from a horrible breeder, and he's still messed up in his head (he was 4 months old and weighed about 20 something lbs, had sores on almost every joint on his body, missing hair, and was terrified of everything.  we put him out in the yard not realizing how freaky his was and he almost impaled himself on a stick b/c he got scared of who knows what).  we don't think he'll ever be 100% right.  we've had him almost 6 months and still can't take him out in public without worrying about him spazzing out with his eyes rolling in the back of his head, etc.  we adopted another dane in january i think and it caused him to stop gaining weight and he got really bad looking for a while again, the day she left he was fine.  he is extremely sensitive to his environment.  the slightest change in something will cause him not to eat, and be very skiddish again.  guess it's a good thing we're such a stickler on schedules ha ha.
: Re: i need more feeding advice
: mama23+pyrs2 April 05, 2007, 03:48:03 AM
Oh my goodness, I had no idea. Well I suppose something minor like that could upset him that much then, wow, he sounds like a lot of work, bless you! Poor guy :( I hope he eventually grows out of most of that, I guess it hasn't been that long in actuality since he's been out of the bad enviroment.

I wish I had more ideas, that one sounds complicated considering his history.. :-\ That's a tough one.